Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Men Need to Quit Online Dating

The numbers are compelling.


  1. Anonymous2:09 AM

    I wish that I had seen this ten years ago, but back then, the online dating industry would have retaliated. At that time, about ninety percent of men only lasted ninety days. It was that discouraging. On the face of it, it should work. I attribute it to the difference in motivation between men and women.

  2. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Online dating is like buying lottery tickets. You might win but the odds are against you. Even if women will go out with you, it’s unlikely they’ll show you any respect. Most people these days are just opportunists, out for what they can get, man or woman. I don’t always blame women, it’s partly the times we live in. The average white collar office job is enough to turn anybody into a self centered opportunist and a moron to boot. Based on my experience it’s not that different in many other countries. Better to work on your own interests, not wait for Princess Charming. Be like a king who has left his country, or an elephant alone in the forest.

  3. A Texan7:58 AM

    I sometimes will troll a woman on POF. Cheap entertainment! They are oblivious to their solipsism and have some really asinine demands. I particularly like the 50 somethings who 'won't settle' and 'deserve the best'. I like to point out to them that if someone chose them, would they not be settling? I let them know men could better a deal and service at a decent chicken ranch if they were allowed.

    I still have a profile, and made sure to add a part about how if you are not pro-2nd Amendment, limited government, kicking the illegals out, then you probably don't have a life or property worth defending and I further recommend they find them a metro-sexual simp who can't even change a car tire.

  4. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Found my wife online, a hottie that's more than a dozen years younger and still sexy after a decade and 2 kids. I dated a lot of losers and was willing to plow through the garbage to find a good one. Know what you want and be ruthless with the marginal prospects.

  5. Anonymous10:41 PM

    Found my wife online, a hottie that's more than a dozen years younger and still sexy after a decade and 2 kids. I dated a lot of losers and was willing to plow through the garbage to find a good one. Know what you want and be ruthless with the marginal prospects.

  6. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Online dating is a scam for 99.99% of men.

    I tried it for two years on both pay and free sites. I'm an average guy, not overweight, not ugly, with an above-average income. 5'11", 155 lb, does jogging and some basic weights. For every fifty messages I'd send out, I *might* get one reply. And that was usually "sorry, not interested." I tried every strategy for messages - short, long, cocky, funny, cocky and funny (this one works best), but the response rate was awful.

    It seems there are hundreds of men for every single woman, and women go only for the highest-value men based only on their profile pictures. How do I know this? I googled a few pictures of a good-looking guy, created a new profile, set my height to 6'2" and used those pictures. I didn't spend a lick of effort on the profile itself. But I got replies to the random messages I sent out. 100%. Hell I even got dozens of unsolicited messages from women who messaged ME first.

    Moral of the story: women want an outlaw biker, supermodel, or thug. Whether they admit it or not. They don't give a f#ck about average guys, let alone below-average guys. If you are not an 8, 9, or 10, you're wasting your time.

    On the pay sites, it was even worse because they would try to scam me. I'd get next to no replies, but then conveniently right as my subscription was about to run out there would be a few random women messaging me. Total scam.

    Don't even waste your time or money. If you're an 8+ you can bed all these skanks, but then you can probably bed them all by going to the 7/11, gym, or anywhere else and you don't need to waste your time going online.

  7. Anonymous12:11 PM

    Online dating is a scam for 99.99% of men.

    I tried it for two years on both pay and free sites. I'm an average guy, not overweight, not ugly, with an above-average income. 5'11", 155 lb, does jogging and some basic weights. For every fifty messages I'd send out, I *might* get one reply. And that was usually "sorry, not interested." I tried every strategy for messages - short, long, cocky, funny, cocky and funny (this one works best), but the response rate was awful.

    It seems there are hundreds of men for every single woman, and women go only for the highest-value men based only on their profile pictures. How do I know this? I googled a few pictures of a good-looking guy, created a new profile, set my height to 6'2" and used those pictures. I didn't spend a lick of effort on the profile itself. But I got replies to the random messages I sent out. 100%. Hell I even got dozens of unsolicited messages from women who messaged ME first.

    Moral of the story: women want an outlaw biker, supermodel, or thug. Whether they admit it or not. They don't give a f#ck about average guys, let alone below-average guys. If you are not an 8, 9, or 10, you're wasting your time.

    On the pay sites, it was even worse because they would try to scam me. I'd get next to no replies, but then conveniently right as my subscription was about to run out there would be a few random women messaging me. Total scam.

    Don't even waste your time or money. If you're an 8+ you can bed all these skanks, but then you can probably bed them all by going to the 7/11, gym, or anywhere else and you don't need to waste your time going online.
