Saturday, February 22, 2014

Erin Ching - Another Adult-Child Nazi

“What really bothered me is, the whole idea is that at a liberal arts college, we need to be hearing a diversity of opinion. I don’t think we should be tolerating conservative views because that dominant culture embeds these deep inequalities in our society. We should not be conceding to the dominant culture by saying that the so-called “progressive left” is marginalizing the conservative,” Erin Ching ‘16 said.


  1. Need an example of modern imperial left fascists for teh blogz post. Thanks: Erin did nicely

  2. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Seriously ...nobody (other than their parents) should pay the slightest attention to anything spewed by a 16-year old. Attention is the one thing this generation craves the most, so we must withold it every chance we get.


  3. Anonymous7:52 PM

    I think I need to start looking for a new country to live in. It's only a matter of time before these dipshits vote away free speech.

  4. She's not sixteen years old. That '16 at the end of her name indicates her graduation year.

  5. Anonymous5:40 AM

    "Erin Ching '16" means she graduates in 2016, not that she's 16. She's 20-ish.

  6. Classic progressive doublethink: claim to be marginalized while marginalizing conservatives.

    Progressives literally can't function if they don't see themselves as a victimized minority.

  7. Phil Galt7:31 AM


    They all want attention, but are too selfish to actually give each other any?

  8. leeholsen10:19 AM

    i watched the dsouza-commie bastard, obama book author ayers debate that took place in dartmouth and watched all these students, who are smarter than me; all ready to sell out their country because they've gotten 15 years of spoonfed liberalism. this country had a good run, but with those people assuming leadership and all the illegals bringing theiir 3rd world values; this country is over.

    and for this: "I think I need to start looking for a new country to live in. It's only a matter of time before these dipshits vote away free speech."

    i say we got one, its called canada. they've only got 35 million peoiple. hell there's almost that many in texas alone. if the conservatives would slowly start moving their businesses and families into canada; we could flip that country into one big red country within 10 years and still visit all the losers in loserville-usa.

  9. Anonymous10:52 AM

    OK... my mistake ... she grads in '16 which makes her 20-something. Definitely a future Democrat senator.

  10. "We need diversity of opinion, by which we mean not hearing anything from conservatives."

