Thursday, March 22, 2018

Getting Revenge on Your Psycho Ex

Allow me to tell you these stories three:

Story 1 - A good friend of mine foolishly married a woman with bipolar disorder.  He further foolishly bred a son with her, and as we all know when you marry somebody with bipolar disorder there is only one outcome - divorce.  Sure enough after she filed the papers, my buddy endured about 16 years of court visits, re-evaluating income, excuses that her disability prevented her from earning a living, tug of wars over visitation rights, her new found religions of "feminism" and "Wicca," and a whole potpourri of other BS, all of which took a toll on my buddy, but a much higher toll on his kid.

Story 2 - Another good friend of mine married a man with (you guessed it) BIPOLAR disorder.  Again, she managed to have a daughter with him making an already bad situation, impossibly worse.  And of course after the inevitable divorce the same battles ensued over custody, school attendance, "disability" preventing her ex from making enough money to support the kid, etc. etc. etc.  My buddy paid an inordinate (and preventable) financial and mental price but, again, not as much as the kid.

Story 3 - Yet another good friend of mine married a woman with (do you see a trend???) bipolar disorder.  But not only bipolar disorder, but depression, social anxiety disorder, and some fourth mental illness that escapes me now.  She, like many psycho ex wives, got infected with a fifth mental disorder all ex wives get - feminism.  But despite her claims of being oppressed, being too mentally disabled to work, and not having enough money, she oddly enough bought a new car and always has new clothes.  Like many feminists today she has an advanced degree (one that would actually land her a job), but curiously can't find work, requiring my buddy to pay more in alimony...oh and child support for a young boy they had together (of which, she is no doubt doing a "fantastic" job filling that poor 5 year old boy's head with feminist insanity).

All three of my friends are sane.  All three of my friends work and support society.  All three of my friends are intelligent, interesting people.  All three of them love their children. And all three of them (rightly) complain about their psycho exes because of the sheer hell they've wreaked upon my friends and their children.  These are good people who do not deserve the hell they unintentional wreaked upon themselves.  But deserved or not, this hell is here and it is not ending anytime soon.

Depending on the age of their children my buddies are facing a life of quasi-hell for the next 5-14 years.  Their children will inevitably become adults and the child support, alimony, and simply having to deal with their exes will come to an end.  But in the meantime they are going to have to pay a hefty price in terms of money, time, mental pain, and worst - watching their children suffer under their ex.  The horror stories I've been told not only make you feel for the true victims of these psycho exes, but they are blood boiling because it's painfully obvious these psychos are manipulating the system just as much as they are their own children.

They claim they have mental disorders when they don't.
They fake getting injured at work to file a workman's comp claim.
In general it is their policy to claim they can't work and do everything to avoid it.
They play petty and unlimited mind games that I'm sure many of you divorced people are aware of.
They all join some religion or cult like feminism.
And hands down the worst thing they do is drag their children through this world of hell simply because they view the child as an asset, a pawn, a tool to get more money and resources for themselves with absolutely NO intention of spending it on the kid.

These are without a doubt some of the most evil, despicable people, and the only thing that makes them worse and they obviously don't care.  They are perfectly happy being parasitic, evil, child abusers.

This results in my friends (rightly) becoming angered and enraged.  Not only are they (and the tax payers) getting screwed financially, but the pure arrogance of these psycho exes to play the victim card and flaunt it in the court system to their financial advantage is nauseating.  And if you think that makes them angry, that's nothing when they see these psycho exes doing nothing short of abusing using their children without a care in the world.  I simply don't know how my friends don't grab a baseball bat and make their psycho exes impaired as they claim to be, because I know that's what I would be doing.

So when my buddies call me and we talk about their kids, their ex and the problems they're facing, I have a lot of empathy for them.  I can't even imagine what it's like to be in their situation.  So when we talk, I like to do what I can to make them feel better.  And while I can't solve their problems (without going to jail), nor can I solve the problems of the millions of you who have psycho ex's, there is an important reality most people are unaware of that at minimum will give you hope, if not bring about that full measure of revenge and justice you want on your psycho exes for everything they've done to you and your children.  You just need to open your eyes to see it.

