Thursday, July 28, 2011

My Generation

This woman is my age.

I have no children.

She has two generations.

Enjoy the decline!


  1. I-RIGHT-I4:15 AM

    She's just doing the work other WASPs refuse to do. Oh, wait...her name is Sanchez...never mind.

  2. Anonymous5:24 AM

    me thinks the Captain is envious that didn't get to knock up a nubile debutante cheerleader, and now is stuck "gaming" grandma aged hags, and so he says Enjoy the Decline.

  3. Anonymous7:03 AM

    Children are not a punishment from God (or whomever). If you're smart and witty, find another mate who is smart and witty and have a great kid together. "Idiocracy" is a terrible future, where the morons inherit the world.

  4. Anonymous8:00 AM

    I'm very surprised that she appears not to be "white trash", and obviously is not a minority. Guess you just never know who's capable of being irresponsible with their lives.

  5. So she has children and grandchildren I think that's great. How else are we supposed to continue giving the bums free housing, food stamps, TANF, SSSI, Medicare, Medicaid ect. With a bunch of DINK losers who think that the money for their bloated welfare nanny-state just falls from the sky.

  6. Children are not a punishment from God (or whomever).

    The problem is that they do represent 20+ years of wage/debt slavery for most people in today's economy. I find it difficult to consider wage/debt slavery to be any kind of "gift".

    Also, there is the whole vegetative state of middle-age mediocrity. I find it difficult to consider this any kind of "gift" either.

    You have a strange concept of what constitutes "gifts".

  7. Anonymous5:12 AM

    I'd 'do her'. :LOL:

  8. I-RIGHT-I7:48 AM

    You're right on Jay and Kurt, one of these days you'll discover two things; it's not all about you and everything you "know" right wrong.

  9. You're right on Jay and Kurt, one of these days you'll discover two things; it's not all about you and everything you "know" right wrong.

    What? That wage/debt slavery is a gift?

  10. Kurt, one of these days you'll discover two things; it's not all about you and everything you "know" right wrong.

    Let's see here. I have both technical and business degrees, can speak three languages, and have lived on two continents, and have done business on three. I would say that I have more life experience than 99.9% of all Americans, regardless of age. I seriously doubt that everything that I know and have experienced in my life could be so completely wrong as you suggest.

  11. I'm sure she has a good body, but she sure as hell looks much older than 37, at least in the face. Based on her face alone she could pass for 45.

  12. Actually, I think the lady is quite attractive. And, yes, she looks a damn-sight better than the vast majority of 37 year old ladies out there.

    BTW, I don't see any problem with this lady, either with her being a cheerleader or a grandmother. The article says nothing about her marital or financial status. She could be married to a guy who makes decent money. The article offers no clue.

    Normally I agree with what our captain has to say. However, I think in this case he's being judgmental when it's not warranted.
