Monday, June 27, 2011

How's Sweden?

And this is coming from the country that was considering a "man tax."


  1. sth_txs7:24 AM

    Sometimes I think that 2012 and some catastrophes can't come soon enough. :LOL:

  2. Sonny Ortega7:31 AM

    Who in the name of Jesus would put his kids in a preschool like this? It seems like kind of a Darwinist bait to remove idiots from the gene pool by making their kids into un-dateable manginas and stuck-up feminist dykes.

  3. I have not the words...

    Well, let's see. Human nature.

    Do you really, really think that a male child that is never allowed to play with toy guns, or trucks, or ride a bike aggressively (jumps, etc...) will not do any of that on their own?

    It is like thinking that if you never let a child hear a word like fight, they will never fight. They will do it whether they know what the word is or not. Same with play with dolls versus trucks.

    Grow up people.

  4. sth_txs11:31 AM

    Sonny, maybe that is the 'conspiracy'.

  5. Ryan Fuller9:49 PM

    This is so stupid.

  6. The fact that the Soviet Union existed should tell you that mass numbers of people are perfectly capable of believing in delusional concepts for decades. Why would anyone think that this propensity that many people have would have gone away with the collapse of the Soviet Union?
