Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Sexual Attractiveness of Liberal "Men"

I have a long and lengthy theory about the socio-sexual-psychological-etc. of liberal men.

But the very short version is they're not attractive.


  1. I'm not sure, is that what they mean by "metrosexual"?

  2. Protesters and rioters tend to be idiots. A protest accomplishes nothing, other than making the protesters feel a little better.

    "Let them protest all they want, as long as they pay their taxes."

  3. Anonymous7:08 PM

    I can hear the girlie scream from 1500 miles away.

  4. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Is that ...thing... a man? I suppose he could have an X and a Y chromosome.

  5. sisterbrat10:13 PM

    "wow. I gotta get me some of that, stat!"

    hehehe. I can't believe I typed that with a straight face. Snort.

    I see pics of men like him and celibacy really aint that hard, y'know?

  6. I can't be as harsh as a lot of the other folks here. When I graduated from high school I was 6'2" and 125 pounds. I can relate to being an awkward beanpole of a young man. Until I was in my mid-40s, I was unable to buy stuff off of the "normal" sized rack at the clothing store.

  7. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Too all the idiots: We cannot choose the body we are born with, we can work to improve it, but at the end of the day, unless you're willing to go under the knife, or focus all your energy on changing your body, you're pretty much stuck with it.

    I have a skinny frame but I work out regularly. My arms have bulked out a bit, but you cannot tell that I'm actually in decent shape until I take my shirt off.

    If you hit it big with the genetic lottery, good for you. The rest of us have to work with what we have.

    Also, what does him being a liberal have to do with it? I can show you some butt ugly conservatives if you like?

  8. 1. BS "you're born with the body you're given." You can work out and change your diet and that will work for 95% of the population.

    2. Did I say "all" or 100% of liberals are ugly and "all" or 100% of conservatives are hot?

    No. There are ugly conservatives. However, on average, liberal men are less attractive than conservative men. I'll post the theory why later.

  9. That's what happens to men when they don't eat meat.

  10. Anonymous8:53 AM

    BS "you're born with the body you're given." You can work out and change your diet and that will work for 95% of the population.

    Ok. I come from an Indian background, and pretty much every Indian guy I know who has a athletic body, such as the ones on male Bollywood stars, has his body as his #1 focus. For those of us who work out to stay in shape but don't have it as their #1 focus, we're almost all more on the slim side. But that's compared to your average European I guess.

    Did I say "all" or 100% of liberals are ugly and "all" or 100% of conservatives are hot?

    "The Sexual Attractiveness of Liberal "Men""

    Your title makes it a blanket statement. You'd need to change it to "The Sexual attractiveness of a Liberal Man" or "The General Attractiveness of Liberal Men" for it not to cover all liberal men. It's like if I created a post that said "The average intelligence of Republicans" and then posted the IQ test of the dumbest damn Republican I could find.

  11. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Is that a vuvuzela in his pocket or....

  12. Yes, yes it is. Which makes me just want to break his twiggy little arms more.

  13. Anonymous7:52 AM

    the man in the pic:

    google jeff monson + anarchist

  14. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Conservative men have money and education while liberal men don't. They're wimpy losers who can't provide.
