Friday, February 21, 2014

How to Be in the Top 1% of Women

1.  Stay in shape
2.  Drop the psychoses  you think are defensive mechanisms or "cute" ways to entertain yourself and be a mature adult.
3.  Support yourself
4.  Cook

You do those four SIMPLE things and you will be in the top 1% of women.


  1. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Long hair, stay thin, sex anytime, shut up.

  2. Thank you very much for the linkage, Captain!

  3. Tiffany6:08 AM

    What about living in my mom's basement? Is that not a powerful aphrodisiac that says "pick me, pick me"??

  4. leeholsen8:51 AM

    i would 2nd long hair, no man likes being with a woman that could be mistaken for a guy from behind.

    and how about some traditional and/or religious values. they only seem to be the stuff that keeps families and societies going strong, seems a no brainer why guys are looking to stay with women like mom for more than one night.

  5. Tweet this so I can re-tweet it, Captain

  6. #3 should be "Support yourself, but make it clear that you have a job, not a career."

    #5 Learn to play the piano. For two centuries this has been a favorite way for young ladies to signal marriageability -- it shows intelligence, diligence, manual dexterity, and femininity. And unlike e.g. calculus, you need not be an expert to recognize one; a pianist's level of mastery is obvious even to the untrained ear.

  7. Well, Tiff, when you're a fat ugly slag that can't cook I suppose you have to take what you get.

  8. Anonymous3:48 PM

    I would say, "bake" rather than "cook". Many men are good at cooking - especially grilling steaks or roasting meat. My stepdaughter, who is skilled in the management of her boyfriend, has a pleasant personality, long dark hair, and her cherry cake is to die for. Her boyfriend is good with meat.

  9. Anonymous3:50 AM

    You really need to add:
    Keep body mutilations to a minimum.
    And also, as others have mentioned, at least shoulder length hair.

  10. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Cap, when is your next cook-book coming out?

  11. Well, that's a pretty good list I guess but you're sort of answering a question that no one is asking. No woman has ever asked me "how can I be a better girlfriend?"
