Friday, March 22, 2013

Why Minorities Account for a Majority of My New Readership

Uh oh!  Looks like all those minority/victim groups are getting sick and tired of being lied to by the left!  Even so much to the point they'll trust a evil right wing, bigoted, racist, sexist homophobe like me!


  1. Anonymous9:32 AM

    "Amnesty" is the single greatest threat to the Black American worker and Black communities. It's racist to support it.

    Hey OT but do you ever travel over here?:

  2. AS one of your new readers, I agree with your take!

  3. Hilarious. I think many manosphere, or even those on the edge of the manosphere, get more traffic from those that they're not written for than those they are.

    I know that the website I use to track my own traffic says that I get most of my traffic from single white college educated women.

  4. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I am an almost 30 Asian-American male who became a fan of yours after reading your book, 'Worthless'. I wish I had read this type of book when I was 19 or 20 before I majored in a useless liberal arts degree and have nothing to show for it. (Luckily I'm not in massive debt!)

    I used to view myself as a 'leftist democrat' but after swallowing the red pill, being a bit older, and having more life experience I realize I'm a libertarian.

  5. Anonymous5:15 AM

    All I see is minorities and women doubling down on leftism


  6. GuyfromNJ7:56 AM

    As a minority, (middle eastern/hispanic mix, you can add that to your reader demographics!) I think you under estimating the amount of minorities in the manosphere. Remember, many foreign people are taught to be nice and decent men in their home, and treat women with respect. This works nearly 100% in other countries. But in America, you are human scum if you act like a decent person. So what happens? Years and years go on, anxiety builds, constantly asking yourself "what am I doing wrong!?"...eventually, a light bulb goes on aka the red pill,and with the help of the manosphere, like your site, that person becomes AWARE of the reality of life,thus becoming more comfortable in their own skin.

    You are doing a great service to people of all walks of life, keep up the good work!

  7. "a evil right wing, bigoted, racist, sexist homophobe like me!"

    I knew there was something about you I liked. Now, if I can just get my head around this Ballroom Dancing thing.....

  8. Anonymous8:06 PM

    They aren't minority anymore. Now they're with us.

  9. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Not according to voting trends.


  10. Anonymous12:18 PM

    These new readers can do a lot of good for their own lives and this country by sharing this blog (and others like it) with others of their ilk.
