Thursday, June 23, 2011

Your Next Netflix

If you have not seen Cowboy Bebop (or don't even know what it is), it is the next thing you're going to put in your Netflix queue. Here is a video that not only highlights its AMAZING jazz soundtrack, but also shows you a clip of one of the better episodes;


  1. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Oh Captain my Capt,
    first your PSA of wisdom,
    now Cowboy Bebop?

    Truly, see you Space Cowboy,
    enjoy the decline!

  2. NY rush, Space Lion, Adieu there's too many to list. Take a look at Samurai Champloo. Mr. Watanabe mixes up hip hop with jidai-geki samurai era drama.
    Too bad the live action adaptation is stuck in Hollywood limbo.

  3. Own the series as well. Not as impressed with it as I was CB. I doubt there will be another CB, just like there will never be another FireFly.

  4. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Ever watch Legend of the Galactic Heroes? Older animation, space opera battles, politics, pitting two historical tacticians over the way to rule a galaxy.....

    Oh and 110 episodes x 25 min + movies. Need to torrent the dvd versions.

  5. And if y'all like Cowboy Bebop and Firefly, check out Outlaw Star and Black Lagoon.

    Anime badly needs an 18+ category. No, not as in "viewers must be older than"; I mean "all the characters are older than". Shakugan no Shana would be a hell of lot better if all the characters weren't eleven years old.

  6. Ryan Fuller5:48 PM

    I had the episode pegged at the five second mark. Definitely a great series. I second the recommendation. Black Lagoon has a similar gritty feel and heroic bloodshed, so it's another one worth watching.

    I'm always plug Spice and Wolf for anybody who likes economics and anime. It's a medieval setting, mostly pseudo-European with some Shinto elements mixed in. The main characters are a merchant and his traveling companion wolf-deity. He's 25, and she's a few centuries old, traveling incognito. He understands the economics, and she understands human nature. They travel and make money. And talk a lot.

    The first season's plot revolves around rumors of a currency revaluation, and the second season involves trying to crash a speculative bubble. The bits that aren't about economics are basically the two characters bantering or flirting with each other, and their dynamic is great. It's not for everybody because not everybody likes anime and economics. It's my all time favorite anime.

  7. Hi Captain. OT, but I thought you would like this:

  8. The music is a definite strength to the series. Caught a Youtube vid of the Seatbelts playing Tank the other day.

    It's an impressive group that provided the music.

  9. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Err. That was odd.

    Does it it get better or coherent?

  10. No Cowboy Bebop on boohoo I have nothing to do tonight.

  11. Ryan Fuller11:16 PM

    To Anonymous at 9:24, yes it makes a lot more sense when you actually watch the show. That clip was a fan-made video using just the soundtrack. The episode that clip is from actually does explain what's going on.

    Easily the most surreal episode is Mushroom Samba, where most of the characters accidentally eat some hallucinogenic mushrooms. It's a little weird.

  12. Pretty much any soundtrack producers let Yoko Kanno touch is going to be gold. Bebop was a great show but the OST made it incredible.
