Monday, July 23, 2012

Good Thing Guns Were Banned

at the movie theater according to Colorado law.

Otherwise some crazy person might have come in and shot the place up!  But thankfully some really intelligent people with liberal arts degrees, no real world experience, and a lot of their parent's money ran for public office in Colorado and enacted legislation that would prevent people from carrying guns into theaters.


  1. It's also illegal to murder people and I bet he parked his car in an emergency no parking zone. If there was a fire people could have gotten hurt. Thank goodness we have laws to protect us from violence so the police only have to help old ladies across the street.

    People who park illegally and carry guns into theaters should get double secret probation. That'd teach 'em real good!

  2. Izanpo3:54 PM

    This is the same magical thinking behind the "Baby on Board" stickers.

  3. Ragnar6:41 PM

    No matter how stupid or inane or how outright silly politicians are, the people who deserve the blame for all their nonsense are the voters who elect them. If politicians are promising rainbows and unicorns for all, it is the still takes voters to put them in office (Chicago, where the dead put them in office excepted.)

  4. Is it possible to get a link (or four) for the "some really intelligent people with liberal arts degrees, no real world experience, and a lot of their parent's money ran for public office in Colorado and enacted legislation that would prevent people from carrying guns into theaters." claim?

  5. I would gander if you looked up the Colorado state legislature and (somehow) were able to look up gun legislation the congressmen repsonsible for putting restrictions on carrying guns into 2,500+ people entertainment areas were of those qualities and traits.

    of course, my study of the MN state legislature, nearly 90% of the members had liberal arts degrees, so it isn't that much of a stretch for me to guess about CO.

  6. From what I read about the theater in question it looks like the corporate owner of the theater is the primary cause of firearms prohibition in this case.

    Not all advocates of gun prohibition get elected to the government legislature, some of them operate businesses.

  7. Doktor Bill9:23 PM

    That guy is gonna be in So much trouble for having guns in a 'Prohibited zone'!

  8. Anonymous9:25 PM

    How misleading. At first it looked like this blog post would include a link or quoted text from Colorado's state law about prohibiting firearms in theaters or public places where more than X amount of people regularly gathered. Instead I get linked to some article by a statist lot, who just so happen to speak a weird dialect of english, that informs me that making guns illegal is bad. Well; Duh!

    Captain, what have you for the advanced reader?

  9. Anon 925,

    Well with about 1/10th the energy you put into that post you could have confirmed it for me. My source is Garage Logic/Joe souchery. Could be wrong, but I trust the Garage Logicians.

    Mr. Thane,

    Duly noted and good catch.


  10. S.Lynn9:30 AM

    Too many Kalifornians moved to CO and brought their crappy liberal votes with them.

  11. Guns aren't prohibited by law in CO. The theater chain posts as a matter of company policy (no idea if that particular theater had no gun signs up) but signs don't carry the force of law in CO. The 2500+ seat restriction is only in place in Michigan as far as I know.

  12. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Did you see this article?

  13. Lib Arts Major Making $27k/yr At An Office Job1:48 PM

    The social contract can be broken at any time, given the person breaking it is willing to live with the consequences.

  14. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Many of the theatres in this state prohibit firearms, most with a sign that is extremely easily overlooked. I almost entered a movie theatre in Colorado Springs last year while carrying, but I decided to take a second look at the front of the theatre for good measure, and sure enough, there was the sign behind tinted glass and barely even readable. Of course, I took my business elsewhere.

    It is a fine thing to turn the other cheek. It is evil to hold your neighbor and force him to turn the other cheek. That is what they are doing here.
