Friday, October 13, 2017

Another Reason to Enjoy the Decline

When your tippy top super secret spy agencies use "admin" and "user1" as passwords.

Don't know about you, but I'm pouring myself a drink and saying "fuck it."


  1. Jim Scrummy4:14 PM

    "Don't know about you, but I'm pouring myself a drink and saying "fuck it."" Already did, it's the weekend. Worrying about crap I have zero control over isn't time well spent. Do your best to attack what is important in your life, now. Because in the end we all are going be pushing up daisies or become fish food.

  2. Post Alley Crackpot8:03 PM

    It's OK, just try "alpine" next ...

  3. Anonymous9:36 PM

    I told them running red on black was a bad idea, but did they listen to me...
    Of course not.

  4. If you want to see how vulnerable most passwords are, look at the following video on YouTube.

    Password Cracking - Computerphile (20:19)

    There are now systems which can break any short password in a few minutes, at the rate of 100 billion combinations per second on a good graphics card.

    This require breaking into a system and copying the passwords database. All of the passwords are encrypted, but modern soft/hard-ware can decrypt 90% of the accounts. People do not use secure passwords, even if they appear difficult to guess.

  5. admin/admin, guest/guest

    People are so stupid.

    Especially the so-called "intelligent" people. You can guarantee - put a bet on it - that they will do the stupidest stuff!

  6. Here's another reason. Poetic justice that it hit Hollywood.
