Friday, February 21, 2014

A Prediction of Girls Who Hate Cat Calls

That while many a young 20 something women complain about it, by the time they're 45 they'll wish men would make cat calls at them.


  1. Unmentioned in most of the complaints about cat-calling is the race and social class of the cat-callers.

    Just like crime, if something "bad" happens and race isn't mentioned, the perp is black. I've seen a few essays complaining about it which have mentioned that black and Hispanic men are almost always the ones doing the cat-calling, and even when it's a white man, it's always working-class men (except when it's actual frat boys - at the frat house).

    So the real complaint about cat-calling isn't that the women are being objectified, it's that they're being objectified by the wrong men.

    (WV: "chivalry"!)

  2. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Theory: Young women hate cat calls because it is a reminder that men only want them for their youthful beauty. Subconsciously, they know they will lose this some day. The cat call is a constant nagging that they should do something with their life besides coast (gym, learning a skill, etc). A girl who is secure in her future self, does not need to fear the cat call and is free to enjoy it or laugh it off.

  3. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Loved the article!

    I greatly enjoy watching (especially older) women struggle with overhead luggage and glare at me for not helping. For the ones with the temerity to ask for/demand help, I always reply, "You've come a long way, baby." The older ones truly do get that insult.

    I figure it's payback for the 10,000 times I was called a male chauvinist pig when I was growing up.

    Payback is a bitch.
