Sunday, April 07, 2013

Inducing Shock In The Matriarchy

I did a seminar recently at the U of MN Duluth.  It was my "Why Gen Y is Completely, Totally and Hopelessly Screwed" seminar.  And while admittedly the seminar is not the politest or most adroit speech, when it came to the "What were you told you SHOULD like in the opposite sex" portion of the lecture, an interesting thing happened.  I asked the young men in the audience what they found attractive in a woman.  Not what they were told to like, but what they in fact did like.

Not one of them answered.

OH, they KNEW the answers, their sheepish faces and smirks gave that away, but they couldn't answer for they feared what the repercussions would be.

Observing this phenomeon right in front of me, I took the opportunity to point out something so sad, but so very true.  I said

"My god, look at how brainwashed they have you guys.  You can't even speak the truth."

I then bellowed out the truth,

"Ladies, we like big boobs, long legs, and tight asses!"

If I read the room right it was almost as if they were saying, "Wow!  He said it!"

Now, instigation aside, the reason I bring this up is because it highlights a very important aspect of this whole battle against feminism.  And that is just how successful the left and feminists have been at outlawing independent thought and replacing it with their own politically approved thought.  So intimidated are men and women they cannot speak bluntly and truthfully about the opposite sex.

Of course I view the truth as an absolute.  Something that cannot be ignored. Something that is arguably the epitome of morality to adhere to.  But if I were to say,

"The law of gravity states that mass will attract other mass"

there is no repercussions for speaking this truth.

But if I point out a truth that runs contrary to the approved speech code or the goals of leftism and feminism, no matter how true:

"Men like big boobs, long legs, long hair and tight asses!"

then all manner of social, political and romantic hell will be unleashed.

Of course it should never have gotten to this point.  The point you cannot candidly and bluntly speak truths.  But it did and the way we got here was via Overton's Window, the political theory where you slowly move the political debate further and further in one direction, but so slowly nobody notices it.  40 years ago you could scoff at the idea of lowering standards for women in protective services, now that's sexist.  40 years ago you could point out women are poorer at math (duly noted that the bell distribution curve is flatter) and logic.  You are once again a sexist.  And 40 years ago you could make jokes about women drivers.  Now, even though they get in more accidents per miles driven, you are once again, a sexist.

However, while the original 70's feminists may have known full well what they were doing, and today may feign umbrage dare you speak a truth about the sexes, the successive generations of feminists and young women have not had that vantage point.  Quite the opposite, actually. They've been brought up in a completely female-centric and myopic environment, and have grown accustomed to having society bend over backwards to avoid speaking the uncomfortable truths about the sexes.  So much so that when a truth like

"Men like big boobs, long legs, long hair, and tight asses"

is uttered they are not just insulted, but enraged.

"HOW DARE somebody say that!?"

"Yeah, but it's true!"


It's this violent (or at least strong) reaction in combination with social, political, romantic AND CAREER costs/threats that is what keeps most men (and women) from speaking truthfully about feminism.  But there is a problem with this strategy.  Overton's Window can only be moved so far in one direction before it is so divergent from reality and truth that society starts to crack and there are real and severe social, economic and financial costs.  And we are at that threshold now.  And not only are we bearing the costs (unemployment, government debt, dysfunctional children, etc.) those costs outweigh the costs for pointing out the emperor has no clothes, especially for young men.

Understand if you take the average young man today and look at his prospects in terms of

and Career (otherwise "Economic")

in this society, what precisely does he have?

Socially speaking he already has friends and this one, though important, aspect of his life is inoculated against the forces of leftism and feminism.

Politically, nothing.  All political emphasis is on women and women's problems.  Government spending disproportiontely goes to women and women are still considered a victim class.

Romantically, the average western male has a lousy selection in women as women were brought up to be men, not women.  And any woman who dares to say, "Yes, I'd like to have children and a family some day, and I like men and I want to be beautiful" is immediately shamed by feminists and the left.

Economically,  your average young man has no hope and no chance at a successful financial life.  THe economy is stagnant, unemployment is disproportionately high for young males and the economy, forever more being progressively dictated by the public sector, is becoming hostile to traditional male-employing industries.

In short, your average young man has nothing, meaning society is no longer able to provide for and support one half of the society.  And with nothing left to lose, there are no costs, for speaking the truth.  With no hope, no future, and no money, all the shaming, threats, and NARCing of feminism rings hallow as they no longer have any teeth.  There is nothing you can take from these men.

It is here that the movement back to reality will not be as slow and meditated as the feminists' original nudging of Overton's Window.  It will be lightning speed compared to the past 4 decades.  Men (and women) will shed the annoying, if not, impossible-to-adhere-to political correctness about the sexes and will realize life is too short to keep up the charade.  Men will realize their sanity and love lives are more important than keep eggshell-fragile feminists' feelings in tact.  Men, who never had anything to begin with, will wonder why their fathers and grandfathers adhere to "obsolete feminist morals" and instead will see no cost or consequence in being men, and will instead lay down the law in their relationships and be the man.  Women too will be sick of being shamed about "wanting to have a husband and children" and will find nothing wrong with wanting a family, let alone wearing dresses and wanting to be beautiful.

The problem for feminism will be the abruptness of it all.  Already you can see this in feminist responses to Manosphere posts, not to mention the shock and awe that their Patron Saint Adria Richards was actually fired.  They cannot believe (since they are inured in the brainwashing that they are the victim and the "patriarchy" is oppressing them) men, let alone ANY man would say such things or do such things.  Didn't they get the memo?  Didn't they get the brainwashing in school?  We were told that was very very BAD and MEAN to say those things in the 3rd grade no matter how truthful it may be.  The shock on their internet-metaphorical faces is priceless.

