Monday, June 13, 2011

As If Apple Products Aren't Overpriced Enough

One of the fringe benefits of taking the occasional computer networking course at the local community college is that you start to understand the world of "geek humor" or the social side of the computer world.

For example, most of you have NO clue what the big hubbub is between "Mac" and "Windows" and "Linux." (Answer - It's nothing, TRUST ME. Just go back to using Window's machines and enjoy your lives citizens)

Or, when an IT geek cuts a joke and all the other geeks laugh, is it really that funny? (Answer - No, even when you understand the punch line, the jokes are really not that funny).

But every once in a while when the IT and economics worlds mix, it gets really interesting.


  1. Anonymous9:15 AM

    The comments were uniformly negative on the idea.

  2. Anonymous9:30 AM

    My biggest problem in working with and having the mainstay of my skilled background be involved with IT is the very liberal and socialist mindset that goes with it. I think it may have something to do with it being a set of professions wherein technical skill, knowledge, and (hopefully) intelligence are required, but are exercised without the slightest background knowledge for other fields (such as economics).

    Whatever the reason, I find other programmers unbearable. Good luck dealing with their braindamaged sense of humor.

  3. He makes $14 an hour at a part time job in retail. He's part time and making $14/hour so I doubt he works the "Genius Bar"... he's probably Concierge. Count his lucky stars... At 30 maybe he should think of other careers if he wants to make more money.

  4. "TRUST ME. Just go back to using Window's machines and enjoy your lives citizens"

    Did you once play Paranoia?

  5. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Hey Leave off other people's sense of humor. It amuses them? Right? Good.

    Your jokes are dull too.

  6. Ryan Fuller6:48 PM

    Some IT jokes are really funny. Some aren't. Same as all humor. Any joke where the punchline is "LOL MICROSOFT IS BAD" is pretty much doomed to suck, and depending on the IT guys you're hanging out with those might be flying every 30 seconds or so.

  7. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Apple is hardly the paragon of virtue they pretend to be:

    It's pretty damn stupid and arrogant to sue a kid who found a way of delivering something your company couldn't or wouldn't do. Massive PR fail.

    Another instance of trying to maintain a monopoly. Where's the anti-trust suit?

    Apple, you are rotten to your core.

    Less you think I'm a fan of Microshit, they practice to maintenance of their monopoly as well and are experts in the stealing of innovative technology.

  8. Ehhh, I'm going have to disagree about the humor. It really is bad. It's just not funny. Of course I could be stuck with the most unfunnny classmates, but in general, my observation about the general disagreement on OS's, protocols, networking, overclocking, graphics cards and the ensuing humor just plain isn't that funny.

  9. No, most of it isn't. But then most off the cuff jokes people throw around when they're hanging out with their friends aren't funny unless you were there at the time.

    The real problem with IT humour is that people in IT think they're smarter and cleverer than everyone else. That may have been true in the 80's, but so many people jumped on the IT bandwagon in the hopes of making a quick buck in the 90's that the industry is oversaturated with people who really don't understand computer science, but spout the common one-liners and in-jokes anyway.

    Anon@9:30 - an interesting theory; I've always assumed that a big part of the reason was that IT culture has always been hacker culture, and hackers equate The Man and The Establishment with authority/government/big business/the right. Hacker culture got started in the 80's, when Reagan was President.

  10. 30 years old and in retail. That's yer problem right there.

    Windows 7 solved 98% of my PC problems. There's no reason to buy an Apple anymore unless you want the really light Macbook Air. But Samsung and Toshiba have lightweight laptops now.

    The iPad2 is way cool; the hardware and software work great together. The Android tablets have problems or are even more expensive. I'm waiting to see the HP tablet before I commit to buying one.

    Kindle is the easiest to read, but sorry to say its capabilities suck. I just had to replace mine when it froze.

    Office 2010 blows goat testicles! They need to dump that ribbon and go back to the menus. At least give us a patch so we can go back to what we know.

    I would probably buy an Apple if it had comparable specs and price, but the iCult is a big turnoff too. I enjoy not making Steve Jobs richer.

  11. Anonymous6:32 AM

    If you want funny geek humor, go to a good image board.


    Bernd the clown
