Tuesday, November 15, 2011

"Crimson" Being the Key Word

Mankiw is an economist at Harvard.

Why he's there, I don't know.

But 10% of his class (the ones who are probably going to get C's and D's) walked out to protest the conservative nature of economics. (though I pine how many classes would even exist if students walked out because of liberal bias).

Now, understand something about economics.

It's largely math based.

So if you add 2 and 2 and get 5, you are WRONG. mathematically, factually WRONG (but then, hey, at least you're on the B honor roll at Harvard).

Additionally, it is largely logic-based as well.

Evil things such as "if nobody works, we'll all starve" or "you can't afford that because you didn't work hard enough to earn the money to pay for it" unfortunately do come into play and are presented as facts.

Naturally idiots have a hard time with math and facts which is why I will guaran-freaking-tee you that all of the 70 students that left are not in a STEM field and will further go onto produce either nothing in their lives, or worse, run for public office or join some crusder non-profit outfit to tell others how to live their lives.

In the meantime they'll be a bunch of cry babies that don't like reality.

Any takers to see if they part of the 1%? I mean, privileged, spoiled brat Harvard students? Any takers? bueller? Bueller?


  1. She doesn't know very much about economics, but she knows the perspective is skewed? I need a drink.

  2. Sonny Ortega6:18 PM

    I measure the intelligence of a person by how long he is willing and able to discuss an idea that is very controversial or important to him before he resorts to yelling, name-calling, ad hominem insults, strawmans, passive-agressive humor and ridicule, completely abandoning reason and just throwing non-sequitur emotional crap at me (woman-style arguing), or just plain leaving/ragequitting.

    I'm surprised the Occupy protesters have the mental capacity to pitch a tent.

  3. Anonymous6:22 PM

    If economics is math and logic based, then the career of Paul Krugman (Yale professor, NYT column, nobel prize) despite his notable lack of acquaintance with either math or logic is hard to explain...

  4. Notice every named whiner is female? Waaaaa, math is haaard!

  5. Not all Economics is mathematics Captain. I understand what you are saying here AND agree with you on the issue.

    But here is something that you could perhaps correct me, assuming I am wrong:

    Economics at its fundamental basis is actually based on... MORALITY!

    Economics of supply and demand is a mathematical facet of economics and a natural consequence. But the REGULATION of this process is actually REAL economics involved in policy making; rest is nature taking its course.

    We CHOOSE the capitalist ways of 'regulation' (or rather deregulation) because they work the best, but still its a choice between two exclusive options of regulating or not regulating. Of course there is a trade of of limited regulation.
