Thursday, August 25, 2011

When Governments Replace Fathers and Men

Just for the record, and so all of you lefties and feminists out there know, the government will never be able to replace fathers or husbands.


And you will find that out regardless of how much Sex and the City you watch and how much Maureen Dowd you read and how much government money is funneled to you.

And sadly, you will find that out when it's too late and your chances at having a real husband and a real father and a real family are long gone.


  1. Anonymous8:46 PM

    I still would have skipped school... I had a father - that was not my issue.
    I couldn't stand the liberal school so I dropped out of HS in the late 1980's.
    I've done alright too, self employed since age 18 - middle class, was upper middle until Obama got elected...
    No one has ever asked me for my HS diploma or college diploma.

  2. People are going to find out pretty soon here just how much of a bubble there is in education.

  3. Thanks for all of the linkage Captain.
