Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Late Night Coronachan 33 - The "Late Night" Episode

Cappy and Chad talk:

Vasectomies WILL end poverty.
16,500 swipes results in 3 dates. ONLINE DATING IS CANCER
Black dude wears mask to collect lottery.
No Presidential debate for Cappy.
Did you know Nonstop Dre is black???

Podcast here

MP3 here.

Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Analyzing the ROI of the Pursuit of Women - 3 Hours and 20 Minutes of "Swiping"

 In preparation for my speech with Rule Zero, I've been confirming figures and finalizing numbers for my speech "Analyzing the ROI of the Pursuit of Women."  But in my research I came across just a devastating piece of data.  Namely, how many swipes a man needs to get 3 dates.

Turns out the answer is 16,500.

I did some quick math and if you assume .75 seconds per swipe, that's 3.3 hours of just swiping.  That doesn't include the many more hours of time spent messaging over 500 matches, counter message, and inevitably landing a date.

And keep in mind this is just ONE STATISTIC.

I will be publishing my findings later either via seminar format or book, but for now, good god almighty boys.  Your life is just too damn short and too damn precious to be wastiing on this hopeless pursuit of getting 3 dates after 16,500 swipes.  I do not fully side with MGTOW, but good god, women have truly become delusional when it comes to their dating expectations and their expectations of men.

Go work out, go pursue your career, go do anything but get on these freaking dating apps as you give your thumb arthritis.

Why Leftists are Doomed to Poverty and Misery


As promised I have finally published my essay "Sanity is the Future of Wealth" on Amazon.  I've posted the book description below as it does the best job explaining what the essay is about and why you might be interested in purchasing it.  This essay is one of the rarer bits of good news in today's political landscape, but is also a bit of philosophy that is required to be happy in today's psychotic environment.  And so if you or somebody you know is down because of riots, protestors, COVID, and the general unstoppable march towards socialism, this essay is an absolute must as it puts things in perfect perspective and might actually make you feel happy.

I hope you enjoy the essay.

"Economics is being revolutionized to the point it's becoming obsolete. With production techniques and technology allowing man to extract exponentially more wealth from finite resources, nearly all our earthly wants and desires are satisfied making the concept of “wealth” and “money” obsolete. But while you'd think such an economic miracle would be celebrated, humans are forever petty, forever greedy, and forever jealous. And instead of enjoying a life of leisure nearly every first-worlder is practically guaranteed to enjoy, most seethe with envy over the petty and minor differences in the now-meaningless “wealth” others have.

Ferrari's over Chevy's.
Sushi over Chipolte.
Brand new iPhones over perfectly used Samsung's.
A rambler over a McMansion.

Tragically, this jealousy ruins the majority of people's lives as it blinds them to the great lives they have and the better ones they could live. Worse, today's political and educational system programs every young person with socialist firmware damning them to a life of misery and envy. But it gets even worse. Because the traditional (and increasingly outdated) concept of wealth only narrowly focuses on money and not the bevy of other things that truly makes a man “wealthy”:

Looks, athleticism, love, creativity, popularity, friends, status, great sex, beauty, innovation, health, family, legacy, a profession, skills, accomplishment, achievement, ability, excellence.

And when you consider this global view of “wealth” you will find out even if we achieved a socialist utopia, psychopathic and petty humans will still be obsessively envious of you, your family, your skills, and your personal life.

Thus, the insanity of 2020.

No doubt riots, protests, cancel culture, SJW's, Bernie Sanders, BLM, Antifa, professional victims, Californians, trait politics, or plain ole boring democrat politics is driving many of you mad, if not seething with anger. Be it because you intuitively know it's a scam or you're smart enough to see through the cowardly mental acrobatics socialists use to rationalize stealing your wealth, its clear these parasites of society want to partially enslave you for their benefit. But while partial enslavement is a necessary evil of democracy, there is a bright silver lining when you consider wealth is becoming obsolete. Because while the parasites of society may be successful in inevitably voting away your increasingly-irrelevant material wealth, it doesn't provide them everything else that matters in life. And without things like love or beauty or excellence or family, leftists are doomed to live not only miserable lives...but insane ones as well.

Thus, “Sanity is the Future of Wealth.

“Sanity is the Future of Wealth” explains to the productive members of society that it is non-financial aspects of life that matter most and are the key determinants of living a happy and successful life. But it also provides the reader with some much-needed vengeance that no matter how much socialists get their way financially, they will never have the things that matter most, especially when material wealth is increasingly unimportant. Alas, in misprioritizing their lives on greed, victimhood-politics, or simple envy, the average American leftist damns himself not only to a wasted life, but an insane one as his parasitic politics cannot provide love, excellence, belonging, achievement, comradery, beauty, or worth. And try as they might to claim “big is beautiful” or besmirch nuclear families or “redistribute hot spouses,” they cannot and thus their entire life will be nothing but a government check.

So revel in their misery. Revel in their insanity. And be happy you're not them. Realize you are truly wealthy as sanity is the future of wealth."

Friday, September 25, 2020

The Older Brother Podcast #82 - The "Violence Interrupters" Episode

Cappy tirades against 

"violence interrupters,"
the fraggie vaggies at Spotify who are triggered by Joe Rogan,
the difference between "on" and "off" strip in Las Vegas,
and promotes the 1099 superior race life.

He also talks about the necessity of men and his hiking with Atham and Elkins.

Direct MP3 here.
Podcast here.
YouTube below

"Achieving Minimalism: Theory and Practice" Is Now Open for Enrollment

"Achieving Minimalism: Theory and Practice" is now available for enrollment.  Simply click here or on the image below, and you will be taken to the class page where you can peruse the class outline and enroll if you so choose.  Enrollment will end on September 30th, but those who enrolled will have 45 days to complete the class.

