Wednesday, September 19, 2018

How Most People Get Rich in Finance and Banking

By stealing it.


  1. Honesty, integrity, respect for truth or others or even oneself are concepts relegated to the ash heap of history - if they ever existed at all. At least, at some time in our history, they did exist even though as only cherished mythology.

    What is a man who upholds and lives by the mythology of virtue to do in this cesspool of insanity? In order to survive in a sick system one must become sick. But what does the man who refuses the sickness foisted upon him do? He cannot become sick for doing so betrays himself, a betrayal of the highest order.

    The only answer is to remove oneself from the cesspool. And this answer, the only answer, my dear Captain, is what MGTOW is all about. Think about it. Cheers.

  2. $234Bn? Pfffft, small change. The biggest theft of all occurs at the discount window of the US Fed. Where else can you get $$ from 0% to 1%, lend it out at 4-5% and pocket the spread? Nowhere unless you are a Tier 1 bank.

  3. leeholsen9:02 AM

    I like the wells fargo commercials. yep, we stole from you but we're putting that behind us and you should too by giving us your money again.
