Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Older Brother Podcast #12 - Why Nerds Don't Score with Chicks Episode

Employers always lie.
Leftists Banning Straws - Ruining Their Leftist Utopias.
How SJW's Control the Language to Punish You.
Homeownership Tips.
Criminals Don't Want Laws to Apply to Them.
Why Nerds Fail to Get Women.
Puppies and Nieces Scores You Chicks.
Ann's Getting a Boob Job.


Direct MP3 here.
RSS feed here.
YouTube Below:

Sponsored by Orion's Cold Fire and Invisible Hand Fashion!

Monday, July 30, 2018

How Trump Hurts the Left the Most

I didn't like Obama.

Any self respecting man or woman who worked for a living didn't because no producer appreciates a parasite.  And that's what Obama was.  He was a parasite.

I don't say that out of anger, hatred, or ideology, but the man's entire political career was all about taking money from those of us who worked and giving it to those who didn't.  And you may not like the tone, the politics, or the insinuation, but in the end that WAS who Obama WAS. He was a man who advocated parasitism.  He took money from producers and gave it to parasites.  He was a socialist.

Naturally this angered me and millions of other working Americans. We have a moral right to our own labor and should not have to support the lazy, indifferent, consciously incompetent, or the evil.  But while it angered us, it didn't drive us insane.  This is a democracy after all and the parasites that particular election cycle outnumbered the producers.  And unless we wanted to become dictators, we weren't going to throw out democracy because then by default we'd have tyranny.  And thus, we sat, enduring a lazy man clamoring for our money for his constituents until the next election gave us Trump.

But now that we have Trump, mercy how the times have changed.  Because while I thought those of us in the working class were upset with Obama and his lamprey constituents, I have never seen such hatred, anger, rage, and (above all else) obsession than the left has for Donald Trump.

Originally, I never thought the left could hate anybody more than George Bush Jr.  You guys were INSANE with hatred for the man.  Bush was to blame for everything, starting from the Dotcom Bubble to the fact Susie Johnson stood me up in the 8th grade. But then Trump comes along and you guys went apoplectic.  And even apoplectic isn't a word strong enough to describe your insane hatred and obsession with the man.  The word just doesn't simply exist.

From CNN turning into the "24-7 Russia Show"
To SJW's floating a balloon of Trump in the UK
To full grown adults screaming in a street when he got elected
To women wearing pussy hats.
To the daily MILLIONS of human hours leftists rant against him on social media.

I have never seen such insanity or obsession in my life over one, single human being.

Which, in all honesty, is why I like Trump.

I haven't paid any attention to him or politics in the past 3 years. I personally find some of his positions and statements rather disgusting and off-putting.  And I still don't trust him because he WAS a democrat merely a decade ago.  But if there's one thing I love about Trump (aside from that fact he beat Hillary), it's that he wastes so much time, effort, energy, emotion, and consequently money of the left.

Admittedly, I can understand why the left doesn't like Trump.  He's not a democrat.  He's cutting taxes (and thus income) to the parasitic classes.  He doesn't kowtow to the group-think brainwashing of diversity, tolerance, and anti-Americanism that defines the core of the democratic party today.  He's a real man that doesn't care what you think or say about him.  And accusations of "ists" and "isms" roll right off of him.  He is an incredibly thorn in your side.

But whatever discomfort this man may be causing you politically, is it worth ruining your life over?  This is a democracy.  Your guy didn't win.  And over the course of your life it is a guarantee sometimes the politicians want want are not going to be in office.  So do you accept it and move on in your life, awaiting the next opportunity to put a new guy into office?  Or do you throw an indescribable temper-tantrum for the next 4-8 years drastically lessening your life in the process?  And here is the real problem the left faces with how they let Trump live their brains, 24-7, rent free.

Do you not have anything else in your life but politics?

Even though I loathed Obama, I had a grand time under his administrations.  I rode my motorcycle all over North America including Alaska and Mexico.  I worked hard and started a company that, though mockable, is successful.  I made and met many great friends across the country.  And even though he was a socialist shitbag who merely wanted my money to buy votes from lazy people, I didn't let his election ruin nearly a decade of my life because I had so much more to life than politics.

The same, sadly, cannot be said of the left.

Starting in kindergarten and running throughout college, nearly every one today, from Baby Boomers to Gen Z'ers have had an official religion installed in them just like a computer does Microsoft Windows.  It's not an official or traditional religion like Judaism or Christianity, but it's a religion just the same - socialism.  Oh sure, it may take different forms such as "feminism," "environmentalism," "social justice," or "veganism," but let us be very clear, it is socialism just the same. And while we can debate the morality of the state installing a mandatory religion upon its children (or even if the state did such a thing), all I ask is did the government, your parents, your teachers, or any other authority figures install anything else into that brain of yours?

Children?  Family?  Husband?
Independent thought?
A career or profession THAT PAYS???
A passion for life?
The comprehension of finiteness?
Carpe Diem?

Or is ALL you have your sad and pathetic politics?

Sadly, when it comes to most leftists, we know the answer.

The social justice warrior who spent 4 years earning a worthless degree in "social justice studies," is further endebted due to her "Masters in Social Work," and now "works" as a professional activist, constantly begging and pleading for hand outs and grant money.

The professor at the University of Suchandsuch who had so little else going on, she concluded the best use of her time and finite budget was to fly to Washington DC and wear a pink pussy hat.

The 38 year old NEET who still lives off of his parents, also beleaguered by now 20 year old student loans, who blames his loserdom on "Trump," but practices veganism so he can lord it over others.

Or the reluctant suburbanite parent who shirks his/her duties of parenting and instead brags about their Whole Foods-organic-fair-trade-free-trade credentials, while they force their children on an all-soy, no meat diet.

I could go on, but it's painfully apparent most leftists today have nothing BUT politics in their lives.  They have no family, no spouse, no children, no love, no passion, and even if they do, it ranks so far below their political-religion, it blinds them of the true blessings they have.

Alas, this is how Trump hurts the left the most.