The Life of a Parasite

There is no doubt in my mind (or yours) that these people know full well what they're doing.  I never met one person who claimed to have "bi polar disorder" that wouldn't be cured of it with a good beating.  The increasingly upward number of made up "social mental disorders" that people use to claim disability is a naked grab for tax payer and ex-spouse money for those who don't have wool over their eyes.  It shocks me how the court system can't see these people for the parasites they are as they cowardly hide behind "disabilities" and faux mental disorders, as they CONSCIOUSLY and CONNIVINGLY do everything they can to avoid work and live off of other people.

But while you think you (and the taxpayer) might be getting screwed (and you are) let me ask you a question about your parasitic ex.

How are they doing financially?

I know you have your own personal financial challenges, but out of my three friends mentioned above, they are ironically all in FAAAAR better financial shape than their parasitic exes despite the exes getting government, employer and ex spouse subsidies.

The Wiccan feminist priestess lives in government housing, drives a car that's on par with mine, is on EBT, and needs constant handouts from her nearly dead parents.

Her ex husband is now married to a doctor and they're sitting on a posh little house in the suburbs of St. Louis.

The bipolar ex husband of my buddy is effectively a NEET at the age of 44, laden with debt for a doctorate in criminal justice that he can't use in the field because he's too fat to join the police force.

My buddy just married a colonel in the military with a house bought and paid for in Phoenix.  They golf a lot.

And the other ex-turned-feminist-wife of my buddy is on the CONSTANT hunt for disability checks, psychologists to sign off on new mental disorders, has $75,000 in student loans, and just recently made a workman's comp claim for a WHITE COLLAR OFFICE JOB INJURY.  Yet she's still shy $500 a month to make ends meet because of the new car she bought.

This buddy is doing just fine making bank in banking, has a HOT little girly girl as a GF, and enjoys hiking in the Cascades.

Yes, your exes may be living off of you, the taxpayer, their parents, and their employer, but you MUST understand the economic nature of a parasite.

They're parasitic.

Meaning they don't generate their own wealth, which by definition limits their standards of living to what charity will give them.  And though it may goad your girders that they are getting a free ride off of you and the other producers in society, parasites ALWAYS outspend whatever charity is given to them.  This is why welfare recipients have 8 kids, buy designer clothes, Dodge diesels, yet still live in the ghetto or trailer park.  They WANT the rich lifestyle, but are too lazy to work for it.  So whatever money you give them, they WILL piss it away.  You just have to look at the never ending list of NBA and NFL players that manage to go bankrupt despite being paid millions.  Parasites will ALWAYS outspend their resources as that is the NATURE of being a parasite.  In other words your ex will forever be perpetually poor and be staring poverty in the face.

That's a face I don't ever want to look at again, let alone on a daily basis.

The Life of Faking a Mental Illness

To be blunt, white people got real quick to the scheme of taking a trait you were born with and using it to scam benefits out of society.  Be it your race, creed, color, or gender, now EVERYBODY is an equal opportunity player when it comes to claiming some kind of disadvantage or victim status which thus confers upon you (by the naivety of the American taxpayer) a whole host of government benies and goodies.  And whether you're white or black, Muslim or Christian, male or female, it doesn't matter.  Now EVERYBODY can claim some BS made up fake mental illness because, unlike race or gender, it simply can't be proved or disproved.

Thus it is NOT coincidence EVERY SINGLE ONE OF MY STORIES ABOVE the psycho ex claimed "bi polar" as a disease.  It's NOT a coincidence your ex had some kind of "mental disease" she excused her inexcusable behavior behind.  It is not a coincidence that every veritable bitch I dated had "bi-polar disorder."  And it's not a coincidence that your psycho ex BF was "bipolar."  "Bi polar" is noting more than the lazy Americans' excuse to use, abuse, and live off of people because they conveniently get to blame it on a disorder and not themselves.  Now, certainly there are people with genuine mental illness.  I know one (ONE mind you) person who DOES actually have bipolar disorder.  But since your ex is a psycho and a parasite, it's just way too easy and way too tempting to grab a mental illness and use it as an excuse to continue living off of other people without guilt or remorse.

But there's a cost to faking a mental illness.  You have to keep the act up.

