They actually believe in magic dirt.
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Episode #243 of The Clarey Podcast
"How to tell a story"
Cappy accidentally attends a "Mega church"
Cappy flirts with religion.
in this short episode of The Clarey Podcast!
Direct MP3 link here.
RSS feed here.
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
The Morality of Selling Lies to Sheep
Was on Kerry Lutz's show today about the morality of selling lies to those who punish you if you tell them the truth.
Monday, February 26, 2018
Amy Klobuchar - Professional Luddite
I find this funny coming from a woman who never worked an honest day's work in her life.
Remember, this is coming from a senator from the state where we're re-naming lakes from white males who were slave owners to Indian American names because we simply hate ourselves.
Remember, this is coming from a senator from the state where we're re-naming lakes from white males who were slave owners to Indian American names because we simply hate ourselves.
Friday, February 23, 2018
Thursday, February 22, 2018
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Paying for Your Kids' College Will Destroy Your Retirement
The new trend of galactically stupid parents crippling their retirement for their kids' worthless degrees is getting mightily tiring. I try in this video to spread a warning to the mindless sheep who think they can save up $500,000 in 5 years so they can retire at 65, but would appreciate you sharing it with AARP forums and any baby boomers stupid enough to finance their kids' educations.
Worthless can be found here.
Poor Richards Retirement can be found here.
And you can pay for a swift kick in the ass you desperately need here.
Worthless can be found here.
Poor Richards Retirement can be found here.
And you can pay for a swift kick in the ass you desperately need here.
Why You Never Invest in California
You don't own your company, assets, or property, even if you bought them with your own hard-earned money.
The government does and it will tell you what to do with it.
Like not kicking out a deadbeat when he doesn't pay rent, and giving him a year's worth of free lodging.
Oh well, you California kids enjoy the decline!
The government does and it will tell you what to do with it.
Like not kicking out a deadbeat when he doesn't pay rent, and giving him a year's worth of free lodging.
Oh well, you California kids enjoy the decline!
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
Episode #241 of The Clarey Podcast
Soy Boys of the Right.
Boys can't throw Grenades.
Academia and Portland. Havens for Lefties.
Potheads Running the Pot Industry.
Jean Claude Von Johnson.
In THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!
Direct MP3 link here.
Direct RSS feed here.
Review of Poor Richard's Retirement
Adam Piggott provides a kind review of "Poor Richard's Retirement."
Remember, the book is simply for people who haven't saved up enough for retirement. If that's you then I recommend purchasing the book here.
Remember, the book is simply for people who haven't saved up enough for retirement. If that's you then I recommend purchasing the book here.
The Father WAS Available for Comment
Well you don't see that everyday!
And look! A present father prevented a shooting. Like to see a government check do that!
And look! A present father prevented a shooting. Like to see a government check do that!
Monday, February 19, 2018
The Days We Didn't Always Obsess About Race
Allow me to tell you about the 80's.
It was a magical time. It was a wonderful time. And perhaps it seemed so wonderful if you were unfortunate enough to have lived through the 70's. But whether you had that comparison or not, it really didn't matter. The economy was booming, we had a president you knew loved Americans and had their best interests at heart. The world's largest evil (Soviet communism) was reforming itself out of necessity as it was failing. And though it is certainly up for debate, Americans got a hair cut, disco died, the hippies went away, architecture and fashion returned to something more normal, and society (be it buildings or people) got a lot prettier to look at. It was perhaps what people felt like in the 50's even though I wasn't there to remember it.
But then I was tuning into the Bechtloff podcast last night and he made an observation about the 90's that I also had about the 80's.
You could go an entire day, week, even month not thinking about race or sex.
Certainly you would see minorities out in public.
Women, no matter where you were, were there.
And the likes of Michael Jackson, Mr. T, and Junkyard Dog were childhood superheroes whose skin color certainly was there, but never registered beyond "Ain't Michael Jackson a slightly paler shade than the last time we saw him?"
But you never thought about race, sex, racism or sexism. You just thought about your day.
Then the 90's came in.