If all you have in life is your politics, you have no life at all.  But as it is with the normal whims and flows of any democracy, at times your religion is not going to be the one in office.  So it is a guarantee that your entire value, your entire life, your entire purpose and meaning will be directly affected and threatened by whoever is elected that particular electoral cycle.  And since you've nothing else going on in your life than what the state programmed you to have, ALL of your  mental, psychological, physical, emotional and financial resources will be dedicated towards hating on that one guy.  None of it will be spent enjoying life, living life, improving your life, or being happy.

This is not Trump's fault, but yours.  In lacking the true independent thought and intellectual strength to reject the brainwashing you received in K-college, you allowed the schools, the government and the media to make politics the most important thing in your life.  Politics now takes ahold of your life and controls your thoughts every minute of every day.  From wasting hours a day making political posts on social media, to ignoring your family to excessively and obsessively participate in politics, to simply letting Trump live rent-free in your brain, you are now miserable, angry, hate-filled, and incapable of enjoying life.

If I had to estimate it, Trump has cumulatively lowered every leftists' life-expectancy by at least one year.  He has certainly cost them a year in wasted labor, time, and energy.  And if we were to consider social media and the MSM media, thousands of millennia in leftist hours have been thrown into the black hole of time, ne'er to be retrieved again.  I would tell my left-leaning colleagues to "enjoy the decline," but that would presume they have a life outside of politics.  So I guess instead you should just spend the next couple of hours on social media making posts as to how much you hate Trump.  Never mind hitting the gym, falling in love, riding motorcycles, spending time with the children, buying your wife flowers, or giving your husband a blow job. CNN just came out with a new article about Russia and that HAS TO BE shared on Facebook.
Check out Aaron's other sites below!
Asshole Consulting
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Books by Aaron
Older Brother!!!!
Amazon Affiliate

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Student Loans Causing Divorce

Which is why you never marry anyone with student loans.

How much you want to bet whose student loans are the issue causing the divorce?

Friday, July 27, 2018

Episode #263 of The Clarey Podcast - Cappy's Unrelenting Anger Episode

Democrats are Socialists.
Cappy's $10,000 plumbing repair and his eternal anger.
"Free Asshole Consulting Day" a Failure...thus far.
An Ex-feminist writes in - yes, they're miserable.

and MORE!!!

in this REALLY PISSED OFF episode of The Clarey Podcast.

Direct MP3 here.
RSS feed here.

"Brave Millennials Investors"

Yeah, good luck with that kids.  Popularity and not earnings growth is always a good investment strategy.  Just look at Krispy Kreme!

Thursday, July 26, 2018

The Democrat Party is Socialist

This is arguably one of the most important videos I've made and would go a long way in getting normal, everyday blue collar, hard working democrats to realize what their party stands for, what they're voting for, and what the consequences will be.  I suggest not only listening to it yourselves so you understand "what is socialism" but forwarding it to anybody who could stand to learn the same economic lesson.

My sites and relevant links below:
Asshole Consulting
YouTube Channel
Books by Aaron 
Older Brother!!!!
Amazon Affiliate

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

"If You Don't Know, I'm Not Telling You"

Can't believe girls are still using this line.  It reminds of the the TWO TIMES women back in the 90's lectured me for calling them "kid" when I was referencing the movie Casablanca.

Boys, it is not you.  There are that many screwed up girls out there.  If this happens remember YOU are the sane one.  SHE is the insane one.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Older Brother Podcast Episode #11 - Generation Tattoo

Percent of people with tattoos.
Are younger people competing to be ugly?
Author talk and why Ayn Rand sucks.
The Marriage Crisis Among Women.
Health, Juicing, Blending and Other Old Fart Shit.


In THIS EPISODE of The Older Brother Podcast!

Direct MP3 here
RSS feed here

Video below.

Sponsored by Boseman's Shoes!

Femen Suicide..."Shock"

I'm shocked, shocked to find a mentally unstable woman commit suicide!

Oh well, you could've fallen in love or have babies, but I guess the life of a professional activist has no value unto itself.

Operation Bernhard - Economic Warfare and Espionage

One of the most interesting documentaries I've listened to in a while:


Unfortunately "Free Asshole Consulting Days" had to be cut down to "Free Asshole Consulting DAY" because I received WAAAAAY too many requests.

Free Asshole Consulting Day may make a return if Amazon affiliate sales make it worth my while.  In the meantime regular pricing shall return to Asshole Consulting.

Just One FAANG Bankruptcy Away from Recession

Recessions are a perpetual guarantee in economics.  They do happen, they will happen, and they are going to happen.  The issue is being able to figure out when.  Predicting recessions is an impossible task, but usually they need a trigger or some kind of spark to ignite the recession fuel that has been building up over the years.

In the Dotcom days it was a spate of bad earnings reports that triggered that recession.
In the housing bubble it was a spate of subprime mortgages that went into default.

But the problem today is there's no apparent spark that will set the economy aflame.

Yes, stocks are overvalued.  Yes, housing is back to being overvalued, but I would contend this is the result of flooding the market with QE money, not bad lending practices or a classic tulip bulb bubble like the dotcoms were.  Additionally, the federal government is so far up banks' asses its very unlikely we will see a housing crash like we did a decade ago.  Still, the PE ratio for the stock market is 40% higher than it's historical average, dividends are paying a laughable 1.8%, and I'm sure US property is back to all time "price to rents" highs.  It's merely a question of what is going to prick this bubble?

So it is here I'd like to speculate on what that catalyst could be - one of the FAANG's going bankrupt or severely missing earnings.

The "FAANG" companies are Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google.  However, I would also consider companies that are merely "popular" today like these FAANG companies are.  Twitter, Tesla, Uber, Lyft etc.  And while the traditional FAANG companies are all profitable (Amazon finally achieved profitability this past year), a lot of today's popular companies are not.  Twitter, Tesla, Uber, and Lyft all run losses, but ironically have market valuations in the billions.

