But then my cunning, economic spidey senses eye caught something.
I have deleted the woman's face simply because she could be a model for all I know and she is not the point. But TRIPLE ECONOMIC BONUS POINTS to the astute junior, deputy or otherwise economist that points out what's wrong with this picture (aside from the obvious that so much attention should not be paid to children)
No wedding ring.
I first thought it was because the picture was flopped... But then there's the "tattoo" on the left arm that's not flipped. Hrm, no wedding ring... Hooray!
Though the "tattoo" could be photoshopped on, and the picture could be flipped, but she does have a ring on the right finger.
Although.. could the image be flipped and the "mother tatoo" be photoshopped on for easier photo manipulation on the page?
No mention of the dad anywhere in the process - it's all about mom and baby. Now who is most likely *paying* for all that crap?
No band on the hand.
Newborn babies do not need high chairs, toys, or car seats. Furthermore, mothers purchase things, not "baby and mom". The infant has no part in the process. That's something that always bothered me, actually. Babies don't go shopping, mothers go shopping. Men don't get pregnant either, so it's stupid to say that "we" are pregnant.
"The Ultimate Shopping Guide for Baby and Mom."
Babies can't shop.
The 'a' in 'all' is not capitalized? Her boobs aren't big enough for her to be as pregnate as she looks?
She's not wearing a wedding band on her left hand?
Is it the Mother tatto patch on the shoulder, or the wedding ring on the wrong hand?
Could it be the mother tatto on the shoulder of her top, or perhaps the wedding ring on the wrong hand?
Probably already answered (as moderation is enabled and there's probably a few correct answers in the Cappy's inbox), but...
She's wearing the ring on her right hand instead of left, meaning that she's either not married or she's not from North America/UK/Brazil, and likely from a non-English speaking dominated country.
Which makes the English-spelt "Mother" shirt-tattoo on her left arm a strange sight.
There's no mention of dads?
Wedding ring on the wrong hand?
I thought hard and realized, "I am not very good at this"
The heading says “The ultimate shopping guide for BABY and mom” - I will put a leash on the flying pig when my BABY starts shopping from the catalogue.
Top of her left sleeve says “Mother” - DUH! (Am I the only one seeing a similarity to a tattoo?)
“Create your PERFECT Nursery” - Obviously the cover designer don’t have in-laws
“The ultimate shopping guide for BABY and MOM” - anybody cares about the DAD’s anymore?. That’s right, it takes a village …
Okay, its my first time answering one of these . . . I'm gonna go out on a limb and say "Season's Cutest Maternity Clothes". Because, really, nothing says 'ask me out' like carrying around 8lbs of baby and an extra 40 lbs of water . . . .
Actually, I just thought of another answer . . . but I'll forego sending a second post. Thanks for a great blog, Cap'n!
No wedding ring?
By the way... "Picutre" in your title. ;)
Well, the whole thing is about paying attention only to mommy and using the child as nothing more than a lapdog (which, when the novelty wears off, quite frankly, is the actual root cause of post-partum depression), but if that doesn't count, I'll have to go with the tattoo on the outside of her sweater.
What's wrong with the picture is what's wrong with much of society these days: No wedding ring!
Umm... that the title implies people are shopping for pregnancies instead of being for pregnant shoppers?
Uh... there's no "we're pregnant" propaganda?
No reference at all to what used to be the other half of the equation, wherein 1+1=3.
Well, I first noticed that she doesn't have a wedding ring on her left hand. However, pregnant women often cannot wear their rings during pregnancy due to swollen fingers, so it isn't a sure bet that she isn't married.
She isn't wearing a wedding ring.
Of course, pregnant women sometimes find their fingers too swollen to fit their ring on, so it may be nothing.
No wedding band on the left hand (but there's a ring on the right hand)?
An unwed mother?!!!
I'm not sure if that's what you're looking for, but it's what I noticed (I work in the wedding industry).
I see a wedding ring on her right hand...
I have no idea. Somebody say something! I'm dyin' here!
They're charging the consumer for what is essentially advertising?
What I'd like to know is how they can afford to give away thousands of these magazines (with their whopping 189 products, woo hoo) with apparently no target audience. What kind of profit margin do they have on these products?!?
(I also have to say that "baby" doesn't need an "ultimate shopping guide," as "baby" is unlikely to have money or credit to purchase any of these items, nor the awareness or will to do so...but that's just clumsy wording...)
Hmmm, no wedding ring ?
Sheesh! 33 comments!
Well thank you are for participating, but the correct answer is;
"No wedding ring."
Yes, that correct answer again being
"No wedding ring."
However, as duly pointed out by several of our junior, deputy economist of the female persuasion if you are pregnant your ring doesn't fit anymore.
This is something I did not know, but it is another lesson we all learned here on Cappy Cap!
Well, I'm not so sure what the mag cover's error is, but I do know that a guy who says he finds it hard to find a good girl isn't cutting himself any slack by proclaiming his dislike for children.
IMO: the girls worth having also come with a tendancy to love children, including an overwealming desire to have their own.
i have had 3, so i have a bit of expertise here.
First: No dad? Dad's wouldn't read this garbage in the first place, so why include them?
Second: Swollen Fingers? Either both extremities are swollen or neither. Ring on the left. "Not Married".
Love it Capt'n!
Anon- An awesome and simply astute observation. I stand corrected.
Gatmando - Agreed, but I don't want children and frankly wouldn't consider marrying a woman that did. So I have no inhibitions about airing my "Anti-Kids, Pro-Boat, Pro-Wealth, Pro-Sleeping In Late, Pro-Spoil My Wife Rotten" policy.
Yes, that bit about swollen fingers is correct. I still remember the romantic evening when I had to hack off my dear wife's (at the time carrying our third bright hope for tommorrow's social security beneficiary) wedding ring with a pair of chain link fence cutters as her finger was turning blue... But the lady in this picture as I mentioned before doesn't look as swollen as she should in her fingers and other places. I doubt if she's actually pregnate. Anyway.
A lot of Europeans actually wear their wedding band on the right hand.
At the bottom you can read: "Real Moms..." is there another kind? Unreal Moms perhaps?. I must say that I'm not a native english speaker. And in my country not all married woman use a wedding ring.
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