Thursday, August 25, 2011

We Elect the Worst of America to Lead It

In my super awesome piece "Why You Have Bad Government" I linked the cause of bad government to the fact that the people who typically go into government have the following traits;

1. They did not have to work for a living.
2. They did not care to work for a living.
3. Because of this they majored in worthless subjects.
4. Lacking any real world experience and only knowing how to spend their parent's money, their solution is simply to spend more of other people's money.
5. They are the epitome of greed because they put themselves first ahead of society in that they ultimately do not care whether they have the wisdom, experience and morality to lead. They just want a job to make themselves feel better about themselves. I have termed them "Crusaders" (which if you want to pour yourself a martini you can watch the whole seminar on Your Tube).

I proved this by creating a pie chart of the majors of the congressional members of the Minnesota house of representatives showing, at the time, most of these people are worthless and possess no real skills or experience that would be useful to the rest of society.

Now another piece just on the national level confirming what I, your Captain knew a long time ago.
All this behooves one simple question;

Will anybody ever realize the Captain's super-awesome economic genius, or do they need to wait until markets crash and societies collapse before they have the same epiphany?


  1. why are lawyers the only people exempt from conflict of interest laws?

    Lawyers use their connection to a firm to help them get elected, then spend their time in office writing horrible confusing laws, and then afterwards spend the rest of their time arguing over what the laws actually mean in court.

    I propose that any lawyer or judge wanting to run for office must step down from the bar permanently first. This would immediately open up more seats for people who are actually capable of running something.

  2. Anonymous5:34 PM

    If they majored in real subjects, they'd have real jobs, and they'd have neither time nor interest in being elected.

  3. Anonymous8:14 PM

    "All knowledge is precious whether or not it serves the slightest human use"
    - A.E. Housman

    I think it's very hyperbolic to say anything in the humanities or most social sciences are "worthless". Training and education in those fields are necessary for a lot of people to fulfill jobs that we deem as very convenient, useful and necessary to have in society. I would hope we would philologists to translate texts that we ourselves wanted to read in our native language, English. I would hope there are social workers to try and provide better living conditions for people who might suffer from a lack of money or education. I would hope that if my family, friends or myself needed the help of a mental health professional, that they would have a degree in psychology or something of that nature. And I think it's a bit much to say that these people are stupid, being that that is a grave generalization. I do not think that one can say any group of people is inherently more intelligent than any other group of people, simply because of intellectual passion and gifts. Many physicists are not great writers, many writers not great mathematicians. I agree that there should be more representation in government of people from more diverse backgrounds, racially, by class, by occupation, but to say that any status makes you more able to serve in public office, I believe that statement to be completely false.
