Thursday, April 07, 2016

When I Am King

I will ban all money or association with the made-up word "micro-aggression."

I will also cut all funding to all liberal arts department since this is the best use of the taxpayers money they could come up with.


  1. Anonymous9:10 AM

    This leads to an interesting question. Liberal arts education in the classical meaning meant the things that a free man would need to know. I pose the question. What does a free person need to know in 2016 America?

  2. Observasaurus Rex12:34 PM

    You do not go far enough. When Ottawa bows to my greatness, I will remove government from everything except national defence, the justice system, and possibly roads. Two of those three could likely be privatized eventually. In a few decades my free market juggernaut may allow a few of the least leftist states to join with my northern empire, if I'm feeling generous. Either that, or a big fat wall on my southern border.

  3. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I'm confused, is rubbing my cock on my female classmates a "microaggression"?

  4. Anonymous4:00 PM

    Awww...microaggression? Please accept my "micro-apology".

  5. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Someone needs a hug.

  6. JK Brown6:08 AM

    The modern Liberal Arts department requires only the government to provide the schooling necessary to read and a link to the Internet Archive for the multitude of books to read.

    The various factions can compete by posting their recommended reading list online.

    Discussion groups can form online, like they do for the latest cat video.

    We know how to teach kids to read. We don't need Education Ph.D.s. Ph.D.s are suppose to conduct research and advance their field. To do this they conduct experiments. In education, this means the Ph.D.s and Masters degree holders are experimenting on kids with no responsibility for their failures.

  7. Interesting. The hunt for the sexism boogey man continues.
