Saturday, December 24, 2011

Something for AARP to Ponder

If any of this is true (which it is), I fear for AARP members when they rely on the youth they brainwashed to take care of them when they're old. Methinks there will just be a lot of really cheap tent-city nursing homes if any at all.


  1. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Re: The conversation between school principal Richard Vernon and Carl the janitor in the movie "The Breakfast Club" 1985

    Vernon: You think about this: when you get old, these kids - when *I* get old - they're going to be running the country.
    Carl: Yeah.
    Vernon: Now this is the thought that wakes me up in the middle of the night. That when I get older, these kids are going to take care of me.
    Carl: I wouldn't count on it.

  2. The key is to avoid becoming old. Support the development of effective anti-aging biomedicine (e.g. SENS).

    Its interesting that the same liberal-left twits who destroyed the economy are also the same kind of people who are anti-life extension because "its against nature" or "its against god" or some other horse crap.

  3. This is why euthanasia is getting more play worldwide. The kids are saying "you have already pissed away my spare money, given a choice, we'll put you out of your misery."
