Sunday, August 29, 2010

President Erkle

Good lord.

Look, I'm not for the faux photo ops that Sarkozy and Putin deliberately put on to entice the weaker minded females of the population into voting for them, but could we at least has some freaking dignity in the office of the President?


  1. Anonymous4:05 PM

    He looks like a responsible person who knows what's good for the environment


    btw, you probably meant 'Urkel', not 'Erkle'

  2. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Did I do tha-at?

    For the record, I think Urkel would do a much better job than the current occupant.

  3. Have times changed since I was 13, or is that a women's bike he's riding?

  4. Mark stole my thunder. The top bar on that bike should be about parallel to the ground if he's riding a men's bike. Looks like the President needs a skirt!

    Also, the seat is WAY TOO LOW. Granted, Obama is a taller man, but would figure that the liberals that want to push us all into bicycles would be able to find him one that fits!

  5. I remember numerous pictures of Bush riding.

    There was a big difference though. Bush actually looked like he wanted to be on the bike, and that he actually enjoyed the exercise.