The price is $499 and as mentioned before will not be of much use to veteran readers/viewers of my content.  However if you are new to my work and don't have the time to consume, let alone sift through all my material (which at last count tallies at 3,000+ posts and 4,000+ videos) this class may be of use to you, especially if you have trouble:

  • Spending more than you make
  • Saving for retirement
  • Mismanaging your time/procrastinate/never have enough time
  • Expending more mental energy/resources than you have
  • And in general have lost focus in life

 It won't solve all your problems, but I'm confident it will most certainly help.

See you in class!


This is NOT the Bursting of the Education Bubble We Need

2.5% is a slow deflation of it.  

Unfortunately, young people today have been so conditioned that college is not only necessary, but the only thing they have in life that a global pandemic that requires they stay home has still only taken enrollment down by 2.5%.

If you "conservative parents" had any balls, you would forbade your children from attending a physical college, let alone attending a liberal arts college period, which would deal the death knell blow you all so desperately want to deliver to the left.

But you won't because "nothing's too good for Daddy's Little Prince/ss."

This one simple thing you traditional parents could do, but you won't because in the end you're all a bunch of cucks.

Oh well.  I guess we'll have another generation of brain dead, NPC Millennials on our hands.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Case for California Communism

Even before the news that Governor Newsom decided to arbitrarily decree that California would ban the sale of gas cars by 2035, I was of the mind that California was already a quasi socialist state.  Combined with it's regulations, high taxes, and overall mental attitude that its political class/the state should not only own everything, but dictate what its citizens should think, say, or do, the State of California is the closest thing the US has to a socialist country.  But instead of fighting it, I argue we should take a lesson from our (in hindsight -very wise) forefathers and allow for "The Great American Experiment" where individual states can do what they want.  And of the now-50 states that we have, some of them - including California - should try communism, just to see what happens.

Against communism most of you may be, there is some incredible wisdom in letting some states go commie.  

First, you never know.  Communism might work this time in spite of it failing every single time before.  And if politicians and social scientists can find a way where nobody has to work and we can all be infinitely wealthy, by all means, try it out on a population of 40 million Californians before applying it to 320 million Americans.  And if successful, share your secrets to success and end poverty not only in the US, but the world forever.  You'll be the biggest heroes in human history and will have genuinely advanced society more than any humans in the past.

Second, failing that (which it will fail), why force the entire country to participate in this experiment when the track record of communism is so horrific?  More often than not, communism kills and impoverishes its participants, faster and more effectively than a hot war.  It's a drug like meth that has done nothing but destroy the lives of those who get addicted to it.  But instead of trying to argue with the average American idiot that they shouldn't take this drug, let's grab the 40 million guinea pigs of California, force them into communism, and see what happens.  Lets see what lab results occur when we give a state full control and ownership over its citizens, before rolling it out for the remaining 49 states.  I've always laughed at the occasional story where a "communist" or "commune" restaurant opens up, only to collapse a few short years later when none of their customers pay and their employees never show up for work.  And I've pointed this out to people advocating communism saying, "Look, you guys can't even run a taco shop, what makes you think you can run a state?"  I think a test group of 40 million datapoints would be more convincing than a mere one off socialist restaurant financed by government grants.

Third, I can't think of a state that deserves socialism more.  California with its Californians have been sanctimonious, arrogant, faux intellectuals who have pushed their politics not only on its citizens, but the rest of the country.  Be it through its large presence in the house of representatives, to the tech giants of Silicon Valley lecturing us via virtue-signaling over their platforms, video games, and movies, California and Californians think they know better. 

Well???  Prove it.  Stop talking about going full socialist and do it at your state, county, and local levels.  Vote in communists, confiscate all private land along the coast, nationalize all the farm land in the valley, take ownership of Google, Yahoo, Apple, and the entire tech sector, and implement whatever other non-financial communist policies you want like environmental laws, recycling laws, thought laws, educational laws, sex-relationship laws, everything.  If we're going to do this, let's do it right and do it 100% so we know what happens to a country when communism is implemented.

Fourth, and this is where Californians and Californian politicians will try to squirm out, you get no help from the other 49 states.  You do not get a bail out of a penny of federal money to trial balloon your socialist experiment.  You do not get to tax expatriates who leave California for Texas.  You do not get to complain about capital flight.  You do not get to complain about brain drain. You do not get any outside help from the outside world as that is proof positive communism is an unsustainable economic system.  These past 20 years Californians have not only wanted socialism, but they've made it their religion, sanctimoniously drawing personal and spiritual value from it.  If you're so invested in it, then make it work.  It reminds me of the speech Gregory Peck gave to David Niven in "The Guns of Navarone."

"They say you're an expert with explosives!  START PROVING IT!"

And finally, California's business owners.

I am not so much talking your local farmer or your small time restaurantier.  I'm talking the big, large, corporations headquartered in LA and Silicon Valley.  Most of the business owners are leftists, and not just leftists, but use their companies to advocate and push for socialism.  Through the media, Hollywood, or social media, every day the rest of America gets to hear your sermoning and lecturing about how the rest of the country should be socialist AND how noble and caring your company is for advocating the same.

Well then the Mark Zuckerbergs, the Hollywood studio owners, and the Tim Cooks of the world should gladly give their companies to the State of California, forfeit their own personal assets as well, and start walking the walk they're advocating for when they're talking their talk.  Those assets are the only and best shot of California raising the funds to implement a socialist society, and the very first people that should be dragged up to Sacramento to be told they're forfeiting their companies and assets to the State are those business owners who've been fellating the State and socialism this entire time.  

Idealistic as this sounds, understand this is already happening to a certain extent and is why I'm telling California to "just go for it."  California's taxes makes it the largest defacto shareholder of all private industry in the state.  Its state and local regulations make its non-financial world the Orwellian nightmare come true that many socialists want (consent forms for sex, hyper regulation, indotrination at the schools, etc.).  The people want socialism.  And even your business leaders are advocating for it.

So what's stopping you California?

