Friday, October 05, 2012

Good News Everyone!

Good news everyone.

I've completed a project I've been working on for the past 2 months.

Backing up and categorizing all of my best posts separate from Google/Blogger.

The reason for this project was multifold.

First, given Google's tendency to just "delete" blogs they've found disagreeable, I didn't want to run the risk of losing 6 years of work because some liberal putz in Mountain View, CA didn't like what i wrote.

Second, it was high time for another book.

Understand, however, when I say, "another book" I actually mean a "series" of sorts in that the posts I backed up and categorized fell into two general categories.

1.  Posts, research, data, observations, etc., that i wanted to have backed up somewhere.
2.  High quality posts that would actually make for a great "Best of Captain Capitalism."

Because of this dual nature I have 13 different categories of "Best Of" falling into different categories (Politics, Economics, Manosphere/Dating, etc. etc.) only three of which I will be officially "publishing" the remaining 10 will be available in the future, but again, that is just for purposes of having a non-Google based copy of it floating out there.

The first of the three books will be "The Best of Captain Capitalism - Top Shelf" and will include what I deemed to be the highest quality, best posts of the entire blog.  There is of course some room for debate there, but the larger point is that I wanted to create a consolidation of the best posts so that instead of you having to go through the blog, you can instead spend $15 or so and have them all consolidated there in one convenient book.

More details will come and nothing is officially "finalized" yet, but if you want a post that you deemed "the best" to be included in this series, let me know.


  1. Anonymous12:42 PM

    English, sociology, drama, studio arts, graphic design, photography, fine arts... it's like, everything women major in sucks for some reason! =)

    And again,

    The top fields: engineering, math, science [stuff men like].

    "Conversely, the worst-paying college majors are child and family studies, elementary education, social work, culinary arts, special education, recreation and leisure studies, religious studies, and athletic training." [stuff women like!]

  2. Caspian2:28 PM

    Do you plan to have the book avalible for a Kindle?

  3. Good news indeed. Do all that Captain and I'll buy a book, maybe two.

    Suggestion: Include an index. There is software that will do that as you write, but you already knew that. An index will help partisans like me find stuff quickly.

    For publishing software, I recommend apps from Mariner Software -- if you are using a Mac.

    Capt Bill

  4. Of course there will be a Kindle version! Half of all my books sold are Kindle!

  5. Cappy, be cheap: use LyX (a front end for Latex) and you will be able to export into the formats you want and get that darn index done.

    Your books need them.

    The only way you can be free of censorship... is to own your own server, somewhere elsewhere. DB is hosted in the US (I am not American) and runs wordpress: I suggest you go for somewhere like Norway and do the same thing.

  6. Sonny5:20 AM

    This one had the biggest impact on me personally:

    Also, the one about how you got stood up once on Christmas eve in college when you were a campus security guard.

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