Friday, December 23, 2011

Freedom Twenty-Five: A 21st-Century Man’s Guide To Life

Frost, as some of you know, is out gallivanting about, living the life every 20 something male should in Asian right now. However, for such a young fellow, he also managed to compile a book which is no small feat for the average 20 something American male.

I have yet to read it, and thus review it, but don't let that stop you from taking a look at it. It's available on




You may read reviews here.

I believe it is (much like my book) targeted towards youth to make it so their futures are easier than ours. It is a "game" themed book that, for all the writing and blogging in the manosphere, I'm not sure there are too many of.

Regardless, visit young Frost and if you need something to read at the airport, download the Kindle version.

1 comment:

  1. I decided to write a review of your book. I haven't read it yet, but I'm sure it'll be as great as the last one. :D

    Blurb: "Like his last book, Clarey's unique writing style draws you into the story and challenges your assumptions. His trademark wit is well utilised as is his economic genius. However, make no mistake, Worthless is a dark and depressing tale"