For once we have the opportunity to see a real and large state implement communism without a shot being fired.  You have a "bold leader" in the form of Gavin Newsom who is obviously willing to implement communism.  And a population that is for it too.  Furthermore, it has been the dream of millions of social scientists, government workers, an ordinary American liberal arts majors to see socialism realized in the United States.  Welllllll???  We're waiting!

Naturally, I know this will fail.  Naturally, if Californians put their money where their mouths are, they will destroy their economy, society, and make the whole state look like feces-adorned San Francisco.  It will be the worst peace-time failure of an American state in all of US history.  But just like a child doesn't know eating too much ice cream will make him sick, you need to let these modern day petulant little children get what they want as there is no other way to learn.  And thus, instead of forcing communism on the rest of America, not to mention we could all save ourselves DECADES of life and time arguing about economics in the future, let's have it out right now.  Let's see California implement socialism.  Let's see what happens.  By all means gorge on all the communist ice cream in the world you want.  It will be the most productive economic experiment ever conducted in America and the entire country, even California, is bound to benefit from it.



Hey cool Gen Z'er kids! 
Want to end up like the Millennials? 
Well make sure you don't by reading the book below!

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Good Luck With That California

Elon Musk's stock just shot up.

But let me guess.  We're going to complain about him getting richer.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Minimalism and Sanity

A friendly reminder to some of the younger or newer viewers/readers of my material that my seminar "Achieving Minimalism: The Key to Happiness and Success in Life" will be launching September 25th.  Enrollment will be limited to 5 days so you can sign up from the 25th to the 30th, after which enrollment will close.  

As I've said before the vast majority of my readership would not tangibly benefit from this seminar, especially if you have your financial house in order.  But if you are young or simply want to stop spending as much as you make, this seminar would certainly be of benefit and profit to you.  It is $499 which is indeed pricey, but is designed to save you an equivalent amount of time/money/resources to actually get you to the point where you are:

- spending less than you make
- eliminating commutes from your life
- limiting how much worry/stress you waste in life concerning yourself over things that ultimately do not matter

Additionally, I will be publishing my essay "Sanity is the Future of Wealth" which is a good companion piece with this seminar on minimalism.  Once it's published, I will send you a copy in the mail if you so desire.

If you are interested or know somebody who is, e-mail me here and I will notify you when the seminar opens for enrollment.



Remember, The Boomers Created the Millennials

 And excerpt from "How Not to Become a Millennial"

But why were the Boomers so bad at raising the Millennials?  Why did they give such horrible advice?  Matter of fact, why were they so bad at life themselves?  They did more drugs than any generation alive. Raised the national debt to record peace-and-war-time levels.  Made divorce and breeding half-siblings an Olympic event.  Destroyed the nuclear family and millions of their children’s lives.  And a full 2/3rds of them can’t even afford retirement.  And keep in mind this isn’t the old trope of the younger generation always blaming the previous one.  The Boomers are empirically and objectively an absolutely abysmal generation (which is the subject of an upcoming book).  How, after having every possible advantage in life and insisting they knew better than everyone else, is it they were wrong about pretty much everything?

The answer can be found in a quote by G. Michael Hopf in his book “Those Who Remain,”

“Hard times create strong men.
Strong men create good times.
Good times create weak men.
Weak men create hard times.”

And the Baby Boomers are indeed weak men.

If there was ever a generation born into good times it was the Baby Boomers.  The 1950’s and 1960’s were the golden era of US history.  Unemployment averaged around 4%, even going into the 2%’s for a couple years.  Economic growth was twice that of what we have today. You didn’t need a college degree to apply for entry level positions.  And those entry level positions could afford you the American dream on one income replete with a house, spouse, car and kids.  But perhaps the biggest advantage the Boomers had growing up is the incredible luxury of having both a mother and a father present in the house at the same time.  This nuclear family, combined with the other socio-economic factors, made the Baby Boomers’ upbringing the most idyllic the world had ever seen.  And with their WWII generation parents starkly reminded of the horrors of the Great Depression and war, it was a guarantee their children would be the most pampered and spoiled in then-as-of-yet US history.

The problem with good times, however, is that it destroys people’s ability to value.  If everything is handed to you, paid for by your parents, or the good times are just simply rolling, nobody has to suffer, sacrifice, or pay a price to get what they want.  And it is simply not mentally possible to value anything unless you have paid a price for it.  But if you have to toil, work, suffer and slave merely to stave off poverty or simply to survive, you become acutely aware of what does and does not have value in life, including things like food, clothing, shelter, freedom, your fellow man, and yes, even your children.

In this sense the WWII generation had an incredible ability to value.  They knew what was important in life because they had to work so hard to get it.  But the Baby Boomers had none, because (though in a well-intended attempt to make sure their children never suffered) the WWII generation deprived their children of their own ability to suffer, thus value, thus making them the weak generation the Boomers turned out to be.

The problem with being weak men, in having no ability to value, is that you inevitably need something of value in your life. You need a reason to get up in the morning.  Something to cherish.  A reason to live.  But if all your basic needs are met, and you’ve never had to pay a price for anything, you are mentally incapable of valuing or appreciating anything in life.  Thus, in the mind of a weak, spoiled man the only thing of worth, the only thing you have in your life is yourself.  And thus you become solipsistic, self-centered, and incapable of selflessness, altruism or love, because only you matter in your own mind.

This doesn’t mean that the Baby Boomers weren’t capable of loving their children, caring about society, or being well-intended.  But it does mean that for many of them their own self-interests trumped everything else in life, especially if push came to shove.  And if you don’t believe it, simply look at all the different types of Boomers you’ve ran across in your life and look at the actions they took, not the words they said.  What you will find, via their own actions, is that most of the Baby Boomers were primarily motivated by four things (or a combination thereof):

A fear of real work, toil, suffering or sacrifice (laziness)
Profit, and

And these things superseded everything and everyone in most of these Baby Boomers’ lives.  Including their Millennial children.