I no longer care to listen to people's words as it is only their actions I care about.  And if you look at your ex's actions, is obvious they DAMN WELL CONSCIOUSLY KNOW what they're doing.

Oh, they may play dumb.
Oh, they may act like they didn't know.
But they know.  Trust me.  They know.

So what position does that put them in?

If you think about it, it puts them in a life of hell.

Can you imagine the hell it must be to CONSTANTLY act like you're mentally disabled?  Can you imagine the effort and psychological resources it takes to CONSTANTLY be on the stage?  Can you image all the time lost applying for aid and being interviewed with social workers to see if you are genuinely disabled, not to mention file lawsuits against your employers?  I don't know about you, but I love me. OH, do I LOVE ME!  I love waking up and getting my coffee.  I love going online and yelling obscenities at my clients.  I love going to cocktail parties and telling precious little 30 something soccer moms their degrees are completely worthless and I only care about their husband's profession.  I love walking into a bar, getting drunk, hitting on another man's woman, and not feeling shame the next day.

It may not be good.
It may not be honorable.
And I may not be popular.
But damnit if I don't don't go to bed as me, wake up as me, and live as me.

There is no acting involved.

Now imagine if you were born into this world with your own consciousness, sentience, dreams, desires, and goals...

and that's all thrown away because you're too damn lazy to get a job and need to fake being mentally ill to get you dem der gubmint checks, SSI disability, and alimony.

You threw away your life, your dreams, your goals, your passions...not to mention your own damn children...all so you didn't have to toil or work.

Trust me, I'm an economist.  The amount of work that goes into faking mental illness and CONSTANTLY playing the victim all so you don't have to work requires WAY MORE labor than if you just went to school to become a CPA and decided to help people instead of live off of them.  

Alienating Yourself from the Best Things in Life

Speaking of helping people, I've said it before, and I'll say it again, people are the most important thing in this world.  Certainly not all of them, absolutely not the most, but what few quality people we decide to have around us means more than all the Ferrari's, personal jets, and yachts the foolish rich people chase after combined.

I watch my buddies with their children and they have the love, attention, and respect of their kids...unlike their psycho ex's.

I watch my buddies with their kids and the kids LOVE my buddies...they LOATHE the psycho exes.

I could go on, but it's painfully obvious these kids don't love the psycho parent and love the sane one.  And that is the most important victory over your ex if you are looking for one.  Your child loves you.  I would like to say "more than your ex" but your child doesn't even LOVE your ex.  They will grow to hate them (trust me).  And this revisits the axiom that "the only thing that matters in life is other humans."

Much as your psycho ex is attempting to alienate, turn against, and make your child hate you, in the end your honesty and TRUE LOVE for your child will win in the end.  Kids ARE able to discern between good and evil.  Your wife may be trying to indoctrinate your daughter into feminism, your ex husband may be trying to vilify you in the eyes of your son, but in simply being honest and loving with your child and NOT using them as a pawn is what wins them in the end.

So in the end, and following the axiom before, where does that leave your ex?

Your ex will be alone.

Truly alone.

Not only will his/her past behavior alienate their own children from them, but anybody who has the slightest bit of morality or caliber to them.  This is why many psycho exes end up embittered, ideologues worshiping at some false altar of a god of "feminism" or "MGTOW" or some other such BS.  NOBODY of any worth will want to hang out with them.  Worse, their own children will disown them, painfully reminding them that they are legal adults and they no longer answer to your psycho ex.


I cannot emphasize that enough just how lonely and pathetic your ex is GUARNATEED to become.  Their selfish, insane, and parasitic life long behavior DOES have a price. And it is that ANY quality humans will have nothing to do with them.  They will be alone, not just from their own children, but from any quality humans on the planet.

So for in the here and today and now, yes you may be paying a price.  And yes, your ex may seemingly be getting the better of you.  But this is merely Dunkirk.  The long term war, which should be your primary concern, will be won in the future.  Your child will talk to you and hug you when he/she is 30.  She won't even talk to her ex.

The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of Mental Illness

Poverty stricken, faking a mental illness, constantly validating yourself to social workers, and completely alone, where does your ex end up?  Even though he/she received potentially HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of dollars in other people's money, they are likely alone, ostracized from society, nobody of any worth wanting anything to do with them, and their own children emancipating themselves from them.  They have also likely deluded their own selves into believing they are victims of an "oppressive society" and are starting to believe they are actually the victims of their own crimes.

