Thursday, September 12, 2013

The Father Could Not Be Reached for Comment

Let's do some math kids!

At what age did the fornication begin?

Oh, you democrats and the wonderfully dependent classes you have built.


  1. Well at least this chick cleaned up her dump in the gene pool...

  2. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Well at 13 she was probably as hot as she'll ever be .. right?

  3. kinda reminds me of that one time my mom flipped out and threw chess pieces at me after i won. that was cool.

    "if momma aint happy, nobody's happy"-Barrack Obama.

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  5. Anonymous12:47 PM

    How ironic. She's a criminal and a crime stopper at the same time!!

  6. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Don't worry. The fathers always show up when the TV crew arrives looking to 'humanize' the story. Some teary-eyed angry man will have plenty to say. Though most will be incomprehensible, he will certainly find a way to make sure that the real story is about how the system failed this boy.

    Not the blow and go baby-daddy, not the teen-mom turned gubmint check cashing pot-peddler, the System. Thats right you shocked and saddened TV viewers in those slightly less shitty zip codes, that means YOU.

    At least he got stabbed for ice cream. Thats more than a lot of people get stabbed for by those roving gangs that seem to be invisible to the media.

  7. Izanpo3:02 PM

    Har! Killed over an argument about ice cream?! She should hook up with the Detroit brothers who opened fire at each other during an argument over the best way to make grape Kool-Aid.

    As an aside, Canada is no different than the US -- there is no political solution out of this mess. The entrenched bureaucrat class has amalgamated with a metastasizing underclass to form an unstoppable political force. Our only hope is total economic collapse.

  8. He walked into the knife? That's the best one I've heard. I love the dry "coroner ruled inconsistent..."

  9. Anonymous8:16 PM

    ice cream beez racist