Thursday, September 17, 2020

When Economics and the Red Pill Collide

Was on Rollo's show yesterday and talked about how the internet, but especially webcam sites, have fundamentally changed the labor market.  We also discussed how "old order thinking" has forced young women into outdated corporate careers as the "pinnacle" of success, while the future economy is online as a 1099 Superior Racer.  Worth the listen, especially if you're a younger man or woman so you know where opportunity in the future lies, NOT where old washed up boomer feminists and professors says it does:

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Women and Tattoos: "Shhhhhhhoooockinnnnnng"

Doing more research for my upcoming seminar "Analyzing the ROI on the Pursuit of Women" and what do you know intrepid young Millennial and Gen Z'ers.  Women with tattoos have self-esteem issues (if you can even trust psychological studies such as these).

"Despite the limitations, our cross-sectional design provides preliminary empirical support for the notion that young women with tattoos have significantly lower self-esteem as compared to women without tattoos."

 Also, today is the last day to sign up for the Rule Zero online seminar, so e-mail me at if you wanted to.

They're Actually Trying to Promote Tourism in Minneapolis

You guys think I'm joking when I try to convey just how stupid and naive Minneapolis folk are, here you go.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Why Women Love Food More Than Men

On October 2nd through the 3rd I will be speaking at an online seminar with the guys at Rule Zero.  Each of the 10 speakers has their own topic.  Mine is going to be "Analyzing the ROI of the Pursuit of Women."

While my model is about two pages long and it's final number tallied at the bottom calculates the actuarial chances of finding a woman in today's market that will make you happy, the sub-data that goes into this monster of a formula is interesting (and depressing) unto itself.  Not so much because of the dire statistics it indicates, but because of what it tells us about young women today in terms of their behavior, choices, and desires.

In this case the percent of women that are both overweight and obese of child bearing age.

This is such a damning statistic because it tells us young women would rather eat food than attract a man.  This means, by choices women put forth in the real world (not what they may actually "feel" inside...whatever that means), women would rather eat more than fall in love.  Cryptic and cold as that may sound, it's true.  Women's public behavior today shows very clearly what their priorities are and attracting a man ranks below "Another Hoho" or "Exercise."

Now, admittedly, men are only slightly better when you look at their obesity rates.  And that is true, much as men might pine for a svelte women that's in shape, they are equally hypocritical when it comes to putting down the hohos and hitting the treadmill.  And while I could make the statement that men are more interested in a woman's physique than women are men's, thus it's incumbent upon women to lose the weight first, it's important to look at why both sexes are practically hurting each other being the overweight disgusting slobs they are today.


Right as it might be to point out the revolting levels of young-adult obesity, remember that until very very recently in human history, starvation was the number one problem facing all of humanity for nearly all of its existence.  The human body has evolved to become incredibly efficient with food, what sparse food it could find for the first 2 million years of human existence.

But with the advent of farming technologies, the agricultural revolution, and bio-hacking the genetic code of various crops and animals, we've been able to solve hunger. So much so I've seen "poor kids" go from genuinely skinny, underfed children to fat, bloated tubbies dining at the 7-11 on their single mom's EBT card.  Humans have not necessarily gotten lazier.  The technology to make food has just advanced that much quicker.  So quick our genetics cannot evolve fast enough to account for it, thus why your average young woman is 5'4" and 165 disgusting pounds.

Still, evolutionary or genetic reasons why only 40% of young women today are attractive, doesn't change the slim (or rather should I say "not so slim") pickings men have today.  Women simply cannot shuck their genetic conditioning and put down the food, thus making reality women prefer food over men.  Additionally, the same condemnation can be made at men, being the disgusting pigs they are.  So if either of the sexes wants to have a happy life (which requires a handsome/beautiful person from the opposite sex to attain), I suggest we all start losing weight.  But since it is women's beauty that prompts men to ask women out, and thus initiating a potential relationship, it's incumbent upon women to inspire men to do so.  Besides, you women love to lead and "change the world."  Let's see some of that "strong, independent, girl boss" leadership we've been hearing so much about these past 40 years.

(Oh, and if you are interested in attending the seminar, e-mail me at

Sunday, September 13, 2020

College Should Be Free....And It Is Going to Be Soon

Big corporations are waking up and are doing more to destroy the obsolete university system in the US than any one else.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

How Many People You Will Date Before You Marry

I was invited to speak at the Rule Zero seminar, which will be held online October 2nd and 3rd.  And while the lion's share of the speakers' topics will be on how to get the girls, mine will take a more actuarial and practical approach - "Analyzing the ROI on the Pursuit of Women."  AKA - "Maybe You Ought to Rethink Getting The Girls."

Regardless, mathematically calculating the "ROI on the pursuit of women" has forced me to dust off the ole economist skills, fire up my model programming abilities, spend hours pouring over data, and spend just as many hours merely thinking about whether said data and said model is calculating precisely what I want it to.  And while this is the first attempt of it's kind to measure "the ROI of the Pursuit of women," the data I've compiled thus far is amazing and insightful, just as it is depressing and tragic.

While you'll have to sign up for the seminar to find my complete findings (which you can do by e-mailing me here:, and to forewarn you, it's $597), I did want to share a unique subset of data as I believe it not only conveys to both men and women just how much work goes into finding your "special someone, but also shows two completely different dating strategies between the sexes, which in turn might help you adjust yours for better chances of success.

This subset of data is "# of people you will date before getting married."  It's key to calculating the ROI of the pursuit of women because dating is a very costly and necessary endeavor (for men) in order to find a wife.  Dating, however, takes on a very different nature for women because while it is a time investment on their part to go on dates, they actually profit from it economically as the majority of dates are paid for by men.  Additionally, women do not "get dates" as much as they accept or reject them, further reduing whatever time investment they need to find a potential husband.  This difference is made very clear in the number of dates the average man goes on before finding his wife compared to the number of men women date before finding their husband.  