The reason Chris Bechtloff remembers a childlike "non-race-obsessed 90's" is because the left had just started rolling out their racial-divide-and-conquer strategy in colleges and universities. They euphemistically called it "diversity" but it was so annoying, so forced, and so obvious what they were doing, smarter people just ignored it, dismissing it as another leftist attempt to whine, complain and demand more of other people's money. But whereas I thought most people could see through this charlatainism, most did not. And soon diversity was no longer a mindless chant leftist life-long college students would mindlessly recite, but it crept its way into freshmen orientation, mandatory pre-req classes, missions statements at the universities, and made the jump to government, the private sector and media.
Now, it is cacophony that's all over the place. And now, you have a full generation of young people who have grown up not knowing what it was like not to worry about diversity, race, or sexism every day, because it wasn't forced fed down your throats.
So let me tell you young boys and girls;
Yes, there was a time you could play with your buddy "Luther" and not think about his race, but simply if he wanted to play baseball or go collect cans.
You could watch a movie like Blade and not have Hollywood or the media masturbate themselves into a frenzy over it being the first real black superhero movie.
You could wake up and be pretty sure most Americans preferred to protect their borders, and not be guilt tripped into feeling bad because you decided you wanted to live in a 1st world nation.
You were simply allowed to be mentally and psychologically free of this hatred, division, and synthesized guilt the American left has burdened everybody's minds with today because deep down inside you weren't racist or sexist. You just didn't think that much about race and cared more about who they were than what they looked like.
Unfortunately now the entire country is mentally obsessed with race, sex, and now 38 flavors of sexual preference. You will never know what it was like to just wake up and not worry about these things, go to school and never have your teacher nag you about diversity and acceptance, or be forced to sit in diversity or tolerance classes. You will never know what it was like not to have everybody hawking over your social media posts to ensure you said the right things your indoctrinators told you. You will never know what it's like to go and watch a movie without that leftist-mind-worm gnawing at your brain, forcing you to view the movie in terms of how many minority characters there are, and not in fact enjoying the movie.
It was a great time. And I wish you were there to enjoy it. But sadly, you missed out on it. But then again, most of you didn't even know what life was like pre-diversity-divide-and-conquer so perhaps this is just "the new normal."
Check out my other sites below:
Asshole Consulting
YouTube Channel
Books by Aaron
Amazon Affiliate
It was a magical time. It was a wonderful time. And perhaps it seemed so wonderful if you were unfortunate enough to have lived through the 70's. But whether you had that comparison or not, it really didn't matter. The economy was booming, we had a president you knew loved Americans and had their best interests at heart. The world's largest evil (Soviet communism) was reforming itself out of necessity as it was failing. And though it is certainly up for debate, Americans got a hair cut, disco died, the hippies went away, architecture and fashion returned to something more normal, and society (be it buildings or people) got a lot prettier to look at. It was perhaps what people felt like in the 50's even though I wasn't there to remember it.
But then I was tuning into the Bechtloff podcast last night and he made an observation about the 90's that I also had about the 80's.
You could go an entire day, week, even month not thinking about race or sex.
Certainly you would see minorities out in public.
Women, no matter where you were, were there.
And the likes of Michael Jackson, Mr. T, and Junkyard Dog were childhood superheroes whose skin color certainly was there, but never registered beyond "Ain't Michael Jackson a slightly paler shade than the last time we saw him?"
But you never thought about race, sex, racism or sexism. You just thought about your day.
Then the 90's came in.
The reason Chris Bechtloff remembers a childlike "non-race-obsessed 90's" is because the left had just started rolling out their racial-divide-and-conquer strategy in colleges and universities. They euphemistically called it "diversity" but it was so annoying, so forced, and so obvious what they were doing, smarter people just ignored it, dismissing it as another leftist attempt to whine, complain and demand more of other people's money. But whereas I thought most people could see through this charlatainism, most did not. And soon diversity was no longer a mindless chant leftist life-long college students would mindlessly recite, but it crept its way into freshmen orientation, mandatory pre-req classes, missions statements at the universities, and made the jump to government, the private sector and media.
Now, it is cacophony that's all over the place. And now, you have a full generation of young people who have grown up not knowing what it was like not to worry about diversity, race, or sexism every day, because it wasn't forced fed down your throats.
So let me tell you young boys and girls;
Yes, there was a time you could play with your buddy "Luther" and not think about his race, but simply if he wanted to play baseball or go collect cans.
You could watch a movie like Blade and not have Hollywood or the media masturbate themselves into a frenzy over it being the first real black superhero movie.
