Friday, November 11, 2016

What Would Happen If California Seceded?

We'd rejoice:


  1. Another 20 million Mexicans would drive north and show up to vote the whole place into Mexico. Viva La Raza, baby.

  2. I've long advocated kicking the so-called "blue states" out of the American Union, a sort of "reverse seccession." California would make a very good first test case.

  3. Anonymous6:35 PM

    If they seceded, they would die of thirst in the dark. Most of their water comes from other states. The Colorado River Compact gives most of the Colorado river to southern California. We in Colorado and in Arizona get to keep the water and use it. They have been so thorough in destroying their own power generation capability that they buy most of their electricity. Guess what? If they are a hostile foreign country, if we sell them anything it is going to cost them an awful lot. The non-taco stand, non-porn part of their economy includes a lot of defense firms and military bases. None of which will stay [DoD is not going to source items from a hostile country]. Oh, since they destroyed their agriculture by diverting the water to try to save an invasive minnow [snail darter, now apparently extinct in the Bay area since the last I heard they could not find any of them]; it might get a little hungry out. Good.

    Subotai Bahadur

  4. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Then we would build a wall and start a deportation program to forcibly remove all known snowflakes, leftists, subversives, liberals, mentally ill, satanists, and criminals to the newly formed People's Republic of California. Talk about some addition through subtraction. :-)

  5. Anonymous10:04 PM

    If California seceded, half of California would secede from California. The interior of California is generally sane. Secession talk will be found just in that coastal "Hippie Strip" that's full of socialists who can't take cold weather and can't be around perfume or Mexicans or people with views to the right of Che.

  6. Hell, why stop at California?

    I say we continue with Hawaii and the Northeast (except maybe New Hampshire, I think we can keep them).

    They can be their own sovereign little nations... The Royal Kingdom of Hawaii (just like they always wanted), The People's Republic of California and the Northeastern Bloc. Their own little socialist paradises.

    Of course... they'd probably collapse within a few years.

  7. It'd be fantastic! 55 electoral votes that democrats count on would be gone.

    Suddenly, presidential elections become very competitive.

    Next, since they'd adopt a progressive agenda, every freeloader in America would move there. They'd probably enact FDR's second bill of rights. So, move to California and get free food, housing, college education and health care. Heck, millions more illegals would choose California too. Population would hit 40-50 million in no time.

    When the tax increases hit, businesses and wealthy people relocate to the other states, helping those states prosper, and effectively obliterating taxes collected in Sacramento.

    Within 10 years they start begging to be let back in so they can suck on federal largess. Of course the remaining 49 will vote no.

    So please...... secede. If you secede, we all succeed.

  8. ON a side note....

    If they seceded, then they'd have to build a wall.

    To keep people in.

  9. Hope they're smart enough to build a salt water desalination plant before they Secede.

  10. I would love that, but also for anyone from California who moved to Colorado in the last 10 years to be relocated back there. Then we'd be a red state again, and solve our traffic problems in one fell swoop.

  11. Hold a plebicite.

    Determine which counties want to stay. When the new government votes to abrogate their share of the federal debt, return those red counties back to the US as reparations.

    If Washington and Oregon want out, do the same. The new country will consist of the Puget sound/Willamette valley area, and the area around LA, San Francisco bay area, and maybe Sacramento.

  12. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Oh Sweet Saint of San Andreas, hear my prayer!

  13. Post Alley Crackpot9:25 PM

    I recommend splitting present-day California into three regions: SoCal (south of Bakersfield to Mexico), HiCal (Bakersfield to about Redding), and NoCal (Redding to Oregon).

    Then give SoCal to the Mexicans, HiCal to the seceding Leftists to form a separate country with a wall they'll have to pay for, and HiCal its own new state charter and a new capitol located in Eureka.

    Not all Californians are secessionist wanna-be scumbags, but two-thirds of the state should go its own way.

    While we're at it, if the good people of southern Oregon (from Bend south) would like to join NoCal, there might be something resembling a halfway decent state to come out of it.

    Similarly, I look forward to the future state of Western Idaho, which will not need a wall: the present-day boundary along the Cascades that includes the current eastern border of King County, Washington will more than suffice.

  14. Need a passport just to go to San Francisco or L.A. or Bakersfield or San Bernardino?
    Best we rethink this one.

    I know the U.S. is one of the most divided countries in the world, but now even the states themselves can't get along with one another. This syndrome is already bad enough when it's between individuals and demographic/social rank factions.

  15. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Calexit may be a go