Average # of Women Men Date Per Marriage = 70.22
Average # of Men Women Date Per Marriage = 10.8

In other words, men date roughly 7 times as much as women, implying investment costs 7 times that of women.

But whereas a 7:1 ratio is very interesting in any activity between the sexes, there's an additional interesting tidbit within the data.  For whereas the female data is relative stable averaging around 11 men per marriage, the men's data is slightly bimodal.  The vast majority of men only manage 20 women to date before marrying (a majority of which is 10 or under), but another group of "serial daters" forms breaking the 100 and even 200+ line.

Interestingly enough (when age data was provided) these are not necessarily your older men who lived long enough to date that many women, but men in their 20's, 30's, even 40's, who were epitomal "players" that just dated a TON of women, almost to the point it would have to be a part time job.  Furthermore, many of these men never reported marrying, just dating, posing the question if they even had intentions of marrying and should therefore even be considered in the analysis.

Regardless, if you have a keen eye you'll notice that there are not as many data points as a serious statistician would like.  And as is often the case in economics, "You don't go to the war with the army you'd like.  You go to war with the army you got" and this is the data I got.  The data comes from a highly un-scientific video I put together since there was no other data or studies available measuring how many people an individual dates before marrying, so (like many economists) I had to go and create the data myself.  But if you were a kind and charitable soul and wanted to help improve the integrity of the data, posting the following in the comments section would definitely help:

1.  # of people you dated
2.  # of times you were married, and
3.  Your sex
4.  AND NOTHING ELSE because I just need numbers, not a story or editorial about why or who or what....LADIES.

Additionally, if you were interested in attending this seminar, you can certainly e-mail me here at, but tune into a pre-seminar show where me and the other speakers at the seminar discuss our topics and provide a little bit more information:

Friday, September 11, 2020

Joining Rule Zero Tomorrow Morning

 I think 1030AM CST.  I'm in Portland and I'm all screwed up on the time zone.

Wednesday, September 09, 2020

Psychology is a Completely Worthless Profession

 From the "American Psychological Association:"

“Every institution in America is born from the blood of white supremacist ideology and capitalism—and that’s the disease,” says Theopia Jackson, PhD, president of the Association of Black Psychologists (ABPsi)."

You are a fool to think that psychology or psychologists are legitimate.  You are also a fool to think these psychopaths can help you.  They are a political entity that does not care about anything approaching mental health, and are a bunch of lazy fucks who just want to make a quick buck off of shamanism and witchcraft.


Why Large American Organizations Are No Longer Possible

As I get older I start to see society more as a machine with millions of moving parts.  Be it getting gas, buying a sub sandwich, taking a class, or just driving down the road, all of these things require millions of moving parts in the form of humans to do their job and do it well for these things to come into existence.  But also as I have aged, I have realized that this "machine of society" is not operating as efficiently as it once did.  Traffic is getting slower not because of a lack of roads, but because each individual is a much lower quality driver.  I have to send mail certified because of an increasing number of times the mail simply wasn't delivered.  Banking errors have increased at my bank for a myriad of reasons.  And of course many of you are familiar with my "Wyoming 3" where the sandwich artist at the Casper Subway shop will screw up your order twice in order to get it right the third time.

This has done nothing short of piss me off as I do not control the world and the people around me.  I am hopelessly dependent upon the individual people of the world to do their job in order for me to enjoy a certain standard of living. And so as the individual unit of society (humans) gets dumber, slower, lazier, and less competent, so too does my standard of living decay.

But if you think it is bad now, just wait until a "new and improved" generation of humans are released into society.  Because while Americans are indeed getting dumber, slower, and less competent, this "new and improved" generation of Americans have the added "special bonus" of one thing and one thing only - being psychotic.  And you cannot live in a society that is psychotic.

By "psychotic" I do not mean grabbing knives and stabbing people or setting buildings on fire (that would be Minneapolis democrats).  But a mental illness of sorts that prevents people from functioning normally within society.  And we're not talking one of the designer mental illnesses Millennials claim to have to garner special treatment, but one purposely and intentionally programmed into their minds starting in kindergarten - dysfunctional politics.

By "dysfunctional politics" I do not mean communism or nazism where the political system doesn't work and fails the society it's intended to serve/support.  I'm talking about a religion, an ideology, a mental conditioning that is programmed into a generation of young people's minds which renders them dysfunctional, incompetent, and incapable beyond their modern day counterparts.  And whereas laziness, sloth, or a lack of work ethic plagues the current-day schleps getting my subway order wrong or driving slow in the left lane, it is the "dysfunctional politics" of entitlement, identity politics, race/sex/gender-obsession, virtue-signaling, and above all else - "snowflakism" that renders this latest generation completely worthless as functioning units of society.

For example, take the Ellen Degeneres Show.

I do not personally watch The Ellen Degeneres Show, but there is no doubt the value, production, and service Ms. Degeneres has provided millions of American women...and gay men.  Her show has been on the air for 20 years and if you consider the number of people she has employed, the hundreds of millions, arguably billions of people she's entertained, not to mention the additional economic production in terms of advertisers, sponsors, video equipment, fashion firms, etc., this woman has contributed easily BILLIONS of dollars worth of production to society.

But whereas Ellen may be a hard-working, functional adult, not everybody in her organization is.  And while not everybody has to be a work-a-holic entrepreneur within the Ellen Degeneres Show machine, all it took was an allegation of sexual harassment and a toxic work environment to bring this machine to a screeching halt. 

Now keep in mind this was 36 separate people making an accusation against three individuals within the Ellen Degeneres Machine.  And also keep in mind, if true, people should not be sexually harassing anyone at anytime at a work environment.  But instead of taking this up quietly with HR or Ellen herself, a big kerfuffle had to be made about it, necessitating the shut down.  And while I do not have any proof (nor could I ever) I would bet $1,000 that these 36 people are of the snowflake variety, and instead of being stoic and controlled about it, were conditioned to be professional victims, hype over the drama, claim victimhood more than their was pain, and thus make the production of The Ellen Degeneres Show untenable.  