There's only one way to describe this folks. Insanity.

Which is preciously ironic because it is my sincere belief that those who fake being mentally ill for so long are condemned to actually become mentally ill themselves. And painful and horrible as your own personal hell is right now, I can't imagine a worse hell than these vile evil people have condemned themselves to.

Yes, you may have to fork over half your income in taxes, alimony, and child support.
Yes, your ex may be doing their best to warp your child's mind against you.
And yes, he/she may be gunning after you for more child support.

But can you imagine the DAY TO DAY LIFE of your ex???

He/she has for so long, for DECADES put up this facade of helplessness and psychopathy that it is now an integral part of their lives.  They HAVE TO act like they're mentally retarded from here on FOREVER.  They HAVE TO act like they're mentally insane.  They now never have the chance to be free, to pursue their own lives, to live their lives like they wanted, and instead have chained themselves to their purported inferior selves, all so they could collect a check....and thus condemn themselves to a prison like life.

But the worst part is they will forever be alone because nobody, including their children, lack the self-respect to even bother with them.  They will have cats.  They will have group therapy sessions.  They will have their "Masters Degrees in Public Administration."  They will have their careers and their booze and their internet forums to commiserate with and that's it.  That is their life. That is their legacy.

I cannot make amends for the price you've paid both financially and mentally to your exes.  All I can point out is that in the long run you will win.  Your children will love you, spend time with you, and want to join you for Christmas dinner.  You will enjoy a life above the poverty level because you choose to be a productive member of society and not a parasite. You will never have to worry about the heat being turned off or your internet being canceled.  And you will have the simple (yet INVALUABLE) blessing of being sane.  That same cannot be said of your psycho ex.

So the vengeance upon your ex is very simple:


Yes, it may be a long and tortured decade and change to deal with them until your child is legally allowed to separate themselves from them, but it simply doesn't compare to the remainder of life which is all that matters. Your remainder will be one of a child who loves you, hangs out with you, and introduces you to grandchildren.

Theirs is one of ostracization, loneliness, hatred, and GENUINE mental illness.

Do not feel sorry for them. They deserve it.  They chose that life.
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  1. Not all of them will be alone, I've seen many instances of the mother brainwashing their kids so much that they end up hating their father and wanting nothing to do with him. Sad but this whole thing works as designed, unfortunately.

  2. The sexual contract is that women exchange sex for provision. It has always be thus; no new age sexual revolution bunkum will change it.

    The answer to this stupidity is equally simple and difficult at the same time: chastity, long courtships, and old world dating habits. (I know, I know: "do as I say, not as I do...").

    Long story short: you fuck it, you own it. And it owns you.

    Watch out for yourselves fellas.

  3. SM7777:03 PM

    .....or better yet, don't take that risk. Marriage is a risk. Having children is a risk. An emotional as well as financial one. Sometimes life is better spent avoiding those risks.

  4. Good perspective requires a longer timeline than most people would prefer, but what can you do?

    I have a few friends who married poorly, as well. I married well (foreign, hot, religious, fertile), but even so, the early years were such a battle. We're both very different, better people today. I suspect most happily married people would say the exact same thing.

    I also suspect that most of your friends here, Aaron, willfully entered marriage despite making a beeline for the low-hanging fruit with full a priori knowledge that they were not marrying well. What a painful lesson that is. Good for everyone to see and learn from, but horrible to experience I'm sure. Still and all, especially for men, marriage is what you make of it. Either you make something good, or not. Either way, starting off with a weak-willed person always ends unhappily.

    I absolutely agree with you, also, in noting that parasites take advantage of an overdiagnosis of mental illness within our culture. Being unhappy and a lazy sh*t is not a mental illness. I met ONE person growing up who was truly bipolar. A friend's mom, in fact. She made their lives hell, and absolutely was terribly challenged over it, conquering her illness for the most part, which required sacrificing her happiness for that of her family. Being a good wife and mom, in other words.

