Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Skip College for Success

I chat with Seth Jared about his new initiative to save Generation Z from the fate of the Millennials.


  1. Good discussion.

    I would point out -- ALL education is self taught, even if you are going to college. Education is worthless if you can't perform the tasks for the position(s). Which means did what was presented 'sink in'.

  2. Again I have to say I enjoyed this vid.

    Last observation. Yes kids should focus on how to earn and manage money. But I will provide you another plot to consider:

    Most K-12 instructors have never managed money themselves and politically they lean toward the anti-capitalist mindset. In that kind of environment the kids would never learn anything about how a capitalist system works. Fact it is generally hidden from them on purpose. Why teach money management if the instructor thinks that the State should be taking care of everyone.