Another example is an entire university being shut down over a tweet.

That's right, a tweet.

One Jaden McNeil (also a young idiot) tweeted out "Congratulations to George Floyd for being drug free for a month."  This begat howls and cries of racism within the University of Kansas, where McNeil intends to study.  But not just howls and cries, but students saying they refuse to attend KU unless this individual was dealt with, but also the entire college football team boycotting the season if Mr. McNeil was not kicked out of KU.

Again, what Jaden McNeil did was wrong and idiotic.  But the mental illness caused by the dysfunctional politics of the entire KU football team, as well as who knows what percent of the student body, is so entrenched and so powerful, these people will sacrifice their own athletic and educational careers over an idiotic tweet.  They are so mentally pampered, so mentally delusional, they actually think in a world of 7 billion people, there isn't going to be some idiot saying something idiotic, and if there is, BY GOD SHUT DOWN THE UNIVERSITY.

And then there is the case of Joel Kaplan.

Joel Kaplan was a vice president of one of Facebook's many divisions.  He was (still is) a family friend of Brett Kavanaugh.  During Mr. Kavanaugh's heresay hearings about sexually assaulting Blasey-Ford in during the Taft administration, some Facebook employees saw Joel Kaplan sitting in the courtroom during these hearings.  Upon finding out he was there in support of Mr. Kavanaugh, some Facebook employees took to the internet to discuss their disgust that Mr. Kaplan was supporting an obvious rapist and how he should be fired and they would walk out on Facebook, etc. etc.

Facebook obviously didn't close, but I'm sure over the next few weeks inordinate amounts of resources (both financial and mental) had to be expended doting on the fragile sensitivities of their precious Facebook employee snowflakes.

And then there is the City of Minneapolis.

Larger both in terms of size, finances, and the number of people than Facebook, the City of Minneapolis - like any other corporation, school, or other entity - is a machine.  And a machine composed of individual human units.  So when George Floyd was killed while being detained by some Minneapolis cops, the mentally ill citizens of Minneapolis  decided to riot, loot, and burn down a stretch of Lake Street.

Again, never mind the cops involved in his death have been arrested and are being charged.

Never mind that justice is literally being served as we speak.  

Enough of the young citizens of Minneapolis have had their brains impaired by the dysfunctional politics they were spoon fed from K-college that it didn't matter.  They were so fragile, so snowflakey, and so void of intellectual honesty and critical thinking, their logical solution was to burn parts of the city down.

Minneapolis' inability to function as a city was further corroborated when a Minneapolis man killed himself, which prompted Minneapolitans to riot, loot, and destroy another stretch of Minneapolis - this time downtown Nicollet Avenue.  No cop killed this man, cops had nothing to do with his death.  But false rumors spread on the internet fired up the same perpetually-offended people to go and destroy their town.  And again, rendering a large municipal entity untenable. 

So sit back if you will and think about this logically.

We have raised one, arguably two generations of children and adult children to be so fragile, so dysfunctional, and so angry, that if things don't go precisely their way at all times they will tear down and destroy whatever organization they're with.  That Facebook division likely couldn't function for a week or so I'd imagine.  KU administrators had to look at the absurd-but-real fact that their entire football season would be canceled, not to mention their entire class of 2020 walking out of them over a bleeping tweet.  Some idiot guys did something inappropriate which triggered the sensibilities of 36 people to the point they had to shut down an otherwise successful show.  And an entire city is so brainwashed, so dysfunctional, so delusional, that even when an accused bad cop is arrested and facing charges, EVEN WHEN THE COPS HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH ANOTHER MAN'S SUICIDE, they still shut down the city, concluding rioting, looting, and burning buildings is the logical solution.

There are hundreds of examples, but what you are witnessing is a generation or two of Americans who are no longer capable of having a civilized society.  A group of NPC robots programmed to put their politics, victimhood, ideology, envy, and virtue signaling ahead of logic, ethics, legal behavior, law and order, or even the rights of their fellow man.  And while people are dumb and can't get my order right three times at the Casper, Wyoming Subway, these latest two generations of Americans are simply feral and dysfunctional adult children who are driven by a mentally ill ideology and not reality.  And so what you're witnessing is not so much people driving slow in the left lane or the post office losing an occasional package, but a decay into a second world country with all of it's rights and privileges.

Without large organizations able to function efficiently or at all, our economy will collapse or at least be severely impaired.  Governments unable to protect its citizens, build roads, or build infrastructure will fail into decay and dysfunction much like Minneapolis has (just search all the firms closing or leaving, or look at the laughably inept Mayer Jacob Frey of Minneapolis).  Corporations and employers who focus more on the color of your skin, politics, and virtue signaling will deter the best employees giving rise to a slow but inexorable decline of that corporation (via lower profits, lower quality, poor customer service, increased price, etc.).  Colleges are already a lost cause where nearly all degrees conferred by them are worthless, not to mention they are bastions of dysfunctional childish insanity.  Even the institution of the family is no longer functional as it takes two mature adults to successfully raise children, which Americans have been laughably failing at since the Baby Boomer generation.  Americans have decayed so much on the individual level, we are simply no longer capable of forming functional teams.  And it is teams of people, working together for a larger organization with a larger goal (not constantly looking to be aggrieved, offended, or triggered) that has led to nearly all the advancement and progress we enjoy today in society....not to mention it is teamwork that simply keeps the electricity running and society functioning.  

Still, Precious Priscilla's feelings are more important than whether or not she shows up for her job

Oppressed Opie's victimhood is more important than him getting a job and supporting himself.

And Fragile Fran can't possibly be expected to go to school for a real skill, but instead needs to protest the "patriarchy" because it's wrong engineering pays more than sociology.

And you now have legions of these non-functioning adults entering the real world.

