Saturday, April 20, 2013

"Any Club That Would Have Me..."

There are many tangents I could go on, but I'll let your minds wander on this one.  The reason why is that all the wanderings of all wanderers and the conclusions your draw from them will be correct.


  1. For the record, I never said Islam was some magical religion of peace or that it was necessarily good. The point I was trying to make is that if it weren't for certain policies coming from you-know-who, the problem wouldn't be as bad in the first place, like Ron Paul had pointed out with what happened in Iran decades ago.

    Thanks for the Boston marathon tragedy, I'm going to start reading Lew Rockwell's website far more often. He seems to have the right idea out of all the sites I've visited on that issue.

  2. Muslims are alpha.

  3. Sojourner6:25 PM

    And churches wonder why, as they embrace more feminist ideology, their numbers are beginning to dwindle.

  4. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Despite what feminism says about women not wanting to be oppressed by patriarchy, women are attracted to patriarchal men.

    Score another one for the concept of game.

  5. We are losing a cultural war with Islam.

    A return of atleast respect for Christianity in the wider culture is necessary for us to survive as a culture. As a nation.

  6. Safina7:36 AM

    There is a lot of conclusions I can come up with but the best one is that women will never be held accountable for their actions which for some reason this female journalist is not pointing out.

  7. Anonymous8:09 AM

    I agree with the other comments here but must add that this as also a result of multiculturalism. At school kids are taught that all cultures are equal - except that there own native culture doesn't exist. This woman would want to belong, but she can't belong to Dutch culture which her own people denigrate, so she went and found a more self assured, confident culture to be part of.

    I see this in my own kids school in an overwhelming white middle class neighbourhood. My grade 4 son had to do a presentation to the class about his family heritage and talk about family traditions. The assumption was that all the kids would talk about foreign and exotic things not the ho hum plain things that a bunch of mostly multi generation Canadian kids whose ancestors came from the British Isles would talk about.

    When our own kids favour foreign cultures we are loosing the culture war.

  8. Gotta love how it is assumed that all of the female converts to Islam are all weak-minded and have low self-confidence, but just assumed that the female feminist are all bright and strong-minded, since feminism is obviously the correct answer! XD

    By the way, sorry I haven't been commenting as much lately Captain! I've been busy! But don't you worry, I have been reading! ;)

  9. Anonymous11:01 AM

    I think it's because so many women (especially western women) have a love for faux-spirituality. I knew a girl in high-school who would cover her binders with elaborate drawings of crosses, yet open told anyone who would ask that she was not a Christian. My own sister who I guess you could call a deist, still has a book on astrology & palm-reading. It's a love of the trappings, because it makes them -feel- spiritual. I think they like the wearing head-dress part.

  10. Anonymous3:47 PM

    I've seen and have been rejected by 'strong, independent women' who then marry abusive Muslim men. I don't feel sorry for them, I feel sorry for their children.
    They make their choices and can always choose to leave.
    In HS I was surrounded by Greeks, Italians & Chinese and if you weren't from any of those backgrounds you were nothing. I guess I got lucky...

  11. They'll ruin it too. They tend to show up at any org despite whether or not they believe in the org. They are instinctive networkers. They'll subvert the mosque to their own purposes.
    Christianity ends up being watered down, even in the more patriarchal denominations, for the priests know where the tithes come from. Don't know how that works in Islam, but I am sure the Imams will find themselves subject to similar incentives.