  5. Anonymous10:02 AM

    my narc ex in the uk to me several times said she will destroy me through our son, also and virtually in the same breath, i hate you more than i love our son. never alienated her from our son, even paid for unfettered access. Now, with the help of uk social services, (much the same as in all so called civilized western democracy's, illegally stolen from me, our son and given to the narc ex contrary to several french court orders where our son was born and raised in the main by myself, (before the separation, an au pair and myself). The narc ex has now managed with the feminist legal system to erase me for the last 3 years and against court orders denying all contact. buyer beware in the uk. the country is in self destruct mode.........

  6. I have a psycho ex. It was a long time ago and I am well over it and life is good. I did manage to get some measure of revenge and save a total stranger from going through the same shit I did. My ex was the greatest liar on the planet. Everything that came out of her mouth was a lie. It turns out that she had found a new guy, and told him that she was a widow. I guess something at some point triggered his suspision and through the wonders of the interwebz he managed to find me. He discovered that I am very much alive and his new fiancee was a total lying sack of shit who deserved to rot in hell. Saving that strangers ass and getting some measure of revenge on my ex brought the final "closure" to a pretty horrible period in my life.

  7. Interesting tangential point.

    I work with a woman who is the "queen of the mean girls club" so to speak. And, in conversations with a co-worker who happens to be 1.) a close friend, and 2.) the primary object of the mean girls club's scorn, I made the statement that carrying on that level of hatred gets exhausting and sooner or later, it would drop off.

    And, here we are a few years later, and so far, not a single sign of abatement. Not a bit.

    Your point, even though it is not explicitly stated, is 100% valid. Being a parasite is not work to them, it is their very essence. It is what they are. Same with our mean girls club, the queen is the queen of it, and cannot ever be anything else.

    Great essay. Really enjoyed it, and it was 100% spot on as usual.

  8. Bipolar disorder used to be called manic depression. One of the most common traits is a veracious sexual appetite and ease of sexual arousal, as the body reacts to being cut off from normal stimulation by the environment. It is understandable that men become embroiled with manic depressives. As a species, men are constantly in a state of animal rut – all part of the human condition, unfortunately. In the past patients of manic depression were locked away to avoid contact with men, and force fed contraceptives. Nowadays Victorian built mass asylums for the insane are closed, sexual freedom for women does not condemn sex outside of marriage (and men want it that way) and so manic depressives can easily mingle with the normal population. More over things have changed since the good days of the 1970s – my era – an era of health safe, genuine, free-love, no commitments - “it’s all about the pleasure thing,” this era has passed into the history books. With this change the responsibility for the sexual consequences of what Islam calls free-mixing has passed back to men. For free-mixing heterosexual relationships to work long term, enough to successfully bring up a family, it takes a lot of maturity and experience by both parties. Both parties have to see clearly what part of their relationship is sexual and short term and what part is a genuine adult relationship separate from sex. Without this clarity, a fake relationship can seem real. A woman who wants and has frequent good sex with a man is not necessarily in any sort of relationship with him, and a man needs to understand this. Nowadays a man has to now take the lead on contraception, unlike in the 70’s when women were always assumed to make sure no pregnancy resulted (and they rarely did). Nowadays, unsatisfactory as it is, men have to wear a Johnny, until they can be absolutely sure that the partner is health safe and responsibly on the pill – and that she hasn’t suddenly become broody for breeding. It is unfortunate that there is no morning after pill for men, no contraceptive pill for men – only surgery that can easily render a man sterile for life (despite what the doctors say). Difficult as it maybe from the 80s onward men have had to be the lead on contraception, and any that do not cannot expect society to fix the consequences of their mistake. Not fair, but if you are going to rut, that is the deal in the modern western world.