We are not going to enter 2nd world status.  We already are entering it.  Our national (and state and municipal) debts are proof we are unable to support ourselves.  The laughable college degrees and bogus "professions" our youth pursue show adult children believing in the world of make-believe instead of the real world of hard economics.  Parents abdicating their responsibility to raise their children to the state school system is almost as disgusting as raising their children in broken homes.  And modern day young adults are so worthless, so void of anchored purpose and meaning, they place more value on traits they were born with than production or good they can do for society.  

Without a doubt, this latest generation of Americans are the most dysfunctional, unanchored, irresponsible, retarded, psychopathic, and ultimately worthless generation America has ever seen.  And you couldn't even pick a decent team for kickball, let alone a team of people to run "Team America" from this lot.  Expect institutions to fail.  Expect corporations to decline.  Expect governments to become more oppressive.  Expect families to disintegrate.  And expect all of this to be couched in an increasingly insane environment as the precious snowflakes you raised make their way through society.


When you get your head out of your ass, check out some of my cool stuff below:



Monday, September 07, 2020

What Economists Do in a Pinch

So it's harkening back to the 1980's where there was no internet and thus you actually either had to go and look up microfiche or compile your own data when doing research.  Well...the internet doesn't have the data I'm looking for.  And the HELL if I'm going to the library to look at microfiche.  Time to dust off the ole economist skills in me and get some polling data.

Your participation and sharing is appreciated:

Saturday, September 05, 2020

Achieving Minimalism Seminar

Hello Lieutenants and Economists,

After having some kind friends and colleagues take my seminar and give it the once over, I will be officially launching "Achieving Minimalism: Theory and Practice - The Secret to Happiness and Success in Life."  I made some minor changes, but the price has been somewhat reduced from $599 to $499 as it was actually quite universally agreed the material within the course was absolutely worth the money.  

As I've stated before, this seminar is NOT LIKELY to be of any value to those of you who are regular consumers of my content or veteran readers of my books.  And it's certainly won't be of any value to those of you who spend less than you make, have your financial act together, and have your debts paid off.  However, if you are relatively new to my channel/site/podcast/etc., and don't have the time to sift through the thousands of posts and podcasts I've done, this seminar may be of value to you.  Additionally, if you're the type of person who just can't stop spending more than you make, this class is definitely for you and definitely worth the price.  So while $499 is a steep price, so is going into debt, never saving money for retirement, and filing for bankruptcy.  Just sit and think about it for a bit.  Is it worth $499 today to stop spending more than you make for the rest of your life?

Registration for the class will begin on September 25th and end September 30th.  Those of you who sign up will have 45 days to complete the class.  There are no refunds.  I strongly recommend you take notes, though there is a Power Point presentation that comes along with it that should suffice.

I will make an announcement on all my channels/sites when registration is open.  If you want me to notify you via e-mail, e-mail me here and let me know -



Why the Stock Market Keeps Going Up... in Spite of COVID

This is some economics 101 for our regulars, but for any new people you may find this insightful.

Wednesday, September 02, 2020

"Everything Is Your Fault"

This is an excerpt from the book "How Not to Become a Millennial."  It's an important philosophical lesson because while everybody is acting like a soccer player, always injured and playing the forever oppressed, for those of you who wish to not piss away your life feigning being a victim, it is important to understand the concept of "agency."  For without agency and responsibility, you will never be successful.

You may find the book here.


We do not live in “Shoulda-Land.”  Only fools believe in “should.”  Because while the concept of “should” is real and we should always be aiming for an ideal, what is infinitely more important is what is.

Yes, you “should” be able to park your car running without it being stolen.
Yes, you “should” be treated with respect and professionalism from your boss.
Yes, you “should” be able to walk down a dark alley wearing fishnets and heels and not get raped.

But when your car gets stolen, your boss lies to you about the job, or you get raped The World of “Is” becomes much more real and important.

The concept of “should” also removes all power and control from the individual, giving it to society and fate, delusionally expecting the 12,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 lbs planet and its 7 billion inhabitants to operate in your best interests.  You naively and optimistically assume the rest of the world will do your bidding, be fair and just, and oblige by some moral obligation to take care of you.  But tempting as that idea might sound, it will not happen.  All you really manage to do in outsourcing your decisions and responsibilities to “fate” or “should” is relinquish all your power to others, putting you 100% at the mercy of others.  And if Chapter 33 taught us anything, the real world is evil and most people will take advantage of you instead of take care of you.

Still, most people want to live in “Shoulda-Land” because it plays directly to the most powerful force in the human psyche - laziness.  They like the sweet-tasting lies that we *should* be guaranteed housing.  We *should* be able to have a career in what we’re passionate about.  Government *should* make education free.  Men *should* like fat chicks.  And people *should* drive fast in the left lane.  But as we know from The Reality Principle, people who base their decisions in “Shoulda-Land” instead of The World That “Is” are doomed to fail in life.  And while a booming economy, with a large welfare state, and a naïvely democratic population can support delusional people for quite some time, in the end the real world wins, “is” trumps “should,” and millions of humans waste their lives.   

Therefore, if you wish to avoid the fate of:

    • a Millennial hoping for a bailout,
    • a 48 year old spinster who is resorting to a turkey baster and her frozen eggs, or
    • some sad pathetic Boomer hippie who’s reverse-mortgaging his home to eat that week

it pays for younger generations to commit to living in the world that “is” and to leave the idealistic poppycock of “should” behind.

Everything is Your Fault

This is not difficult or hard as much as it is being disciplined and principled.  Just as you commit to losing weight by working out and dieting right, you commit to living in the real world by accepting what is and accepting you are the one who is responsible for his/her own destiny.  But just as dieting can have some key tips and tricks to succeeding in losing weight, there are some bits of traditional fatherly advice (you *should* have received) that will help you the same in achieving success in life – specifically that everything is your fault.

