Friday, March 22, 2013

Feline Bigotry

Hat tip.


  1. Long ago, my mother came home from a three-year stint in Europe, and the family dog jumped with joy to see her again.

    When I went away for two weeks, my cats stayed with a friend who lived in a large attic. They loved exploring all its hidey-holes, and hardly noticed me when I returned.

    Dogs bond deeply with specific people; cats love the one they're with.

  2. Anonymous2:46 PM

    OK. You wanna hate cats, here's your entree.

    I lived in Saudi Arabia for 4 years. On the ground floor.

    Agrub Scorpions. The brown ones will fuck you up, son. The black ones will put you in a hospital bed, screaming for the veterinarian from Pakistan who faps over getting a US Green Card.

    I got 3 (three) cats. Brought them all back when I repatriated.

    Do. Not. Disrespect. Cats.

    The Egyptians worshiped them. The Egyptians built the pyramids. What the fuck did you build, monkeymeat? A fucking treehouse?

    Personally, I'm a dog man, myself. Lots of love for German Shepherds. But I am not afraid of reality, and reality dictates that when all the humans and dogs are long dead, cats will still roam around, laughing at your stupid shit.

    Own it.

  3. Fred Z4:07 PM

    Cats don't hate you.

    They love you.

    Especially your eyeballs, with a dash of salty blood.