We've seen this before.  In 1998 it was fashionable among low IQ people to use "price to sales" as a valuation metric because none of the dotcoms were profitable.  People were in love with the IDEA of some of these companies, even though they had no profits.  And while it certainly is an investment strategy to buy into a money-losing company in the hopes it will become profitable later, inevitably, sooner or later investors are going to want their money back.  Alas hobbies like Tesla are simply that - hobbies - not legitimate business concerns.

The problem I fear though is this past generation has been flooded with so much money that they no longer understand the concept and importance of having a profit.  Be it student loans, QE, borrowing money for a house, or borrowing money for a car, the concept of spending less than you make I think has been completely purged out of today's generations.  For example Patreon.

I never understood why somebody would donate to somebody's Patreon when you get nothing for it in return.  Especially in light of Amazon's affiliate program where you spend the money you were going to spend anyway, but make the affiliate marketer a nice 7% commission through your purchases.  Still, Patreon's success I think is more due to a non-profit mentality that is widespread amongst millennials and Gen X'ers because they lack the concept of profit.  And this lacking concept also affects the way they invest in that they truly don't care if a company is profitable, long as it sounds cool, virtue signals, and has a "small carbon footprint."

Inevitably though, you can't have a company running perpetual losses forever.  If Uber or Twitter has to go back to their financiers for more money those investment bankers will not be taking such a nice, naive and non-profit approach to a second round of funding.  They are going to want their money back, and likely won't fund these companies.  This means one of these FAANG/FAANG-like companies is going to go bankrupt when it can't get financing to continue losing money.  And when that happens I think that may be the spark that catches the economy on fire with recession.

I don't see it being a big recession, but I do see it providing a rude awakening for these "neo-nonprofit investors."  Yes, I know you think Chipolte is great because they're green - did they meet earnings?  Yes, I know you think Lyft is great because they have an initiative to raise awareness about sapiosexuals - did they meet earnings?  And yes, I know Elon Musk is very popular, but his little over priced sparky cars cost more to make than he can sell them for - they have no earnings to speak of.  And when one or two of these perennial money-losers goes bankrupt, it's going to cause worry and concern about the valuation of the other FANNG-esque companies as people realize it's not popularity, but profit that has value.

Still, I won't be holding my breath.  Most investors today seem to think investing is a hobby, not a serious endeavor.
Check out Aaron's other stuff below!
Asshole Consulting
YouTube Channel
Books by Aaron 
Older Brother!!!!
Amazon Affiliate

Friday, July 20, 2018

Episode #262 of The Clarey Podcast - "Streamlabs Virgin Voyage Episode"

Cappy trial runs his new "streamlabs" technology and it goes off without a hitch.

huh, who would've thunk it.

Anyway, Cappy talks about:

"All You Have to Do"
Building Your Own Battleship
Website Programming Blues
Henry "Caving" Cavill
Women Make Shitty Men
Fan Mail
Fathers Who Bat 1.000
How YouTube Lost to Stream Labs

AND MORE!!! in THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!

Direct MP3
RSS Feed.

You Tube Below:

Sponsored by Alaska Chaga!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

How Women Put Politics and Careerism Over Love and Life

An insightful little video I had here:

If you need consultation of a question answered, remember to visit www.assholeconsulting.com

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Bachelor Finances 101

John Steele had me on his show and we discussed how we two old farts paid off our houses early, practical minimalism, "what constitutes an investment," "what constitutes and asset," actions you can take, and other brass tax basics of bachelor finances.  If you have not read Bachelor Pad Economics, I'd strongly recommend tuning in below:

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Episode #10 of The Older Brother Podcast

Faking Air Raids in the 1980's.
Doc's Bomb Shelter.
Ann Becomes a Conservathot.
Why Does Kitten Holliday Want to Kill Ann's Cat???
Southern's Tits Beat Molyneux's Brain According to the THirsties.
Wynona Ryder vs. Jennifer Anniston.

and MORE!!!

in THIS EPISODE of The Older Brother Podcast!

Direct MP3
RSS Feed.

YouTube Below:

Sponsored by Alaska Chaga!

Monday, July 16, 2018

How Conservative Fathers Failed America

Two years ago there were two instances the Ole Captain made an attempt to help out the republican party.  In both instances he was prompted by his buddy "DT" to check out some local republican meetings where they claimed they were looking for new blood and could use his economic and political expertise.  And so Cappy went forth to the northern hinterlands of the Twin Cities metro where he was asked to deliver speeches on how to get young men interested in conservative politics.

The results were laughable.

One group was essentially a group therapy session/fund raiser for a local community politician.  And the other was a bunch of old white guys who just wanted to hear things they agree with said.  My speech was bombastic, entertaining, and insightful, but more importantly it was exactly what they needed to hear and painted a path for them to actually "DO SOMETHING" as they all claimed they wished to do.  And so I sat, waiting to hear back from them to see what kind of role or capacity I could play in helping reinvigorate northern metro conservative politics annnnndddd....


Last I heard both groups still gather weekly to mope about and feel sorry for themselves.

I had already written "Enjoy the Decline" by this time and had already written the US off as a viable, long term entity.  But the complete lack of spine, vigor, passion, professionalism, and work ethic within the republican party itself only reconfirmed in my mind that the US was in terminal decline.  Additionally, it made me kind of depressed and angry when even the guys on "our team" were losers not worthy of the country they were purporting to save.  But there was a silver lining in this otherwise depressing realization.  And that silver lining was that if these guys were the ones the country was presumably worth fighting for, then by any logical sense of justice, the US deserved to decay and die because nobody in this country deserves the United States of America.

This epiphany - that even the non-leftists in this country are losers - has recently helped me philosophically accept, even enjoy the decline of the US.  I see presumed "republicans" at the local dive bar horking down their wings and light beers during "The Game" as they mindlessly cheer on "their team" as i pay more in taxes for their sportsball stadium.  I see Mitzy and Madison driving their republican dad's car downtown "partying" and of course they too vote republican.  And then there's the "dude bro" business majors and $30,000-lanaire salesmen.  All republicans, all Chip and Thadeus, all parasites faking it cause they'll never make it.  Matter of fact, if I think back through my life the vast majority of jerks, bullies, assholes, and enemies I've had in my life were republicans.  And thus I've advanced my philosophy enough to take a flippant and sadistic enjoyment in the decline rather suffer, fret, or worry because nobody (democrat or republican) deserves the US.