What is meant by this is that if you abandon the concept of “should” what the world really becomes is an environment, even a video game, where you are the only true independent variable.  You don’t control what congress does that day, you don’t control whether the sun comes up, you don’t control the weather, and you don’t control the truck that just jumped the curb and is barreling down on you.  But you do control you.

This ultimate agency, this ultimate self-ownership means that though you don’t control everything in the world around you, the one thing you do control is you and your reaction to that world.  And no matter how unfair or how unjust the world may be around you, since you do control yourself and your reaction to it, at the most fundamental level you are responsible for everything in life.  Everything is your fault.  Simply because that’s the effective reality you live in.

Admittedly there is some nuance to this concept in that factually not everything is your fault.  If you get cancer, a meteorite hits you in the head, communists take over and shoot you, etc., these things are outside of your control and are thus not your fault.  But just as important as realizing that you are the only independent variable in your life, it’s equally important to be able to assess what you do and do not control.  Because if you try to influence things in life you have no control over you will not only fail and waste precious resources, but you will suffer unnecessary stress and frustration.  And in order to achieve this critically important ability to identify what you do and do not control, you need to master a philosophy called “stoicism.”

An excellent example and incredibly hard exercise in stoicism is to get stuck in traffic and get stuck behind some old lady driving in the left lane.  Infuriating as that may be, you do not control it.  You do not control that woman.  You do not control the traffic.  So why get angry or your blood pressure up over it?  All you control is your reaction to it and to realize that is the ultimate goal of the exercise.

Another example is the previously discussed Zen one can achieve at work. You can go to school all you want, train up in certifications and skills, but at the end of the day your boss is so incompetent you end up filing and faxing when you’re capable of so much more.  Do you control that?  Do you want to get angry over it?  Or do you have the Herculean resolve to realize you don’t control the situation, you’re getting paid the same amount of money no matter what you do, you’re not getting those eight hours of life back, so in the end you might as well chill out and accept your fate?  Stoicism is no easy feat to accomplish.

But whether it’s Tilly driving in the left lane, Boomer Boss Karen assigning you fax duty, or Communist Cortez putting you on cattle cars, stoicism clearly breaks down the world into two things.  Things you do control and things you do not control.  And if you’re smart you will not even consider the things you don’t control in life simply because you cannot control them.  Why waste the time?  Why waste the energy or stress?  It is certainly in your control to respond to these uncontrolled variables.  It’s certainly within your control to forecast the communists will hunt you down, put you in a cattle car, and so you better move to Morocco before they come knocking on your door.  But you do not control those variables themselves, only your reaction to them.  So do not fret.  Do not get angry.  Do not rue the injustice of life.  Accept.  Predict.  Forecast.  Maneuver.  Adapt.  Even profit off of it.

The end result of practicing stoicism and living in The World That “Is” is an approach to life that is as practical as it can possibly be.  A life that is very much like a poker hand.  It doesn’t matter what cards you were dealt.  That was not under your control.  What is under your control, no matter how crappy the cards, is how you play the game.  And what results is not some whiny, naïve, wishy-washy entitled brat complaining about how bad their life is or how unlucky they are, who prostrates themselves in front of fate hoping the government bails them out or some other person comes saves them.  But instead a “best possible outcome” scenario where an empowered individual took control of their own fate to the maximum extent possible, accepted and acknowledged reality, made shrewd, often painful and sacrificing decisions, but in the end “won at life,” drastically improving upon the shitty hand they were originally dealt.  

This is the correct approach to life.  This is the best option people have no matter how good or bad their starting point in life.  And the sooner you realize that, the sooner you’ll be better off than the whiners in “Shoulda-Land” who are still waiting for a bailout, still waiting for men to like fat chicks, still waiting to get unfriendzoned, and still waiting for BGI to make them rich.

Live in a Van Down By the River

The question is simply do you want to take command of your life and make it as great as possible?  Or do you want to once again believe in the false promises of laziness and “Shoulda-Land?”  Do you want to own your decisions in life, take responsibility, do the hard work that is necessary to improve in life?  Or vote and hope maybe Yang gives you a $1,000/month welfare check or a 10% forgiveness on your student loan balance?  

I am often reminded of that Iranian client I had who came to the US to become a doctor.  The one who couldn’t stand the site of blood, switched to Chemical Engineering, and his parents consequently disowned him.  Instead of whining or going to the government or returning home, heeling under the tyranny of his parents, he chose instead to live out of his SUV, shower at the gym, continue his Chemical Engineering degree and make a living as a chemical engineer.  I do not know what happened to him later in life, but I can guarantee he is doing better than any man demanding a student loan bailout, free Medicare, government-guaranteed jobs, or any other person living in “Shoulda-Land.”


Tuesday, September 01, 2020

Revenge of the Employers

First it was Millennials and Zoomers ghosting on job offers.

Now employers are striking back.

"We're Not Sleeping Together" - The FINAL Explanation of What That Means

Below you will find a book review of Rian Stone's "The FuccFiles."  It's a memoir and derivative lessons he learned from chasing skirts for 10 years.  However, though perhaps he didn't intend on it, he explained why woman say "we're not sleeping together"....but then you sleep together. 

I didn't realize I had the answer at the same time, but from a different angle and to solve a different topic.  I was wondering why people insist on living in La La Land, also called "The Land of Lies."  Why were lies so preferable over reality?  Don't people realize living lies causes long term, often irrecoverable, damage to your life?  And what coward lives lies?  Wouldn't you logically conclude it's best to live in the real world.  And thus I epiphanized the concept of "The Last and Final Luxury Good in America," wherein the final luxury good we can consume is living a lie that is better than any life we can have in the real world.

This "Last and Final Luxury Good" and "We're Not Sleeping Together" are correlated and explained in this book review.

The book itself is very much worth a purchase and read, especially for younger men who have no game.  But for veterans the philosophical insight of the book is very much worth it, especially if you never understood why certain things worked with women, but never questioned it, you just went along with it.