Wednesday, April 05, 2017

I Want Safe Bridges, Not Affirmative Action Engineers, Thank You

Yep, you women are equal, and not just equal, you're the exact same as men.  It's why we keep having to lower the standards for you.

It's all going to be fun and games when bridges start collapsing and trains derail, killing hundreds, perhaps thousands because we couldn't hurt little Suzie's feelings about reality, physics, and math.  You see, when we lower standards for the liberal arts and social work and government work, we only destroy and ruin nuclear families.  But when you enter the physical sciences and insist black is white, and 2+2=5, now there will be death because your feelings are more important than reality.


  1. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Don't worry. My experience is the ladies handle the office cake parties and seasonal decorations while the men handle all the critical engineering and design calculations.

  2. Link doesn't link.

  3. Yeah, but with MY luck, I'll be ON one of those collapsed bridges or derailed trains.

    Hell, derailed train ON the collapsed bridge.

  4. How about this. We 'support' all women to become doctors and surgeons to service only feminist and SJW snowflakes and their children. We allow only these 'assisted' snowflakes to become mechanics and work only on the brakes of their brethren. Or would that be sisthren? Only SJW can ride the planes designed, built and flown by their sisthrens that were given shortcuts to graduate their STEM classes.

    How's that for living in the world you women want to create?

  5. Heh. You used the word, "nuclear", and my mind went, "reactor"...
