This is an e-mail consultation I did for a client who wondered about the red pill/manosphere and grifting. I've obviously made my money selling various books, classes, and consulting services, but because of my economics background, I believe I have a more accurate and unique take.
Dear Client,
Finally got time to answer this.
Here's the underlying economics of what's happening with all these guys and classes and grifters etc.
The United State and west in general has failed to raise the past three
generations of men. If you think about that, that is a TON of time
parents did not invest in their children. We are talking multiple
trillions of human hours of training that should have
gone into these men, and it hasn't.
So this is a MASSIVE economic undertaking, not only in the programming
and reintroduction on an entire life philosophy for an entire sex, but
also we ourselves had to research, test, recompile, and reconstitute
this "data" or "information" or "philosophy."
Now, yes, modern day technology allows for the quick dissemination of
that information making it free, but we're still early on in the
relative compliation and reconstituting of this information. And so the
vast majority of the information out there IS available
for free, but it is not categorized or organized like a library would
have it. THAT is the current stage we're at now, essentially organizing
it into digestible bits that people can quickly reference.
So it's like walking into a library where the information you seek is in there, but, where it is is anybody's guess.
So the main service people are paying for in classes is for an expert in
their relative field to compile all that information into a condensed
form, be that a class or a book, etc.
So this is what you're seeing where people are all up in arms screaming "THIS IS FREE!!!!! IT'S ON THE INTERNET!!!!"
Yeah, but do you have the 40 hours to listen to all of Stephen
Molyneux's podcasts to get the 45 minutes where he talks about The Non
Aggression Principle? Or are you willing to spend $15 for a book or
even $100 for a teachable class to have it condensed and
conveniently presented for you?
And that's why I think people are offering these class AND people are
paying. It's more of a convenience of time saving issue. Say you're
some immigrant coming to America to study engineering and want to get
laid. You do not have the time to listen to all
of Rollo Tomassi's podcasts about American women. But you do have the
time to buy his book, take MLD's dating course, and Troy Francis' pick
up school. May set you back $1,000, but that's better than 3 months of
fulltime listening to get it all for free.
That being said I think as time goes on, the internet will naturally
organize these things into digestable, specific and FREE information
packets and you can already do that somewhat already. I KNOW nearly
every one of those guys are sick of talking about
the same damn thing (hit the gym, get a good degree, do the work, diet,
etc. etc.) and is why you see them branch out. BUt also in their
defense, they are BUSY trying to onboard all these young lost guys
because they just keep coming. We literally cannot
unplug these young men faster than the rate single moms are producing
them. And we only have so much time. So there IS a higher demand than
the supply of time we got and YEAH, we're charging for it.
So I think what a lot of young men in the red pill communtiy fail to see
this information for free. Which is great, but a lot of new people are
coming in, there's only so many of us, and
nobody is putting a gun to anybody's head to force them to take it, so
yeah, we're going to charge.
But overall, the much simpler explanation is it's a free market and
people are paying for it. "What price do you charge? - What the market
will bear." But also "more than what my next highest opportunity will
pay." And right now there is nearly infinite
demand for red pill truths from nearly ALL western men alive today who
have been fed nothing but feminist lies and marxist propaganda their
entire lives.
Think of nearly every penny, hour, and dollar that was invested in these
men over the past 50 years, and realize it's going to take an
equivalent amount of work, effort, resources, and time to undo all that
programming and give them an operating system that
funcitons in reality. It's a monumental amount of work and there is
obviously going to be money made in it.