Saturday, March 24, 2018

How Stupid are Communists?

Very.  Very fucking stupid.


  1. DJMoore10:29 AM

    The capitalist patriarchy, fat and stupid with resources stolen from the mouths of the people's children, has suggested there is an error in this equation:

    What is the correct answer?

    "Shut up, sit down, think what you're told."

  2. Faithless Cynic3:13 PM

    Coming soon to the USA. Throughout the centuries, bankrupt governments have used inflation and hyperinflation to screw the creditors. Best not to be holding dollars when their value goes to zero.

  3. Take The Red Pill4:50 PM

    Weimar Germany (aka 'the Weimar Republic') of the 1920's did the same thing...

    Santayana's "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it", also applies to those who REFUSE to learn from the past.
    And we all know that Marxists of all stripes (from Socialists to Communists) absolutely REFUSE to admit that it cannot work, in spite of all of the blood-soaked examples.

  4. Many a deceased math teacher are rolling in their graves at this revelation.

  5. Money isn't reaaaalll man, you've just been brainwashed by capitalism and the man!

    Or: yeah, communism is a pretty clear scam and Mr. Clarey, you have hit the nail on the head - commies are just fat, lazy, simpletons who want slaves to work for them.

  6. When they lop off three zeros will they rename the dollars as kilodollars? To be followed in subsequent years by megadollars, gigadollars, teradollars, petadollars etc, just as with computers.

  7. this is going to be the third time since chavez that they do this