Still, hope springs eternal and there are times I catch myself having some.  Or perhaps there's an unconscious, inherent and infrastructural care about humanity's freedom and the advancement of society.  Perhaps I just don't like seeing a perfect piece of economic art such as the United States destroyed just like you wouldn't like to see the Statue of David marred.

And so perhaps if a Trump gets elected...
the economy grows a bit and a touch there...
maybe even we grow a pair and actually defend our own borders like every other country in the world...

I'm soon tempted once again to have real, genuine, and long term hope in the future of the United States.  You might actually begin to think there's reason to fight again.  You might even have a country, a society, a community you belong to and want to fight for.  Hey, it's time to get the band back together again!

So let me introduce another reality that will quickly squash your hopes.  A dose of reality that will douse the flames of a potential future.  Not because I want to be a Debbie Downer or that I'm the perpetual cynic, but there's nothing more wasted than a life of let downs.  There's nothing more painful than a life of failed expectations.

Conservative fathers.

Right when I was starting to get a little bit of hope in the future of the United States I couldn't help but notice that concurrent to these "good economic times again" was a complete decay and dysfunction amongst the younger generations.  Yes, GDP may have actually grown above 4% this quarter, but this doesn't account for an underemployment crisis.  Yes, unemployment is below 4%, but the sexes could not be more at war with each other.  That's nice we lowered taxes, but you have adult-kids who can't figure out which of the 38 flavors of gender they are.  And we could be defending the sovereignty of the US, but women are more obsessed about working away their lives than they are having fun, while "men" are more obsessed about playing video games than they are getting a job and supporting themselves.  Matter of fact if you remove "Trump and Russia" from CNN's news stream the vast majority of the news is a mere chronicling of the complete dysfunction and destruction of the millennial generation.  And with an entire wasted crop of a generation, precisely how do you expect to have a functional future country to have faith and hope in?

You may at first be tempted to identify the culprit of this decay as single motherhood, absentee fathers, K-12 socialist indoctrination, media, or just rank leftist parenting.  And you would be right.  The majority of the decay of the millennial and Gen Z generations can be chalked up to these things.  But again revisit "our team."  Revisit "Team Republican."  There SHOULD be at least a contingent of traditional, conservative patriarchs in the form of Ward-Cleaver-esque fathers who lay down the law in their household, and bring up well-reared, well-anchored, non-tatted up freaks who can hold down jobs and don't need to live at home at 30.  There should be the republican half of men raising future generations of Americans who deserve the title.  That for every half-shaved, purple haired, arm-sleeved tatted up, obese Communications Majoring 21 year old, there should be a svelte, in shape, comely, Accounting majoring 22 year old ready for kids and marriage.  In short there should be something to fight for.

Not by a long shot.

While there is the occasional traditional, republican, old school father who managed to raise functional adult children, they are exception, not the rule.  For every real, conservative traditional father I could tell you a score of stories of other "conservative fathers" who failed miserably in the rearing of their children.

There's the powerful lawyer in Dallas who can crush the nuts of his adversaries in court, but lets his wife, son, and daughter run roughshod over him.  I've seen his son ignore his commands without the slightest bit of concern, his daughter will grow up to become a stripper, and his wife admonishes him in front of the children.  It doesn't matter that he is politically conservative, he doesn't have a spine to actually be a father, be a husband, lead his family, or discipline his children.

There's the rich republican donor who in a completely hypocritical sense thinks like a leftist in that "throwing money at it" will solve the problem.  That "problem" was "raising his child."  After 25 years of shipping the kid off to a nanny, shipping the kid off to private school, and shipping the kid off to private grad school, his "Precious Little Princess" is now a social justice warrior who actively votes against his financial interests, likely hates him, and, oh yes, of course, "is a lesbian."

And then there's the co-host of a conservative talk show who sent his kid to an overpriced, worthless liberal arts college. An over-priced liberal arts college that ended a female leadership symposium when they found out there were too many white women speakers in the symposium.  This was perhaps the most debilitating of all because if a co-host of a CONSERVATIVE TALK SHOW can't grow a pair to protect his very own daughter from the leftist liberal arts college scam, then who is going to protect their children??

This is the point where I can no longer muster up the care to give a damn.  If conservative fathers are too lazy to raise their own kids, too lazy to discipline them, even too lazy to bother educating/warning them about the horrendously damaging college education scam, then why should I invest in America?  It's like being on the front lines and rushing back to command to inform the higher ups of a break in the enemy's lines only to find out the officers are drunk and having a gay orgy.  And conservative fathers can explain it away be it their kids won't listen to them, they don't want to interfere with the upbrining of their children, wifey poo might divorce them, or just honorably admit you're too damn lazy and spineless to raise your kids right, it doesn't change the fact that if conservative parents are not going to invest in their own damn children, then why should lone-wolf renegade conservatives like me invest in the political future of the country?  It would simply be a waste of time and intellectual effort.

The left is particularly despicable in what they've done to the United States and freedom all around.  And they are to blame for the majority of the problems the millennial Gen Z'ers face today.  But spineless conservative fathers who could only manage to raise SJW, leftist failures for children are arguably worse in that they're hypocritical on top of it.  It doesn't matter what you "say" it matters what you do.  And all I've seen the majority of "Rah Rah Fox News" conservative fathers do is abdicate their responsibility of fatherhood out of laziness and cowardice.

Enjoy paying for your little princess' degree in Creative Writing.
Check out Aaron's other sites below!
YouTube Channel
Older Brother!!!!
Amazon Affiliate

Friday, July 13, 2018

Episode #261 of The Clarey Podcast - "If You TRULY Loved Your Wife" Episode

Perpetual Fat People
Perpetual Noise
The Battle Against Bees, Flooding, Computers, and Mold
Drunk, Arrogant White Contractors
Slamming on Piggott and The Great One


In THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast

Direct MP3 here
RSS feed here.

