Wednesday, August 20, 2008

McCain's VP Should Be Condi Rice

I'm sorry, she's just damn sexy telling the Russians off and holding the line.

If McCain was smart, he'd demand she run for VP. Not on account that she's black (which, though, would throw a hell of a wrench into the democrat's plans), but that she is just plain simply the best qualified candidate out there (some would argue more qualified than McCain and they would be right).

Alas, we're going to get some boring cookie cutter Republican that is not going to instill any sort of excitement at all.


  1. There were definitely a lot of people wanting her to run for president too, but she was adamantly opposed to it. I remember seeing one interview in which she had to repeatedly state she had no intention of running because the interviewer simply would not drop the topic.

    The impression I got was that she might just be sick of being in government. She's been in the White House for eight years now, and it's likely been a very draining experience.

    If she wants to run as veep, then yeah, that would be awesome, but maybe she'd be happier enjoying a well earned extended vacation in '09.

  2. Anonymous5:30 PM

    You sure on that...? I just ask because I've heard some Republicans say she has been a rather sub-par Secretary of State. Not sure myself though.

  3. Anonymous5:54 PM

    Rice is brilliant. But, more qualified than McCain? What?

    SO "qualified" means, never held an elective office, ever? and "qualified" for VP means, never having held an executive office?

    "Qualified" means, got totally steamrolled by her colleagues again and again?

    "Qualified" means forced by your equal colleagues to appoint underlings (like Bolton) who then knife you in the back to those colleagues, and go give speeches countering exactly what you just said?

    "Qualified" means your own legal advisor is denied access to documents legally justifying what your department is going to do, and you just roll over?

    "Qualified" means when you send a memo to your boss, the president, the legal counsel for the vice president -- who is NOT your boss -- can intercept it, mark it up, and send it back to you saying it's not ready for the president, your boss, and you just, again, roll over?

    "Qualified" means that even though your express job is the coordination of America's intelligence apparatus, you're so bad at it that they decide to create another intelligence czar position?

    And all that beats a lifelong record of public service, years of elected office, bucking the conventional wisdom occasionally and by the way having sacrificed incredibly for your personal sense of America's honor?


  4. Far as I'm concerned, they should have run her for president. I've got nothing but respect for Condi - and imagine the schadenfreude if the Republicans were the first to successfully elect a president who's not only black, but also female.

    It might have even shut the dems up for 15 minutes or so.

  5. Anonymous9:16 PM

    I hadn't thought of her but damn, that is brilliant.

  6. I think I'd rather see Bobby Jindal. More charisma, quicker wit, more outspoken, definitely using the right political playbook.

  7. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I'm glad we signed this deal, and I love the timing of it. I'm tired of these people who think the Russians are now the good guys, and were never that bad when they were Soviets either. Yeah, that's what Jummy Carter thought too, and it's why we nearly lost the Cold War. They're still the exact same as they were before, and I'm glad they don't like the missile agreement.

  8. I would love to see Condi in either the #1 or #2 spot. She's brilliant I have fond feelings for any 50+ year old that has the self-confidence to show up in powerboots for appearances. She rocks.

  9. Anonymous3:34 PM

    I've long enjoyed your blog, but after this post I will have a hard time taking you seriously. All the economic brilliance in the world is meaningless if you "PC up" when a black person enters the equation.

    Rice is a joke, has never been elected to public office, and you harm your credibility immensely by suggesting she is more qualified that the veteran senator from Arizona to be president.

    Your over the top endorsement of Connie is no different in kind than the political correctness inspired Obamamania that is being widely ridiculed at the moment, the very opposite of the new deal inspired by King that we'd judge people on the content of their character.

    Very disappointing. If "boring cookie cutter Republican" - a code phrase for accomplished white male over 50 - political leaders isn't your thing, then I invite you to go live in an actual black country, like I did once in the Peace Corps. I think we've got enough people hostile toward white males here as it is, and your kind is not necessary.

  10. Heh, I just plain can't win.

    I'm accused of racism one day and accused of hating white males the next.

    So goes the life of anybody that speaks their mind.

  11. Anonymous7:25 PM

    No one's said you hate whites. It's just a dumb pick. GYHAS is wrong; at least Obama got a couple elected offices, seems able to throw elbows politically, passed a couple bills. Rice has been a failure. Want to try justifying "qualified"?

  12. Anonymous12:34 PM

    "No one's said you hate whites."

    O RLY?
