Saturday, June 25, 2011

Notice the Statistics

I like the use of charts and statistics;


  1. Eric B9:55 AM

    Good, but these two are better.

    They are short and to the point delivering the same basic lesson.

  2. Anonymous12:00 PM

    WOW! Gets me EXCITED for Election time!!

    $1 Million a day since the birth of Christ doesn't equal HALF of Obama's Defecit Spending - THIS YEAR!
    ..that is sobering.

  3. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Very powerful - preaching to the choir of course, but if the volume becomes great enough perhaps others will hear and evaluate on the merits.

  4. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Some day in the not too distant future, the word bankruptcy will be added to the legacy.
    Throughout history, countries and empires have gone broke. Americans for some really strange reason, feel the current US government can never go broke. I guess everyone might as well enjoy the big government spending binge, because the bankruptcy hangover is going to hurt.

  5. Anonymous8:57 PM

    the economy is for the most part a ponzi scheme. People expect their investments and financial returns to grow exponentially, but the world is finite. At some point we will be bumping against hard limits. Probably at the point where the lesser half of China's 1.4 billion are compelled to buy 8000 pound SUV's in order to impress their entitled princesses, hoping to gain sexual access.

    From what I read, Chinese women are much less interested in men with bicycles these days. With the exception of those men that buy "Mystery Method", and learn "game". In which case, they can pwn 100's of Chinese nubile virgins with little more than an old bicycle and a dinner of cheap white rice and fluoridated tap water.