"Ask for Angela"

Can't women just get up and leave or call 911 if there's a genuine threat?

It's just become such an amazing show to see what solutions are arising due to a non-crisis.

When You Apologize You Lose

You never apologize.  Especially when you're right.
You never ever ever apologize.

How California's "Cal-3" Initiative Will Expose the Left's True Nature

The nation should pay attention and pay attention closely to California's "Cal-3 Initiative," because it will be one of the rare moments an entire political party will expose its true nature to the world.  This is a rare sight, even rarer than last year's total solar eclipse, because most political parties have to hide their true nature, lest moderate voters find out what their true agenda is and vote them out of power.  In this particular case, "Cal-3" - the initiative to split California into three separate states - will force the American left and democrat party to show Americans their true colors.

How will this happen?

Well the left faces a paradox when it comes to California.  It claims California, specifically the cities, are leftist political, economic, and sociological successes.  They have banned bags, have emissions standards, pay for illegal aliens' education, and a whole host of other socialist merit badges that renders these municipalities "socialist utopias" in their minds.  But these socialist successes are the coastal cities of California, not the ignorant, heathen interior of the state that wishes to secede.  And the Californian left LOATHES the "ignorant, CIS gendered, white hick scum" that populate said interior.

So here's a question any moderate...or any American for that matter...should ask themselves:

If the left is so confident in its policies AND it detests the conservative scum in the interior of California, wouldn't they WANT to divorce themselves from the rest of the state?  According to them those rural and suburbanite ignoramuses are only holding the intellectually superior left back from achieving their true utopia.  Besides, I know I WOULD LIKE to get rid of leftists out of my state/city/county/country, so why wouldn't the left want the same?

And here is where their hypocrisy (and a complete debunking) of their socialist ideology lies.

Deep down inside the left knows it needs those "no good dirty, hickish, ignorant, suburbanite scum" because the left is completely financially dependent on them.  They don't want to admit it.  They don't even want to admit it to themselves, but the professional left knows an entire "theoretical leftist utopian state" of social workers, guidance counselors, politicians, teachers, environmentalists, non-profits directors, welfare recipients, students, and other varied sorts of parasites cannot survive without an economic host to tax and live upon.  The California coastal cities, and their socialist utopian dream, NEED the people they hate the most.  The reverse is not true as conservatives do not need socialists because hosts do not need parasites.

This is going to create an interesting situation for California's leftists.  They're going to be forced to tacitly admit to the world they need the rest of the state more than the state needs them.  This is doubly terrifying for them because it will also prove their "socialist ideology" (which is all these people have) is unsustainable, unfeasible, and simply wrong.  But ultimately if the left votes against Cal 3, it shows what they truly want - the continuing of the partial enslavement of other people.  And if the voting public can make that connection people will vote in droves for Cal-3 and kick California's coastal cities out into their own little socialist beds they made for themselves.  So what's a leftist to do?

Well one thing they can do is come up with red herrings that have nothing to do with what Cal 3 is fundamentally about (sovereignty, freedom, and the right of people to choose).  One such measure is already underway where these morally-better-than-you leftists are citing environmental concerns as to why they need to keep sucking off your taxblood you shouldn't break up California.  You can expect more cowardly moves like this to obscure their real reason in keeping Californians enslaved to the socialist coastal towns as the vote approaches.

But the biggest thing leftists can do is simply "nothing" because I have some good news for my fine Californian democrat friends.  And it's what has been saving the democrat party since the JFK years!

Americans, especially Californians are ignorant, low IQ morons.  And nobody is going to be paying attention.

In addition to convincing millions of people to commute and enslave themselves into traffic-congested leftist municipal hell holes, I have to tip my hat to the left in another regard.  You have done a SPECTACULAR job in brainwashing a full three generations to become non-thinking conformists who simply...don't think.  At best they spew simplistic, feelings-based leftist talking points they've been conditioned to in K-College, but most are more concerned about what's happening on Game of Nice Chairs, their addiction to social media, or what the latest idiocy is in sportsball.  And to think the average American idiot, let alone his inferior Californian cousin, is going to be smart enough to make the connection between the left voting against Cal 3 and their continued economic enslavement of working Californians is laughable.

So don't worry California leftists.  Your socialist fiefdoms and slave plantations are safe.  The slaves aren't even smart enough to realize how California welfare spending has resulted in California traffic, so you have a green light to vote against Cal 3.  Nobody is smart enough to see what's really going on.
If you liked this article consider passing it along to a friend or sharing on social media!
Also visit Aaron's other cool sites below!

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

The Older Brother Podcast #9 - SCOTUS Episode

Cappy, DT and TJ talk about fathers who let their daughters major in the liberal arts, Trump's SCOTUS pick, the life purpose of a leftist, and the state of journalism.

Podcast link here.
Direct MP3 here.
RSS feed here.

YouTube Below:

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Check out some other podcasts like The Greasy Pole Podcast and vote, subscribe, like and share The Bechtloff Back Up.

Monday, July 09, 2018

The Great Millennial Rent Scam

I do not care for the millennials.

I'm fully aware their generation was the most lied to.
I'm fully aware they were trained and indoctrinated to be complete tools of socialism.
I am also fully aware they were essentially trained to be obedient hosts to other parasitic generations.

These handicaps aside, it's the arrogance and cockiness of this smug generation that gets me.  Never has such a generation been so completely brainwashed and easily duped, yet been so completely convinced of their faux intellectual superiority.  And so I watch them with great amusement as this generation suffers all while assuring me they know exactly what they're doing.

There is no more justified punishment for them than their own existence.

But there is more punishment on the way.  And while there is a chance millennials might listen and avoid this punishment, I'm going to have faith in their arrogance and assume they're too ignorant and close-minded to heed this warning.

