Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A Message from EVIL Big Oil

Supplied by my EVIL contact in the EVIL big oil industry, this answers a simple question I had about whether between the US and Canada, and all the various shale oil fields we're discovering if we couldn't just simply jettison the Middle East for our energy needs.

Of course, it is from Big Oil, so it should be ignored as we continue to pin our hopes of economic recovery on that there booming "green economy."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:22 PM

    This issue is a no-brainer, yet will most likely never be addressed.
    It seems when great companies or countries are in decline, the slide never reverses. Woolworth and A&P come to mind. Hey if they change this, do that, everything will get back on track. But it never happens. The slow death march moves along, until they eventually close their doors.
    Great Empires never recapture their old glory, they just fade away.
    Why would the US restrict domestic oil production in the first place? I guess the folks in Saudi Arabia are happy.
