Wednesday, April 05, 2017

You Can Have It All Ladies!!!

Said the generation of miserable women drinking themselves to sleep.


  1. Anonymous2:50 PM

    I'm more shocked that men in their study are 26 times more likely to be binge drinkers. Where is the equality in that!?

  2. Take The Red Pill5:43 PM

    "It’s not clear why this is happening..."
    "Garbutt said he couldn’t explain the increase in binge drinking among older women..."

    They "don't want to speculate", because it's dangerous telling the feminists and their Useful Idiots something that they don't want to hear.
    It's much easier to blame men and continue throwing shaming language when it's convenient, rather than looking in the mirror and doing any self-examination. Just like trying to explain to them why men don't want to marry anymore: the solution is painful, and requires them to exhibit humility and contrition to address the cause.

  3. Eduardo the Magnificent7:38 PM

    Very red-pilled comments. Guys there are letting the women have it.

  4. You know what else they can have? All the stress that comes with trying to have a career and taking care of a house, bills, and children without the support of a good man:

    The irony is the picture of the women in the above article is holding a cocktail.

    Their thirst to try to handle everything reminds me of the final scene in Hulk, when his father is attempting to suck him dry of all life and strength and the Hulk screams,

    "You think you can live with it? Take it. Take it allllllllllllll!"

  5. Anonymous5:42 AM

    This will back fire on men and society in general again. I can already hear them scream for more free money. And attention. You know who's to blame for this from their perspective. ...

  6. Feminism and Equality makes womens' lives a pizza. They can have it all. And when they have it all, what do they get? F A T
