Wednesday, April 17, 2013

"But Math is Tough!"

For the Patron Saint's Name of Frick.

Honest to god.  I know the ladies of the Capposphere are real women who are equals.  They prove their mettle everyday.  AND they are intellectually honest.  They don't go rushing to the defense of a woman simply because she's a woman and then worry about whether that woman is right or wrong later.  They hold all people to the same standard and are just as judgemental against the women as they are the men.  But for the rest of the women out there who clamor for equal treatment, but then want special treatment when the going gets tough, shut up.  You're a bunch of hypocrites.

Teach a finite, precise study like math or physics differently so women can catch up???

No, how about you do what men do and that is man up, burn the midnight oil and quit whining.  Then you'll be equals.



  1. Amen, sir! This isn't rocket science but people don't like to listen to reality or the truth. It hurts their sensitive feelings. Too bad!

    The boyfriend of my older sibling is having trouble finding work. He was that accounting major I told you about long ago. Enjoying the decline has become natural for me and I enjoy laughing at all the idiots who decided to destroy their own lives financially for no good reason.

  2. Joe Bar11:41 AM

    If they could quantify "Womens' Studies" then I might pass.

  3. If they want a higher portion of students to go into STEM careers, all they need to do is stop subsidizing liberal arts degrees.

    :D :D

  4. Pete Brewster1:42 PM

    Fun fact: In Japan, it's the girls who wind up helping their little brothers with their homework. One reason for this is that both boys and girls are expected to STFU, quit whining and study. At most schools they aren't even allowed work part-time so they can buy the latest piece of crap they don't need.

    Another is that the women are the ones expected to manage the family's money, rather than squander it on their cats or on furniture nobody's allowed to sit on. Husbands get allowances like the children. To do that you need to know how to add, as well as something about personal finance and balancing a checkbook.

    Beta males in Japan, by the way, frequently whine about their piss-poor allowances, too low to afford an affair (unless he finds a second income and keeps his yap shut about it). All the costs of divorce without the benefits of being able to drink in peace. No wonder Japanese men have led the world in GTOW.

    (Incidentally, this is why anybody marrying an Asian woman expecting a fairer shake than he'd get from an American woman deserves the ass-kicking he'll get.

    The awful truth is that a man who reckons that life is too short to deal with whiny feminists eventually has to choose between GHOW or going completely off the grid in what used to be called the Third World. The number of places left where most women are still aware that they are not in fact men's equals and are still okay with this drops every year.)

  5. Let's just have two degrees:

    Math and Feminist Math.

    Both can be counted as STEM and be in the math department. All those theater majors can go get STEM degrees and be "useful".

    And in 20 years lets compare the hiring and salary results for Math vs. Feminist Math degrees. I'll probably still be around, but barely, and will need the laugh.

  6. Let's just have two degrees:

    Math and Feminist Math.

    Both can be counted as STEM and be in the math department. All those theater majors can go get STEM degrees and be "useful".

    And in 20 years lets compare the hiring and salary results for Math vs. Feminist Math degrees. I'll probably still be around, but barely, and will need the laugh.

  7. I never see comments from actual females already in the fields. I bet many, if not most, would have my attitude. STFU and do it.

    It also makes me giggle when I read articles like this pissing and moaning about the lack of females in a field. It is never ever even whispered anywhere in these articles that gosh darn it, maybe women just don't like those subjects on average. It is not a fuzzy, cuddly feminine skill set.

    It also enrages me. I chose the course of study I am taking partly because it is hard. It feels so good to struggle and work hard to master a subject. Plus I know my B's (and a c or so :D) are worth one hundred A's in a puff class. Why dilute my rush for something that isn't even real? Equality is an illusion. Why lower standards and ruin the value of my work and my degree? That was rhetorical, I know the answer.

  8. So let me get this right: the way to get women intererested in STEM education is to make STEM education...less STEMy? Really? The people creating these ideas can't possibly have STEM degrees themselves, can they?

  9. Anonymous11:21 AM

    or they might consider helping boys so that they too have more options and don't choose STEM.


  10. You forgot how much counting is in one fish two fish
