Saturday, April 20, 2013

Went to College to be a Stay at Home Mom

I understand that society, the school system, and all of the media drills it into young women's heads that they need to have a career.  Some elements of society even shame women for daring to want to be a stay at home mother.  However, all of this social engineering will never override biology and most women will answer nature's call to have children.  Unfortunately, though, we put women at a great disadvantage practically forcing them to get college degrees, go into debt for those degrees, waste years of their youth pursuing them, only to never use it.

This isn't to say that women shouldn't pursue careers, or shouldn't attend college, or that we're the evil patriarchy glass ceiling, pay gap blah blah blah.  It's a request that we at least acknowledge women's tendency to want to have children and when raising young girls to explain that there's nothing wrong with being a stay at home mom, just as there is nothing wrong with becoming a neurosurgeon.  The amount of time and money saved would be of great benefit to millions of young women. 


  1. Anonymous10:02 AM

    If you want an education, get a library card. If you went to the library every day for 8 hours for 4 years and read all the important books you will know way more than you will ever know from going to university for four years. And you will save yourself hundreds of thousands of dollars.

  2. Anonymous11:12 AM

    We're raised with the fear of divorce. That you can't depend on a man. The usual script will have the parents telling the daughter to go to college or university as a sort of insurance policy.

  3. Shhhh!

    The "stay at home moms" who went to college are also more likely to be conservative. Which is why native liberals are demographically doomed to minority status IF we can keep the borders more or less closed.

  4. We used to refer to that as 'Getting a BA in MRS.

    K, you'd be hard-pressed to find a female immigrant who wouldn't want to be a SAHM. Most of them haven't had that VERY respectable and worthy institution demonized, and therefore look forward to it in stable marriages.

    Far as I know, I'm still the only one of my peers who actually has a wife who's a SAHM. Folks notice how easygoing and happy my kid is too, as if they can't connect those dots.

  5. I'm writing a post about this topic on my blog. The premise is this: A few women (lesbians who worship the masculine) have a bone to pick. They have something to prove to everyone. They're motivated out of spite more than anything and the worker drone female model is not working out as intended. But whenever propaganda fails to subvert nature they double down on that propaganda and adamantly refuse to change course or let up even a little bit. The ideology backs up the economics as well. Single people doubles the housing market. Women become in debt and before when they used to have a choice in working now they're forced into it.

  6. she only pays off her student loan when she gets divorced, and her sucker husband takes on all her debt. who needs an education when you have an open cash register to beat on for free money?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Anonymous 11:12 brings up a great point. I remember my mom telling me that I should have an education so I "don't have to depend on a man". Hell, my MOTHER IN LAW told me the same thing. My freaking Mother in Law.

  9. My sister has a masters in accounting, and passed the CPA exam. She's also married and quit her job almost immediately AFTER taking the CPA exam to raise her newborn son. I don't think she actually intends to return to work.
    Granted she makes some money giving horseback riding lessons. But I've seen this firsthand. Fortunately my brother-in-law is well employed.

  10. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Seeing as the divorce rate is anywhere between 50 and 60% divorce does happen. Unless you want to be stuck in a low paying job that will barely pay your rent and food bills when your spouse decides to go awol, you need to have that education to be self supporting.
    Sad, but true.

  11. Rex Little9:37 PM

    Keep in mind that going to college is a good way for women to meet and marry college-educated men. As Paul (above) put it, "getting the MRS degree." Whether it's worth the money it costs is still an open question, but just because a woman ends up staying at home doesn't mean she got nothing out of college.

  12. In Quebec and Canada overall, the political correctness propaganda is absolutely insane. The ads for any public sector jobs: engineering, forestry, military, WELDER... it's always a smiling woman on the poster with the helmet or the uniform on. Smiling like they've escaped coertion by having a carreer, and they're really fucking loving it.

  13. I understand and agree that a woman has to contend with the chance a man divorces her or the marriage doesn't work out. Which only puts women in another catch 22 and calls for some education.

    However, the minority of marriages end with the guy initiating divorce leaving the majority (of the instances where the woman gets a degree and then never uses it) meaning that threat is unlikely.

  14. Women working might be a contributing factor to the high divorce rate. Also, lets not miss the fact that Moms need a great education if possible. Most of the kids time is spent with mom. Also, when homeschooling becomes a necessity, a college educated Mom will be a blessing.

  15. SM7779:23 AM

    "I understand and agree that a woman has to contend with the chance a man divorces her or the marriage doesn't work out. Which only puts women in another catch 22 and calls for some education."
    From what I have seen, Captain, a man initiating divorce is substantially more rare than the woman initiating the divorce (noting the divorce court financial rape situation). It may be that the SAHM thing will become fairly rare in the future as men are wising up to the divorce court issue.

  16. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I'm a stay at home unemployed childless batchelor and I love it, LOL.

  17. Anonymous4:29 PM

    I would think the chance of the husband being laid off from his well paying job that finances the sahm is a actually far more worrisome these days.

    Also, unless the sahm is homeschooling or kids have special needs there just isn't all much to do at home once the kids have reached kindergarten or first grade. Run a hobby business on etsy, maybe. Manosphere marriage blogger Athol Kay writes about this frequently.

  18. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Are women afraid of the divorces that they initiate and benefit one?

    Good one....

    - an observer

  19. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Yep...educating a sahm helps educate the children, and it gives said sahm something to fall back on in the event of death/disability of the father, divorce, etc. I will insist that my (four!) daughters get an education / learn a trade (or two) for this reason. Their mother has a B. A. in education and a court reporting certification in case I croak early, but she is homeschooling our children...

  20. Anon 706AM



    Congratulations! I accept your argument, see it superior to my previous position/thoughts, and thank you for improving my position.



  21. I went to college. Got my MRS. Most useful letters to come out of there.