The millennials have transferred roughly $10 trillion in their wealth through the higher education scam.  Yes, some of those trillions were indeed spent on quality degrees.  Yes, some millennials (1 or 2 of them, perhaps even 3) are gainfully employed, working real jobs and contributing to GDP.  But the majority of them wasted said $10 trillion on worthless pieces of paper, enriching baby boomer deans and Gen X professors.  What's worse is there was no said "wealth" to transfer.  Nearly all of them had no wealth to give and thus had to mortgage their futures to borrow the money to pay their Baby Boomer and Gen X socialist indoctrinators.

But if this wasn't enough they're about to fork over (by my estimations) twice that amount.  And this ever-so-roughly $20 trillion in wealth will come from the devil that is known as "luxury apartments."  Aka "rent." 

Understand that rent unto itself is not a scam like worthless college degrees.  Rent is a real service that provides real value and people should be happy to pay for it.  The real issue is whether that rent is worth it or not.  And here several clouds are forming to create the perfect storm of wealth-transfer from the smartest generation ever to its predecessors.

First, you had Obama (owned completely by the millennials) triple the money supply and expand upon (admittedly) GW's quantitative easing.  This has flooded the global asset markets, driving prices of stocks, bonds, mutual funds AND real estate up to pre-bubble levels.  While the artificially low interest rates and "free money" was meant to get the economy booming again, all it really managed to do was inflate asset prices.  And since housing prices are at all time highs against, this only drives up rents since low interest rates on high mortgages balances result in high rental rates. 

Second, we have replaced genuine economic growth and investment with bubble spending.  Be it government spending, quantitative easing, welfare or education spending, there is not any real investment occurring.  This may mean low unemployment, but don't expect wages to come up anytime soon.  And certainly don't expect company pensions and 30 years working at the same place.  In other words, millennials can expect to rent because they don't have the employment stability of those evil nasty racist and sexist 50's.

Third, and this is the key one, "where all the action is"

"Where all the action is" is a big lie that older generations have told younger generations for generations.  In the 80's baby boomer land lords in LA told my generation California and Los Angeles was where all the cool hip kids went.  In the 90's is was the Sex and the City gals that convinced thousands of Gen X women New York was the place to be.  But wherever it was, it was a major metropolitan area, with over priced rent and over priced drinks that all 20 somethings were convinced to move.  The only difference is in 1998 I was paying $300 for a studio apartment in downtown Minneapolis.  Today, it goes for $1,200.  But!!!!

"That's where all the action is kids!"

And this is how more wealth will be transferred from naive Millennials to Gen X and dwindling Baby Boomer land lords.  With housing prices so high, taxes so high, and all self-inflicted by the socialist voting millennials, nearly every major US town is unliveable.  You need $100,000 just to survive in San Francisco, $80,000 to make a go of it in Seattle, and New York is still the preserve of privileged white grad students or white women who have rich husbands as they finance their faux journalism career at XOJane.  But the millennials will line up in equal droves as they did for worthless college degrees in the 00's because "that's where all the action is."  The cool night clubs are there.  The completely-conformist-but-not-conformist hipster brew pubs are there.  Hot chicks that you're not supposed to like, but like anyway even though you fakely claim to like your tatted up nose-ringed roller derby millennial girlfriend, are also there.  And didn't you see the TV shows and listen to what your professors all said?  The cities are the most open-minded and progressive places on Earth!  That's where all the action is!

And so to capitalize off of this migration of sheep land lords and land owners are rushing to provide millennials the luxury and over-priced apartments they so desperately want.  Some so pricey they don't even list the price...because if you have to ask...you can't afford it...(but it's where the action is!!!).

The question is whether the millennials, who are now thoroughly ensconced in their 30's, are going to wise up and start becoming adults.  Are they going to buy property at reasonable rates?  Starter homes in blue collar neighborhoods?  Are they going to move to states where standards of living are higher, but not as exciting as Seattle or Portland?  Are they going to learn to fix their own properties and actually invest in something long term and more valuable than their Creative Writing degrees?

Or are the going to keep on keeping on like they have?

I know many of you millennials who tune in to the ole Capmeister are already well down the path of investment and adulthood.  I know you guys are well ahead of your peers when it comes to exercising true independent thought.  But for the rest of your generation, they are going to borrow $30,000 to buy Chevy Cruzes, add it to their $45,000 in student loans, and shell out $2,500 per month for a luxury apartment in the "cool, hip uptown area" because (say it with me now) "that's where all the action is."  Oh, and they'll be stuck in traffic-jammed shitholes like Portland and LA because they won't want to live in fly-over country with the loser "hicks" and their $150,000 ramblers.

I just don't want to hear these same millennial brats when they're 63 making the same complaints my baby boomer clients do today about "not having enough saved up for retirement."  But something tells me they will and they'll blame it on "patriarchy" or demand the government bail them out of their life-long track record of horrendously stupid decisions and mistakes.

Oh well, enjoy the decline.
Check out Aaron at his consultancy, tune into his podcast, and buy some of his books!

Capital Flight from California

Still not enough.  138 people is not enough.  You need every hard working, self supporting individual to flee that state.

Sadly, most Californians are sheep and will stay there "for the weather' while the state enslaves them to over 50% of their working lives. 

It's good to see how socialism has become successful in getting people willing to enslave themselves to such an extent.

"The Speakeasy"

From Terror House Magazine.

There is also "The Busker" but it's written by that no good, dirty Ozzie, Adam Piggott.  So fuck that guy!

Anyway, if you're interested in NON politics and just want a short story, check out the links above.

Sunday, July 08, 2018

The John Steele Show

Cappy has been dealing with an unfortunate mistiming of bad things that required repairs, tradesmen, and other such things.  He also wanted to spend time with his nieces which he loves dearly.  And, oh yeah, it's the 4th of July weekend.  In the meantime may I recommend that you all tune into The John Steele Show if you were looking for some intellectual entertainment.

John has been a regular on The Older Brother Podcast and after some ass kicking has finally decided to use his incredible voice for his own purposes. 

He recently interviewed TJ Martinell and this podcast I found particularly enjoyable even though I do believe the holocaust happened.

Anyway, if you would subscribe and like his channel that would mean a lot.  And what I mean by "mean a lot" is that he could get his channel monetized sooner than later.

