Saturday, October 06, 2012

Today's Happy Topic - Suicide!

I am waiting for some data to come out from the CDC, but I am pretty sure with this most recent recession you will see an increase in suicides by men, especially in the 20-40 age range.

Though I'm no psychologist, I will still contend I know the reason why - men are programmed, hard wired, to produce and succeed the most during those years.  If their outside environment (through no fault, nor control of their own) is not conducive to success it is PSYCHOLOGICALLY NEARLY IMPOSSIBLE FOR THEM TO REALIZE THAT AND FORGIVE THEMSELVES.  They will still feel guilt, they will still feel shame, they'll blame their lack of economic success on themselves, and some will commit suicide over this, even though their failure does not reflect upon them personally.

It is here that I have to admit to being a bit of a hypocrite.

Because for all the fun, all my trips, all my adventures and all my clamoring to "enjoy the decline" it is still REALLY hard to turn that off. You watch the news, you look at the debt, you look at western civilization, you look at your checkbook, and it is a challenge to remain sane, let alone find something positive.  But try we must regardless and take advantage of the life we have.

In a fourth book I have planned this will be addressed in more detail, but in the meantime men, play the video games, hang out with chums, do not blame the consequences of millions of idiotic socialists voting in socialist policies on yourself.  Take advantage of that.


  1. Anonymous10:47 AM

    So true.

    - Samseau

  2. Jack Dublin11:33 AM

    I'm right in that age range and familiar with that particular feeling. I consider it a sort of darkness on the edge of my awareness. Although that sounds a bit fatalistic, I rarely notice it if I'm accomplishing something. Learning something like guitar or a language and getting in better shape are pretty fine uppers.

  3. I guess I'm developmentally challenged, I'm 55 and feeling that way. I have no family (parents have been dead for a long time, I'm the only child of an only child, never married, no children). My career is fucked (I'm in IT) with no hope of advancement. No close friends. Both the media and my church paint me as evil incarnate because I'm a straight white male. Women hate my very existence and wish I wasn't allowed to even appear in public. And my finances have been going downhill for the last 15 years.

  4. Because for all the fun, all my trips, all my adventures and all my clamoring to "enjoy the decline" it is still REALLY hard to turn that off. You watch the news, you look at the debt, you look at western civilization, you look at your checkbook, and it is a challenge to remain sane, let alone find something positive. But try we must regardless and take advantage of the life we have.

    I hear you and it goes beyond 40. There are days I hope to watch it burn and roast hot dogs and marshmallows on the flames.

    Most days, though, I want to fix it, wake people up. I question if what I do that adds to the wealth of my community and often answer 'no' yet I have a high standard of living.

    I still feel failure from never having children. I feel guilt over the disconnect that not having children gives me as much as I laud the freedom of not having to care about the future beyond me.

    I don't doubt at least some of your blogging is driven by a desire to enjoy the return instead of the decline even when you don't believe it can happen.

    And I hear you.

  5. Shameful1:07 PM

    What about putting all that productive energy into not only enjoying the decline but speeding it up and destroying the "life rafts"?

    Civilization is sick, terminal. We know this but stand more on the sidelines as observers. What is we join in the destruction and feather our own nests at the same time? Every resource a man can extract and consume from the state speeds the process of renewal. Every slut that is ridden into the wall spares a beta from her use of legalized slavery.

    Men built civilization, and it's our right to tear it down when it no longer serves us.

    To qoute the other great captain, Captain Jack "Take what you can, give nothing back"

  6. I am surprised that we have not seen reports of 1929-style defenestrations.

  7. Anonymous7:22 PM

    Hey The Great and Powerful Oz -

    Pretty much the same here except I'm a bit older, I have a wife who disrespects me and two adult children who pretty much have written me off except for when they need something.

    It's presumptuous for me to offer advice, but if you have no one in your life, you should get some people. One way is to find a volunteer opportunity, another is to find a group of hobbyists that do stuff you like to do. If your church sucks that badly, by all means try another.

  8. Take The Red Pill8:16 PM

    It makes you wonder if this is one of the planned results of the effects of feminism, doesn't it?

    (Yes, I'll admit that I have a very nasty, skeptical, suspicious mind...interacting with the women that I grew up with, taught me the value of that.)

  9. Hey Cap, haven't commented on your blog in a while but just heard this story on the local radio and thought I would share.

    Wanted: Human scarecrow, graduate degree required, must be able to hit the ground running.

  10. Anonymous9:35 AM

    not a fan of the current Men's Right's scene....

    I think it is important to let men know that it is perfectly fine for them to "opt out" of the protector/provider role....

    Hasn't culture been telling women, errr or is it womyn that it is okay not to like cooking and children and to pursue a career instead?

    If that's the case then men should get liberation from their traditional role and not be shamed as small dicked nice guys (tm) ...

  11. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Life is like a business, it requires profit to be sustained. Profit in terms of life, is whatever each of us decide it is, nobody else can define that for you, though many try.

    Just as in a biz, if making a profit is not possible, eventually living is worth the trouble.

  12. Anonymous4:38 PM

    I found this apropos:,1316/

  13. Got a friend drinking himself to death, and I'm doing myself no favors in this regard. Never be called a "suicide". Yep, under reported.

    (hey, word ver's easier to read when drunk! Nearly impossible when I'm sober!)

  14. Anonymous2:43 AM

    i get that you can do the bare minium but why wouldnt you still want to just try and succeed? this seems like a very pussy way to live a life bud. ha
