Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Yeah, DC Sucks Too

I rip on California and Detroit a lot, but don't forget DC where carrying gun SHELL CASINGS (not bullets, the casings) is illegal if they don't match the caliber of your gun.

Contrast to Wyoming where the state tendered legislation BANNING ANY CITY from making laws that restrict gun rights UNDER PENALTIES OR REMOVAL FROM OFFICE.


  1. Anonymous8:42 PM

    My favorite was when I did a job in Austin about 15 years ago at a credit union. There was a sign on the bulletin board that employees were required to accept a CCR as a valid identification for bank transactions.

  2. Anonymous2:32 AM

    Hey Cap, I just caught a link to James Altucher's blog (someone I personally find too pretentious) and found that he has released a book titled "40 Alternatives to College". You should contact him and look at a joint marketing scheme with "Worthless". Your book tells people why they shouldn't waste their time with college and Altucher's book gives people an idea what they can do instead; a perfect match.


    - Breeze

  3. Anonymous2:33 AM

    Hey Cap, I just caught a link to James Altucher's blog (someone I personally find too pretentious) and found that he has released a book titled "40 Alternatives to College". You should contact him and look at a joint marketing scheme with "Worthless". Your book tells people why they shouldn't waste their time with college and Altucher's book gives people an idea what they can do instead; a perfect match.


    - Breeze