Cappy will be back to normal starting Monday. Tune in then.

Saturday, July 07, 2018

Thursday, July 05, 2018

Cappy's 5th of July Post

There will be no posts today because Cappy has a flooded basement, a broken water heater (which he recently fixed), a computer that is dying, moldy carpets, a car that isn't working and a ton of other amalgamated shit that has decided to shit upon him CONVENIENTLY ALL THIS WEEK.  Cappy is VERY angry and wishes some SJW, ANTIFA pussies would show up at his door because there would not be much left of them at this point in time.

In the meantime enjoy the consented week long 4th of July week vacation the "Wednesday-Falling" 4th has allowed.  Posts will go back to normal as Cappy takes a week or so "vacation" to deal with this. If you feel pity upon Cappy there's always the patreon, but you can just share, like, and subscribe his stuff he does like books and shit.



Tuesday, July 03, 2018

Episode #8 of The Older Brother Podcast - Punching Proto-SJW's Special

Cappy and the Gang talk about:

Telling Your Employer "No"
Vengeful ex girlfriends.
Antifa and Ancient Military Tactics.
Windows 10 sucks
The Internet is Losing Its Value
Ann Punching a Proto-SJW in the 90's.
People "Ghosting" at Work.

in THIS EPISODE of The Older Brother Podcast!

Direct MP3 link here.
RSS feed here.
YouTube video below:

Sponsored by Boseman's Shoes!  "Shoes for people with feet!"
And MTFUNow.com!

The Left Will Eat It's Own

I have told my story many times that while at the Wisconsin State Fair in 1986 I vividly remember a lamprey in a tank attached to a large and unfortunate fish.  Then, a smaller lamprey swimming about bit into, NOT THE FISH, but the LARGE LAMPREY ON THE FISH.  The large lamprey detached immediately from the fish and swam crazily around the tank for a solid 20 seconds until accepting its fate.

Lampreys.  Leftists.  Same thing.

Monday, July 02, 2018

How Trump Will Expose the Nobel Peace Prize for the Farce It Is

There's a problem with awards.

"Awards," by their very definition, must award something.  That something would logically be something of noteworthiness, accomplishment, value, or excellence.  And something so noteworthy or valuable, that it stands out from the rest of normal people's accomplishments that it deserves recognition.  So a person with a perfect SAT score, a hero in a war, or even a creative and savvy entrepreneur - those people are "awarded" with a scholarship, a medal, financial wealth, etc.

But achieving something of great value and accomplishment takes effort.  And effort, especially of the noteworthy variety, takes hard work.  And as well all know this goes against all non-blue collar leftists' nature.  So what is an egotistical leftist to do?

The answer is "destroy awards."  Not so much by eliminating them or actually destroying them, but by lowering and destroying the standards by which excellence is awarded.  So the elimination of the honor roll, participation trophies, completely made up awards, removing the swimsuit competition from Miss. America,  non-art, or the political co-opting of awards (such as the Oscars or anything ending with an "ammy") - all of these things are done so inferior people can avoid hard work, but still bask in the glow of "achievement" and "celebration."  Meanwhile, genuinely amazing humans of great accomplishment and achievement are overlooked for these politically connected, horrific inferiors.

Which brings us to Donald Trump.

Again, for the 38th time, I am no big fan of Donald Trump.  But I am a fan of the world having objective standards by which we measure and recognize excellence so that society may not only advance, but enjoy the accomplishments of truly amazing people (not "Oprah Amazing").  So it is with great curiosity I look forward to the 2018 Nobel Peace Prize.  For while there is a great many things to criticize Trump over, his ability to bring a prospective peace to North and South Korea is easily the pinnacle act to bring peace to this world in 2018.

I want to emphasize the conclusivity and concreteness of that statement..

It is a fact that Donald Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.  Nobody has done more to advance peace in 2018 than Donald Trump.  That's not an opinion, that's not my bias.  The man brokered the end of the Korean War and did more to bring the two countries together in the past 6 months than thousands did in the past 68 years.  Oh, and he may also have resulted in the freeing of the world's most oppressed people without firing a shot or costing one human life.  I'm sure there's a very nice lady teaching poor third world children how to read somewhere, but unequivocally Donald Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize.

But the point of this article is not about whether Trump deserves the prize.  That is fact.  That is truth to anybody who still is capable of independent thought.  The real point of this article is to highlight and preemptively expose the frauds in the Nobel Prize Committee who will continue on the leftist tradition of co-opting awards for political purposes and deny him the award.

This is not that brave or ballsy of a prediction.  The Nobel committee's track record already exposes their ulterior political motives.  Awarding Barack Obama the Nobel prize in 2009 for essentially "being Barack Obama" was perhaps the ultimate slap across humanity's face that woke people up to the worthlessness of the award.  But like newspaper articles, atrocious legislation, or shutting down lemonade stands, nobody investigates and profiles the people behind such acts, merely that the act happened.  And so I want to profile and expose the members of the Nobel Peace Prize committee so we can all understand who they are, how they simple political ideologues, and the LAST thing they care about is "peace."

Berit Reiss-Andersen - She is the chairman of the committee, lawyer, life-long government worker and politician, and a member of Norway's labor party.  She has never spent a second in the private sector working a real job, working with real people, yet politically espouses beliefs to help the common man like many limousine leftists do.

Henrik Syse - If you thought Ms. Reiss-Andersen was a privileged limousine leftist, allow me to introduce you to Henrik Syse.  Like Ms. Reiss-Andersen he too has never set foot in the real world suffering one second of actual physical toil or labor. A  lifelong academic he has never left academia since the Cold War where he currently is a "professor of peace."  Oh, incidentally he is Norway's Chief Nepotist as he is also the son of Jan Syse, Norway's former prime minister.

Thorbjorn Jagland - Ensuring there is no political diversity in the Nobel committee is another labor party member, Mr. Thorbjorn Jagland.  He stands out from other party members in that he worked extra hard at avoiding work, opting to go into politics at the age of 16.  There is literally nothing else of note about Mr. Jagland as he's done literally nothing else in his life.  He has arrogantly insisted (and Norwegians naively capitulated) to tell other people what to do since he was a child and has never gone through any galvanizing experiences that would have otherwise turned him into an adult.  My 13 year old cousin has more work experience baby sitting that this adult child.

