Saturday, December 19, 2020

The Book of Numbers: Analyzing the ROI on the Pursuit of Women

If you didn't already know, "The Book of Numbers: Analyzing the ROI on the Pursuit of Women" is available for sale on Amazon in both paperback and kindle.  Audible will be coming later, but that will be about 2-3 weeks out.

So far the book has been very well received and has been selling well too!  And I know I say this about most of my books, but this is (again) a MUST READ for young men.  It's certainly for all men, and especially men who were divorced, but please, get this book into the hands of any man who takes his life and money seriously...which should be all of you.


  1. Anonymous2:58 AM

    So does this give me leave to just pursue my hobbies and spend time mainly doing what I enjoy?

  2. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Looks like an interesting read. Added to my list.

    You may want to update the cover though. That right foot makes it look like she's, err, packing a bit extra.
