Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Can't Say I Didn't Try

Apparently my video on journalism being the dumbest degree is getting people's EMOTIONS all a-flutter.

However, when I beseech these kids to use their BRAINS, even extend the offer to give them Worthless for free so that they do not financially cripple themselves for the rest of their lives, this is what you get in return:

Again, this is why I will laugh (and do laugh) when I see liberal arts majors smack against the labor market wall of reality when they graduate and are forced to work in a job they could have done in the 7th grade, but are now hindered with a life-crushing load of student debt.

I will always give them one chance.  After that, they are fodder for schadenfreudenistically enjoying the decline.


  1. Wait, wait... hold on... So you're telling me I could've gotten a copy of your book for free if I just bitched and moaned like I was a woman on the rag in the comments? What the hell man!

  2. Anonymous11:49 AM

    I feel that she should chose [sic] remedial English classes instead of a journalism degree.
    ~ Simone

  3. Anonymous12:11 PM

    When I was 16 or 17, I thought I had a lot of life experiences too. Now in my 50's, I just shake my head at a lot of things I used to say....

    The best indicator of success in journalism is a very pretty face and an outstanding rack. You can go far with that, if you're a good reader.

  4. Female outrage heheheh. You need to up the vitriol - the more you piss 'em off, the more you know you're doing it right.

  5. Anonymous1:41 PM

    You, like, totally harshed her mellow, man... ;-)

  6. Anonymous2:12 PM

    Right out of the gate she's twisting your words. She is making it sound as if the title "Worthless" is referring to students. You never called any students "worthless", you called the degrees some of them are getting worthless (you know, because they are).

  7. Take The Red Pill2:51 PM

    "You can't fix stupid", especially when they think that they know it all (usually because they've been "educated beyond their intelligence"**). Best to let them run headlong and smack into the Reality Wall to learn the hard way.
    IF they're smart, they'll wise up; if they haven't learned the lesson, they'll just have to do it all over again until they get hurt enough.
    The only way that some people can learn is via the Way of Pain.

    **A thanks to comedian Jerry Clower for that verbal gem

  8. Sarsen2:56 PM

    I've a 51 year old cousin who majored in communications all the way through a master's degree. He's never held a job better than a barista/waiter his entire life. Now he blames capitalism and pontificates on being an anarcho-commie feminist.

  9. Cappy, You're awesome. I tell everyone about you, your blog,and your books, and promote you on my site quite often. Keep on irritating those liberals! You have EARNED the right to be arrogant. I love it when you piss them off.

  10. Really? This girl is already writing and wants a journalism degree? Journalism degrees are heavily outdated as there are more opportunities outside of mainstream media.

  11. SM7773:46 PM

    Schadenfreude is cool!

  12. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Used to be, if someone wanted to be a journalist (actually, they wanted to be a newspaper writer, not some strange French sounding name of importance like Journalist), he'd be some stringer or runner for a paper, or if the paper was in a small town, heck chances are when a writer was needed, he'd be on the call list. Then he'd write, and write, getting more polished. And learn who he had to hang out with to get the scoop on what's going on. Maybe try to copy the style of a writer, not to copy him, but to learn from coat-tailing someone else's style until you find yours (I can't tell you how many writers of whom I see Hunter S. Thompson hiding in their work) Best of all worlds was to shadow a working writer already, have him as a mentor.

    Now one has to go to J school. That's an awfully expensive key to buy to the private club.

  13. Anonymous6:05 PM

    I hate people that claim others are "negative". What that really means is "I'm too much of a pussy to take what you're saying into consideration. Now, I want to hear more about rainbows and unicorns."

  14. Anonymous7:55 PM

    I don't know if journalism is the dumbest degree. Probably a degree in womyn's studies is of less value. However (and my college had a journalism program), journalism majors are the dumbest majors. Women's studies majors are stupid but not so stupid as "journalists"; and they are way more obnoxious.

  15. "Negative" is an ad-hominem fallacy.

    "I don't have to listen to any facts or logic you present because I judge you to be 'negative'".

  16. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Ach! Captain! A big mistake! You gave away your advice! For free, yet!

    Re advice:
    "A wise man don't need it, a fool won't heed it."

  17. sth_txs2:59 PM

    "You are just being negative!"

    I think she is ready for a managers positions of some sort. Seems to have some of the attributes.

  18. On a related note, we now have "worthless research":


  19. One of the problems with the useless degree issue is that for some degrees like journalism etc. 10-20% of the graduates actually DO end up working in that field. And a handful even become rather successful...ala Dave Barry. Thus many feel that they have "what it takes" to be in that small cohort that can actually pay the bills with the degree. It's the same phenomenon we see with "urban yutes" who scrape by in class while putting in hours on the basketball court or football field because THEY believe they are that on in a thousand who will sign a pro contract and get filthy rich playing a game. Normalcy bias...everyone believes they are superior, special, deserving. Most are not and refuse to believe that fact till they are beaten over the head by the reality stick of poverty.