  9. Bipolar disorder used to be called manic depression. One of the most common traits is a veracious sexual appetite and ease of sexual arousal, as the body reacts to being cut off from normal stimulation by the environment. It is understandable that men become embroiled with manic depressives. As a species, men are constantly in a state of animal rut – all part of the human condition, unfortunately. In the past patients of manic depression were locked away to avoid contact with men, and force fed contraceptives. Nowadays Victorian built mass asylums for the insane are closed, sexual freedom for women does not condemn sex outside of marriage (and men want it that way) and so manic depressives can easily mingle with the normal population. More over things have changed since the good days of the 1970s – my era – an era of health safe, genuine, free-love, no commitments - “it’s all about the pleasure thing,” this era has passed into the history books. With this change the responsibility for the sexual consequences of what Islam calls free-mixing has passed back to men. For free-mixing heterosexual relationships to work long term, enough to successfully bring up a family, it takes a lot of maturity and experience by both parties. Both parties have to see clearly what part of their relationship is sexual and short term and what part is a genuine adult relationship separate from sex. Without this clarity, a fake relationship can seem real. A woman who wants and has frequent good sex with a man is not necessarily in any sort of relationship with him, and a man needs to understand this. Nowadays a man has to now take the lead on contraception, unlike in the 70’s when women were always assumed to make sure no pregnancy resulted (and they rarely did). Nowadays, unsatisfactory as it is, men have to wear a Johnny, until they can be absolutely sure that the partner is health safe and responsibly on the pill – and that she hasn’t suddenly become broody for breeding. It is unfortunate that there is no morning after pill for men, no contraceptive pill for men – only surgery that can easily render a man sterile for life (despite what the doctors say). Difficult as it maybe from the 80s onward men have had to be the lead on contraception, and any that do not cannot expect society to fix the consequences of their mistake. Not fair, but if you are going to rut, that is the deal in the modern western world.

  10. Shouldn’t the law courts behave differently to men who want to help bring up their children but the woman doesn’t, and so clearly invents stories to get the courts to ban the man from being a father?

    Pre-world war II few would ever contemplate going to a law court to sort out their personal family matters. These courts were expensive, inaccessible, and nobody thought they did any good. Why do we now think differently? The break-through in the common man’s use of law courts in Great Britain for family matters started back in the 1930’s along with a split in the Protestant and Catholic Churches regarding the use of contraception – prior to 1933 ALL churches taught that its use was a sin. However, the big change came post war, when the separation of the genders in the workplace was still present (men being the bread winner and women having low paid temporary or highly specific work) , but at the same time when hundreds of thousands of women had husbands, not declared dead, but still missing. Some were unidentified war-dead, some were lost in the chaos of post war, some, a surprisingly large number, simply decided not to return home. This left a large number of women, pre-welfare state, with children, no housing, and no income, and unable to fall back on the last resort of marrying again (despite plentiful men who wanted to just forget the horrors of war and lead a simple settled life, with anyone they could get). Middle-class women in London resorted to prostitution and often it was reported that they would lead their children into the streets and then runaway- hoping someone would take them in. By 1946, the breakdown of society in the UK was looming. As a matter of necessity the process of divorce and the law surrounding it was greatly truncated and Judges sat in court literarily rubber stamping divorces day after day. The law courts acted then, and have ever since, acted in the best economic interests of society. THESE FAMILY COURTS NEVER HAVE, AND NEVER WILL, ACT IN THE BEST INTERESTS OF INDIVIDUALS OR CHILDREN. Their motive is the “greater good” of society. Nowadays this same motive is within a depleted welfare state. Shared residency of children means two adults will only partially work (school holidays are 13 weeks long) and both will be dependent on benefits in some form or other. Further, a father’s maintenance payments cannot be large when he is also bringing up his children equal to the mother, and in a new world where women have as much, if not better, access to well paid jobs as men. On the other hand if a man has no residency care of his children, depending on what the woman wants, he has to provide the benefits the woman would otherwise get from the state, AND, the man is made a much better economic machine of work, and one that is financially hamstrung from starting another family that could also become dependent on the welfare system.

    All simple really. Why do men think the family courts should behave any different from the way they do? Simply put, get back into the head of a 1940s male, forget about the courts, settle things yourself and if you can’t because your ex has too much power given by the new order of things, then learn to walk away.

  11. Anonymous7:32 AM

    One of your best posts. It is amazing how many of these parasites exist in the world causing turmoil wherever they go. Look up Borderline Personality Disorder. It often gets confused with Bipolar but more closely aligns with the people you describe in this article. They are even more cunning and destructive.

    I enjoy your work greatly. Wish more people out there could understand these things. Most are not bright enough or choose to simply ignore it because they are sheep.

    Great article.

    1. Anonymous10:31 PM

      Bipolar disorder is a major red flag, but for many people it can be well managed.