The problem for them is that reality is reality.  Truth is truth.  And when there's no cost or consequence for speaking the truth, they're going to find out just how flawed and erroneous their much-coveted religion of feminism really is.  And no amount of angry, screeching or accusations of misogyny is going to stop it.

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  1. Anonymous6:26 AM

    ^1k this .... Leaves me speechless.

    Glad I discovered this blog and vlog :)

    Btw bought all your books so you don't have to starve. Good read so far!

  2. Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose...

    Looks like Janis Joplin was ahead of her time.

  3. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Not sure I agree with the idea that men are not screwed socially. With the indoctrination from the education, media and culture, it is much harder for men to find other men who think in reality rather than the propaganda that they have been fed all of their lives.

  4. Feminism itself doesn't sound like a bad thing, but the way its been abused in the past few decades and radicalized by some is another matter. It has become an excuse to defend censorship and political correctness just like how people like Al Sharpton love to engage in race baiting.

    I saw this on Save Capitalism's website, which should cheer you up.

    Now we need online libertarian college courses. The closest thing I've been able to find are the LearnLiberty videos and Tom Woods's Liberty Classroom.

  5. beta_plus8:25 AM

    God, I would have loved to have seen that.

  6. SM7778:59 AM

    "Ladies, we like big boobs, long legs, and tight asses!"
    I believe that Tom Leykis says approx. the same thing. The problem there is that he is a leftist.

  7. Izanpo10:17 AM

    Adria Richards' firing restored my faith in society -- it hadn't lost all its marbles after all.

  8. Been preaching the evils of Feminism for years from my blog and anywhere else I can without being banned.

    I disagree with one thing in your excellent post. Feminism will not die or be reset until the Federal government is dead or reset. It has been married in with the Multi-Cult religion of the state and until it runs out of money no amount of being fed up by normal men (or women) is going to change it short of a full violent revolution.

    Of course once the money flow stops Feminism will last about 15 seconds after the lights go out.

  9. Anonymous2:38 PM

    I always say feminism only exists because men let it. When we decide to end it well it won't be pretty.

  10. Anonymous5:13 PM

    SM777 said... "Ladies, we like big boobs, long legs, and tight asses!"
    "I believe that Tom Leykis says approx. the same thing. The problem there is that he is a leftist."

    That's not a problem. It's an asset. Considering how many listeners Leykis has, it means that men whose political views span from the right to the left are all sick of feminist bullsh*t. They might not agree on money or war or whatever, but they can agree on Red Pill ideas. I noticed this at my old job as well. I'd call it progress.

    - Days of Broken Arrows

  11. Anonymous9:15 PM

    I myself gave a lecture similar to this one in one of my English courses. The young men in the class were too afraid to say anything. I even insulted them by calling them a bunch of mindless sheep to see if I could get them angry. Their reaction? Nothing! Not only was it sad but it was frightening.

  12. Robt Louis Stevenson

    "Sooner or later everyone sits down to a banquet of consequences."

  13. "I always say feminism only exists because men let it. When we decide to end it well it won't be pretty."

    Okay, then... Let's end it.

  14. coolstud3:05 PM

    So damn true, I told females the same thing, some went crazy, some said "about time a real man is here".

    heres a funny story a female friend of mine get ready for a long read.

    She a attractive lawyer who was married to a businessman who cheated on her with his associate.

    moved to another state after she filed for divorce which lasted a year to finalze. After that somehow got pregnant and married a younger dude while six months pregnant "at least he got a preup" after the kid turn 2 both went into a divorce and wonder she she cant get a man again.

    Every time I see her Ill say in my mind " Who wants a 44 year old two time divorcee with a 5 yead old kid"

  15. Just Saying4:27 PM

    I hit 50 not that long ago, been banging chicks in the 18-25 age bracket for pretty much all of my life for a very simple reason - I can, and it is the age bracket that I find most attractive.

    Women can scream and yell, but it doesn't make me want to f**k women older than that. I figure that at some point, I won't get as many takers as I still do, till then, I'll hit it ever chance I get.

    The thing that gets me, is a lot of these women are in "relationships" with boys who play by their rules. Personally, I love doing what I want to them, and having them enjoy every second of it. They - just like the men in your audience - can't say that they love to be treated like the sex objects they are, but they adore it, fortunately for this old codger... :)

  16. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Four women sexually assault 19 year old man:

    Sounds like desperation to me!

  17. Take The Red Pill3:40 PM

    To Anonymous, 9:15 PM --

    The men in your class whom you tried to goad into some kind of response were probably already MGTOW or 'going ghost': as a MGHOW, you learn to not give a damn who other fools think; as a 'ghost', you learn to not 'stand out' or give any kind of clues or information that someone else in the Matriarchy can use against you.

  18. Anonymous2:20 PM

    It's not enough that young men aren't entitled to political, economical and societal participation, connections to their biological children and the little money they make. They aren't entitled to their opinions, preferences or feelings either.

  19. Harry5:23 AM

    Just Saying said...

    " I hit 50 not that long ago, been banging chicks in the 18-25 age bracket for pretty much all of my life for a very simple reason - I can, and it is the age bracket that I find most attractive."

    Here here. I'm in my early sixties and do the same. Any woman past 24 is too old.

  20. "Ladies, we like big boobs, long legs, and tight asses!"

    Priceless. The funny part: the feminists know that.

    It's pretty bad when both sides are PRETENDING to ignore the elephant in the room, and force each other to accept a vision that is disconnected to reality.

    Wait...I thought we tried that--it was called communism--and it failed.

  21. Captain, please tell me where I can find a hat like the one you are wearing on the sidebar?

  22. Some Dude,



