Friday, September 25, 2020

This is NOT the Bursting of the Education Bubble We Need

2.5% is a slow deflation of it.  

Unfortunately, young people today have been so conditioned that college is not only necessary, but the only thing they have in life that a global pandemic that requires they stay home has still only taken enrollment down by 2.5%.

If you "conservative parents" had any balls, you would forbade your children from attending a physical college, let alone attending a liberal arts college period, which would deal the death knell blow you all so desperately want to deliver to the left.

But you won't because "nothing's too good for Daddy's Little Prince/ss."

This one simple thing you traditional parents could do, but you won't because in the end you're all a bunch of cucks.

Oh well.  I guess we'll have another generation of brain dead, NPC Millennials on our hands.


Unknown said...

I already told my kids that I'm not paying for their college, and I've gone over what degrees are worthless. Two are planning on going to the local technical college for certifications in information technology and another will be picking up welding. WINNING!

ProudDad said...

My conservative parent solution was "I'll pay for the first year. After that, it's on you. Choose wisely." One son declined, two sons dropped after freshman year and one son graduated with Honors (BA Anthropology, BS Accounting, MS Accounting) in 5 years with no debt.

One of the dropouts is enjoying the decline as a waiter at a high-end restaurant, and the other is a supervisor at an Amazon warehouse. Amazon does not require a useless degree for entry. Most of his management does not have one and worked their way up from the same job he started in.

The experiment was a success, and I was out less than half the cost of a Corvette.

JK Brown said...

It's an old problem. Status over benefit

"For example : The question being propounded, What is the value of the combined services to man of Mr. Gladstone and Mr. Disraeli, as compared with those of Sir Henry Bessemer? Ninety-nine out of a hundred men of sound judgment would doubtless say, " The value of the services of the two statesmen is quite unimportant, while the value of the services of Mr. Bessemer is enormous, incalculable." But how many of these ninety-nine men of sound judgment could resist the fascination of the applause accorded to the statesmen ? How many of them would have the moral courage to educate their sons for the career of Mr. Bessemer instead of for the career of Mr. Disraeli or of Mr. Gladstone?* Not many in the present state of public sentiment. It will be a great day for man, the day that ushers in the dawn of more sober views of life, the day that inaugurates the era of the mastership of things in the place of the mastership of words. "

—Charles H. Ham, Mind and Hand: manual training, the chief factor in education (1900)

We could really benefit from an revival of the Mind and Hand movement of the late 19th, early 20th century. The movement pushed holistic education of both theory but also the useful arts. MIT was founded on this principle.