      Borderline personality disorder is a burning landfill infested with Ebola. Personality disorders are best handled by running away as fast as you can because you'll always end up in a shit show. They're very heritable so that can mean equally crazy in laws and kids. So while you can divorce the insane spouse, you're stuck dealing with the insane kid.

  12. Anonymous10:02 PM

    Great article. The flip side of this problem is how it impacts people with genuine mental illnesses. My family are essentially the aftermath of a hand grenade of crazy genes. About a quarter are or could be qualified for a diagnosis. Some have become toxic people and societal leeches.

    Fortunately most are productive members of society. It wasn't easy for them, and it took years of therapy, medication, and hard work to get where they're at. It's interesting to compare them to the dysfunctional family members. You can't help the genetics and home life you're born into. However, I've come to believe that in most cases your response to those is in your control if you're willing to make the effort.

  13. Anonymous5:22 PM

    The parasites do go down alone and it isn't an enviable position.

    My step-father told me the end of his first marriage in the early 80s. He was about 40, had 3 kids with the youngest getting ready to graduate HS and came home from work one day to find the house empty and the police telling he needs to pack a bag and hit the bricks. Accusations aside (there always are) his wife, who didn't work, found a new BF and was "in love" hence the divorce. On note: He remarried my mom and they are still together after +35 years. His ex-wife died in a nursing home alone. Her relationship didn't last 2 years and she slowly faded as she got older and had to seek employment to support herself. She later did inherit a lot of money from a dead aunt and retired early, but things had changed. She had loads of time, but her own kids had families of their own and their own problems. She was way past hitting the wall, so spent a lot of time filling the void, got sick and died.

    My step-dad and mom went to her funeral and one of her relatives revealed that she admitted years ago that she (much later after the event) deeply regretted ever divorcing my step-dad. I asked him how did that make him feel. He said, "I really felt nothing for her but pity. She deserved it however and there is nothing you can do about it except move on with your own life."

    Nothing new under sun boys.

  14. classic NAR-BIPOLE-BITCHISTIC covers all the mental BS that is used today. As for revenge? well everyone get ready for the spinster bubble to pop and a huge explosion of cats and kitty litter. as an army of toothless hags wanders the earth

  15. Even if I agree with you 99.99% of the time, I don't agree with you 100% of the time.

    In this case, your blanket characterization of people suffering from bi-polar disorder:

    "I never met one person who claimed to have "bi polar disorder" that wouldn't be cured of it with a good beating."

    Well bully for you, Captain. How wonderful you haven't met someone genuinely disabled from bi-polar disorder. My brother was at one time nationally recognized for his work in a naval capacity, a chief, until he was diagnosed on a carrier with bi-polar disorder. It took several years before the worst symptoms arose and when they did he was honorably discharged. My brother has now lived with me for over 20 years, he cannot drive, he's been hospitalized a number of times because of hallucinations and he's still one of the best people I've ever known. He didn't ask for this to happen to him, and despite your smartass and flippant attitude it's a real disorder - for those who truly have it, it's biochemical and the only thing he can do to control it is to take prescription medications. And who do you think has been making sure he's been taking them for the last 20 years? That's right, smartass, that would me me, he's my brother and I'll never let him down.

    In general I agree with you, but the way you worded your comments just pissed the fuck out of me. You never met my brother and I know you've never met people with genuine bi-polar disorder (by your own admission), but if you'd had you'd know it can be horrific - I have personally saved my own brother's life 2 times when he attempted suicide. And it mattered, because after the last attempt he's been living happily with me for over a decade when the medications finally worked.

    So STFU when you're making generic statements.

  16. Illinois Dude6:02 PM

    Popp.....I see that you chimed in above. You and Aaron should co-write some stories or a book.

    Also, congrats on the upcoming retirement. Can't wait to see what you will do once you aren't held back by your employer (US Army). You guys are part of the new movement for men. Great real world advice that is sorely needed in this world to combat this "screw over men at all costs" world.

  17. soapweed6:56 PM

    Geez... Glad I only read your blog and are not a close friend of yours. Couldn't handle the apparently associative bipolar magnetism that your close friends suffer from.......seems to be like catching the dreaded cooties.

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