Wednesday, April 06, 2016

The AltLeft?

Seems some white leftists are getting sick and tired of being called racist all the time.


  1. Sargon did a commentary on an article written by a Leftist who covers some of the same bases.

  2. Maybe lefties are finally realizing that 'diversity means chasing DOWN the last White person. Diversity is just White Genocide.

    They are such slow learners--- after all there must be one more opportunity to virtue signal before facing reality.

  3. Left or right, if you're white, you're a fucking racist. So you might as well be a fucking racist.

  4. leeholsen9:22 AM

    So are white righties.

    After 30 years of working, I think I have paid enough to support black welfare programs; that i'd at least get a dam thank you; but instead i'm more likely to be beat up for being white than ever before.

  5. Take The Red Pill8:22 AM

    "Cecil Henry said...
    Maybe lefties are finally realizing that 'diversity means chasing DOWN the last White person. Diversity is just White Genocide.

    They are such slow learners--- after all there must be one more opportunity to virtue signal before facing reality.

    They are 'slow learners' for the simple reason that they are 'True Believers' in their dogma; just as much as the Socons/Tradcons and White Knights who still think that marriage is a viable option for men in this feminist First World matriarchy.
    The only way that they will learn is to have Reality clobber them good.
