Friday, October 27, 2017

Micro-Communism Fails Again

One of, if not the biggest complaint I have about communists is, like a multi-cultural society, they have no successful track record of getting communism to work just once.  I'm all for society experimenting and trying different things because that is how you advance, but on just a simple logical level, don't you think you should try communism on a small scale before rolling it out for all 7 billion people on the planet?

And in light of the Soviet Union, Moaist China, Pol Pot, North Korea, and Venezuela, don't you think it should be tried on a small scale first before applying it an entire country?  You know, before you starve another 100 million people?

Which is why I find this story particularly interesting.

"Pizza with a Purpose" is what I like to call "micro-communism."  It's a small scale attempt at implementing a socialist economy, albeit on a micro-scopic level.  It allows people to experiment with communism to see if they can "finally" fine tune it and "do it right this time."

But they just keep failing.

Beforehand there was a "Marxist" restaurant in Michigan that closed.  There was also an anti-cop coffee barista who had to close her shop as well. I'm sure if you dig you'll find a dozen cafes, shops, bistros, and restaurants, all headed up by (ironically) communist capitalists who just can't keep a cafe open.

Which begets the question - if you can't run a restaurant, how the hell do you people expect to run an economy?

Of course, to most communists this question is moot.  They value their religion of communism more than the lives it would destroy.  Their ego and religion is more important than the reality it hasn't worked, it won't work, and likely will never work.  And this is a point I'm desperately trying to convey to those not on the left - stop trying to argue reason and evidence with these people.  They simply do not care to debate with intellectual honesty, and they truly don't care to bring about a "better world."  They simply want other people to pay for their stuff.  They simply want free shit.  They want to parasite off of you and these elaborate economic, philosophical and political "theories" are merely bunk to mask their cowardice and parasitism.

What piques my interest is when these people actually put their money where their mouths are and open a communist restaurant.  They're so delusional, and so fervent in their marxist religion, they'll ruin their own financial lives attempting to run a "communist company."  It's at times like that you simply pour yourself a cup of coffee, sit back and watch the show.  And then when they blame it on "patriarchy" or "sexism" or whatever bogus excuses parasites come up with for their own failure, you merely enjoy the decline.



  1. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Here is a recent Zerohedge article also on this topic:

  2. Anonymous2:15 PM

    The $100k Bob Kraft gave out was like a snack for him, so not exactly a glowing endorsement of the project.

    Really, it shows how authoritarian these communists truly are. People didn't buy from that Roxbury pizzeria (I live near it, in the neighboring neighborhood of Jamaica Plain) like they would other shops, that offered better quality food for a lower price, and it's a reflection of how state and national economies work. When one economy is less efficient than the other, it loses. So socialists know the only way to compete is to force as many as possible to play by their rules.

    It's why they don't want to "roll it out" on small groups. Vermont wants to socialize health care? High income people can freely leave, and just decide that the mountains in New Hampshire and Maine are pretty nice to live in, too. No, we have to implement bad laws globally so you can't escape them (climate accords), or nationally so that the only escape is by immigrating (socialize medicine). Even Venezuela took 10-15 years before it really started coming unglued at the national level. By then, the socialists have plenty of others to blame besides themselves.

  3. SM7772:32 PM

    From what I understand, the CIA rubbed out Che Guevara when he was no longer a "useful enemy". From what I hear Al-CIAda took his place. You know about Al-CIAda, the best enemies money can buy.

    Did you notice how quickly they disappeared from the "mainstream" media? Now, the CIA has set up "ISIS" as the new "enemy". Now, ISIS is the best enemy money can buy.

  4. SM7772:35 PM

    Also, considering all of the un-Constitutional and highly illegal police checkpoints
    designed to harass and arrest law abiding citizens for no legal reason, we have nowadays, I have mixed feelings about a commie ****sucking lefty telling the police to "eff off" when they try to buy a cup of coffee.

  5. How do these people come up with the capital required to launch a business in the first place?

    Actually, given the idiotic criteria and standards by which banks are lending money these days, it might be an easier process than one might think.

  6. Blockhed4:30 PM

    "They (communists) simply want other people to pay for their stuff. They simply want free shit. They want to parasite off of you and these elaborate economic, philosophical and political "theories" are merely bunk to mask their cowardice and parasitism."

    Amen Captain!

    And if you dont mind let me (again) put it a little differently. Communism, socialism, and fascism are not some intellectual doctrines or belief mechanisms -- like science or philosophy -- that eggheads, bookworms & longhairs actually believe in; but are mere tools used to obtain power, influence, and, above all, easily obtained wealth.

  7. A Texan4:41 PM

    I read an article a week or so ago where he made the point that the socialist and communist have no working theory of why their ideas should work. Even Marx's asinine manifesto has no working ideas of how this should work or be implemented.

    Mises and Rothbard and others easily demolish the stupidity of the aforementioned philosophies though its pretty much common sense that there is no free lunch ever.

    When we are equal under socialism, who will take out the trash?

  8. Almost everyone experiences micro-socialism/communism for most of his life. Everyone complains all the time, but does not connect the dots. I mean working in company groups.

    Companies are socialist institutions, in fact if not by intent. A company owns and directs all of the activity within it. It specifies all behavior within, and often behavior outside the company. One rises in the company by pleasing the power structure, most often by producing the most, but often through politics and friendships, and sometimes through shared knowledge of illegal activities.

    People complain constantly about dumb decisions within companies, and of course about the dumb decision not to give themselves a higher salary. Socialists especially hate companies because they want freedom in their personal lives and they hate being told what to do.

    It is amazing that socialists want more powerful governments. Governments are 5 times worse than companies because they are larger, more intrusive, less motivated to produce things, and have more economic and physical power, even the right to use weapons. But, socialists see themselves as running the government, so all of this is OK. They see themselves as eventual owners, not workers.

    Only free-market competition can restrain corporate power and give workers bargaining leverage. If one company becomes too stupid, one can quit and go to a better one, or do something individually. This regulates wages and requires company groups to treat their members reasonably well.

    One may have no choice in a socialist society. All companies in your field of work may be run by the Ministry of Widgets. Quit one and you may be locked out of working in the entire field.

    If you dream of socialism, think again about how you liked the last few companies you worked for, and realize that government is much worse. Micro-Socialism is demonstrated every day, and fortunately kept in check by market freedom and a somewhat restrained government.

  9. For some reason that mural of Che Guevara with a platter of burgers just gets me.

  10. The only socialism that can work is a bunch of religious, like-minded people, kind of like a fraternity or a sisterhood, renouncing personal private property and owning all things in common within the group, with their personal religious values keeping them from being selfish, so their work can be dedicated to noble causes instead of themselves. Sadly, the Communists and socialists are hell-bent on killing the only people who can make their doctrine work. I don't know if it's stupidity or professional jealousy that drives them. Maybe both.

  11. Take The Red Pill1:58 PM

    " Vader999 said...
    The only socialism that can work is a bunch of religious, like-minded people, kind of like a fraternity or a sisterhood, renouncing personal private property and owning all things in common within the group, with their personal religious values keeping them from being selfish, so their work can be dedicated to noble causes instead of themselves..."

    One such religious group was The 'Shakers' -- although they were founded in 18th century England, they were more well-known in the United States, especially in the mid to late 19th century.
    Since they also practiced celibacy, they relied on converts to keep their religion existing;
    at present, there are only a couple of accepted 'Shaker' practitioners that exist.
