Tuesday, February 25, 2014

How to Spot Daddy Issues - 101



  1. Contrast this with the concept of "designer prosthesis" attempting to make lemonade out of disfiguring life lemons. Chick who uses art to cover/add style to accidental deformity; dateable, chick with gorey eyeball tat between her boobs; Run like freaking hell.


  2. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Oh bullshit Clarey. Plenty of chicks get tattoos for perfectly normal reasons. None of the tattoos at your link have anything to do with Daddy issues.

    Stick to economics, you have no idea what you're talking about on the topic of tattoos.

  3. Why are tattoo's always gross and unsettling? Could this be showing off some sort of unhinged subconscious?

  4. Dude, seriously? This ain't "Daddy Issues," this is some freakin' AWESOME ink, laid down by some artists who have more talent than I'll ever even contemplate possessing in a thousand lifetimes.

    Look, if you don't like tats, then don't get one. But you're starting to sound like a mangina about it. Appreciate the art and enjoy the decline, man!

  5. Anonymous9:57 PM

    Stick to economics, you have no idea what you're talking about on the topic of tattoos. "
    -Anon 5:58

    Guess what, he is completely right here. Nobody told these strange and crazy women that turning their bodies into disgusting canvasses make them look like freakazoids. They likely never had a father figure tell them that one of the best things a woman has is her looks and the quickest way to ruin them is to get a tattoo.

  6. Not only will I stick with economics, I'll delve into the world of telling young women (and men) what I do and do not find acceptable or attractive.

    Said young men and women may or may not heed my advice, but I strongly suggest they do for I would like to think myself old and wise enough to be a decent judge of character, and therefore when I speak, they might want to listen.

    Then again, the entire point of this post is merely to make a record of idiots who I am going to pre-emptively mock NOW so it is doubly painful when they grow up and realize just how stupid they were later.

  7. MarkN1:35 AM

    My brother summed tattoos up the best I've ever heard. "I want a tattoo to express my individuality, just like every one else".

  8. Anonymous1:49 AM

    "Oh bullshit Clarey. Plenty of chicks get tattoos for perfectly normal reasons."

    lel. tattooed girl detected.

  9. Anonymous6:01 AM

    I must be getting old, because I agree.

  10. Grand_Designs3:24 PM

    As noted before, would you put a bumper sticker on a Ferrari? F-no. I have no problems with a small discrete tat, but most of the time, chicks with tats are moved to the slut territory. It ain't attractive.

  11. Rex Little1:10 AM

    In general I don't like tattoos, but these are awesome!