Anne Enger - A bit harder to find a thorough biography on, Ms. Enger is AGAIN another career politician.  In office since 1985 (assuming my Norwegian was correct) she has wallowed in the halls of public sector privilege since the Cold War.  In all intellectual honesty she is NOT a member of the labor party, but instead was the one-time leader of Norway's Centrist Party.  Regardless, no mention of having any real or tangible employment was found in any of her biographies.

Alse Toje - Like Ms. Enger, Mr. Toje is also not a member of the labor party, but he has pretty much everything else in common with the rest of the Nobel Peace Prize committee.  In my 43 years of life I have worked as a landscaper, security guard, analyst, banker, dance instructor, author, laborer, radio show host, clerk, and window washer.  Mr. Toje at the same age has been a....


That's it.  That's all he's done.  He's cushily been parked in academia his entire adult life ne'er setting one foot in the world of real work.  His politics may not align with the rest of the committee, but his work ethic (or lack thereof) most certainly does.

You may certainly research these people in more detail, but the point is these are not real people who worked in the real world and actually care about world peace.  These are Norwegian bureaucrats who are deathly afraid of labor and toil, yet want to be popular on the international stage.  And since their primary motivation in participating in the Nobel Peace Prize is not peace, but self-servance I can guarantee you they will not award Donald Trump the Nobel "Peace Prize," but somebody else more politically aligned with them and popular amongst their academic, political, bureaucratic circles.

Alas, the Nobel Peace Prize will continue on being the joke that it's become.  The question is whether the rest of the world will be duped into believing it's anything but.
Tune into "The Older Brother Podcast"

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Sunday, July 01, 2018

Clarifying Military Benefits

A MARINE in the Field sent me this as a kindness to clarify the various benefits one can expect if you join the military.  There have been some changes, especially over the past couple years as it pertains to pension and the "blended retirement system."  Please book mark this or send it to someone you know who is debating about joining the military.

I don't care if you use my name or not, I figured I'd give you all of the information and material and you'd let me know how much, or just post it on your blog.  I'll provide links you can put in the video description, and you can reference the video/article whenever you recommend someone join the Military, which I think is a good idea so long it's done correctly and for the right reasons.

I wan an enlisted Marine that served active duty and used the GI Bill to get a degree, not learn a trade, so any information I provide should be reviewed in that light.  The Post 9/11 GI-Bill is a fantastic program which can serve as a real boost to your future, but it's not as simple as "the Government pays for your education".  First of all, it's prorated based on how many months you served on active duty:

The minimum length of an active duty contract for the Coast Guard, Air Force, and Marines is 4 years, while the Army and Navy offer two year contracts.  If you serve two years and get out, you will only be eligible for 80% of the GI Bill, and consequently ineligible for other benefits (more on that later).  If you're a reservist or a Guardsman, you don't get this benefit unless you're activated as active duty for at least 90 days, which isn't going to happen any time soon (knock on wood).

What Reservists get is Tuition Assistance (TA), which covers up to $250/credit at a maximum rate of $4,500/year.  Unless you're in the Navy or Marine Reserve, in which case you don't get anything:

Active duty service members also get TA, though I was rarely able to use it due the units I was in.  Other branches of service are more friendly to the idea, and every unit is different.

Reservists qualify for the Montgomery GI-Bill Selective Reserve (SR) if they sign onto the Reserves for a minimum six year stint:

If you attend school full time, you can get up to $375/month using this program.

With that in mind, I nearly always recommend that anyone wanting to enlist pays their dues up front and signs on for at least 4 years active duty.  As a rule of thumb, the more combat-oriented your job, the less bullshit you'll have to put up with.

That said, back to the Post 9/11 GI-Bill.  I will skip over the Active Duty Montgomery GI-Bill, because it was superseded by the Post 9/11 GI-Bill in 2008, which is almost always a better deal.  Assuming you did your 4 years and have 100% of the benefits, the Bill will pay all tuition and fees for an in-state student, and up to $22,805.34/year in tuition and fees for a private/foreign school:

As of 2015, all veterans are charged at in-state tuition rates in all 50 states:

That means that you can attend ANY public University in the US for free.  You will also be paid a monthly stipend rated off of the cost of living for an E5 (Sergeant in the Marines) with dependents based off of the zip code of your school:

This can range from around $1000-3000/month based on the area.  Too many guys try to game this system.  View this as aid to get your degree, which is where the real money is going to be made.  Don't select your school based on getting a few extra bucks a month.

Now, assuming that you want to attend a private University (which would usually be a horrible idea), and assuming that you have 100% eligibility, you are eligible for the Yellow Ribbon Program:

The Yellow Ribbon Program is an agreement individual Universities and Colleges enter into with the Government whereby the Government pays the maximum $22,805.34/year in tuition and fees for a private/foreign school, and the University pays a percentage of half of what remains and the Department of Veterans Administrations matches them.  For example, say a school costs $40,000/year.  The GI Bill pays the $22,805.34, and you're on the hook for the remaining $17,194.66.  The school agrees to pay 100% of half of that, so they pitch in $8,597.33, and the VA matches that, which means you don't pay anything.

The Yellow Ribbon Program is different for every school however, and what each school offers tells you something about how they view vets.  For example, Harvard University offers a max of $6,000.  They cost about $65,000/year, which would leave you on the hook for about $30,000/year.  Be sure to select schools based on their Yellow Ribbon contribution rate, and how many students they will provide it to.  The program is on a first-come-first-served basis, and some schools only allow for a handful of students to get the program each year.

Anyways, that's pretty much it.  You also get a $1,000/year book stipend in the Post 9/11 GI-Bill along with a host of little things, but those are the major things.  I like your recommendation that students go STEM, the trades, and/or the Military, and I hope this information will help some of them down the path to a less painful life.