You could wake up and be pretty sure most Americans preferred to protect their borders, and not be guilt tripped into feeling bad because you decided you wanted to live in a 1st world nation.
You were simply allowed to be mentally and psychologically free of this hatred, division, and synthesized guilt the American left has burdened everybody's minds with today because deep down inside you weren't racist or sexist. You just didn't think that much about race and cared more about who they were than what they looked like.
Unfortunately now the entire country is mentally obsessed with race, sex, and now 38 flavors of sexual preference. You will never know what it was like to just wake up and not worry about these things, go to school and never have your teacher nag you about diversity and acceptance, or be forced to sit in diversity or tolerance classes. You will never know what it was like not to have everybody hawking over your social media posts to ensure you said the right things your indoctrinators told you. You will never know what it's like to go and watch a movie without that leftist-mind-worm gnawing at your brain, forcing you to view the movie in terms of how many minority characters there are, and not in fact enjoying the movie.
It was a great time. And I wish you were there to enjoy it. But sadly, you missed out on it. But then again, most of you didn't even know what life was like pre-diversity-divide-and-conquer so perhaps this is just "the new normal."
Check out my other sites below:
Asshole Consulting
YouTube Channel
Books by Aaron
Amazon Affiliate
Friday, February 16, 2018
The Greasy Pole
If you are looking for another podcast that is strictly within the domain of men and masculinity may I recommend the virgin episode of "The Greasy Pole" hosted by none other than Adam Piggott and The Great One. It was their first go at it and it was entertaining as always, especially when Adam talked about splitting the urinal cake in half.
Men will love it.
Soy boys will hate it.
So what more convincing do you need to tune in?
Men will love it.
Soy boys will hate it.
So what more convincing do you need to tune in?
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Alex is Always Hiring
From Alex over at Academic Composition.
Thank you for your continued support.
Our business continues to expand and we're now in the position to
offer more work. Most of our clients will be entering the mid-term
juncture of their semester very soon. Hence, the demand for our services
will be increasing exponentially.
Accordingly, we are on the lookout for marketers and writers.
If you're interested in writing, please provide us with three samples of your academic work.
If you are looking to advertise, the matter is much simpler.
1. Create a new email address with gmail
2. Set up the forwarding feature to make sure all incoming emails come to me
3. Send a test email to yourself to make sure the forwarding works
4. Use the new address to create a CL account
Once you are done, contact us at and we'll walk you through the rest of the procedure.
On average, our marketing associates spend
about 30 minutes a week on these tasks and given how busy the Fall
semester is, many earn over a $100. Not a bad bargain considering that
these tasks require very little effort.
Thanks again and we look forward to working with you,
Academic Composition management,
When Your Daughter Majors in the Liberal Arts
Masters degree
Facing evication
Can't pay bills
Resorts to prostitution
Is so thoroughly indoctrinated she needs to force "black feminist theory" upon her clients.
Remember, government checks can replace fathers. But not very well.
Facing evication
Can't pay bills
Resorts to prostitution
Is so thoroughly indoctrinated she needs to force "black feminist theory" upon her clients.
Remember, government checks can replace fathers. But not very well.
Some Serious Wisdom Here
The logic of this judge makes me slightly hopeful for the future and that freedoms are being protected.
Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Episode #240 of The Clarey Podcast - Craft Beer Bubble Popping Episode
The hipster craft brew pub bubble finally pops.
The news is bad for you. So give it up.
A post-op transexual writes Cappy to explain why he regrets it.
In THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!
Direct MP3 link here.
RSS feed here.
The news is bad for you. So give it up.
A post-op transexual writes Cappy to explain why he regrets it.
In THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!
Direct MP3 link here.
RSS feed here.
The Best Investment in 2018? Paying Off Your Debts
I'm not going to beat the dead horse of comparing the S&P 500's pathetic dividend yield of 1.7% or the below-inflation rates of interest you can get in savings accounts to the 4-25% rate of return you can get by paying off your debts.
I'm simply going to point out the bullshittery that happens in America's blessed "stock market" that you sheep all invest in because you're stupid and never question why you save for retirement.
I'm simply going to point out the bullshittery that happens in America's blessed "stock market" that you sheep all invest in because you're stupid and never question why you save for retirement.
Guilty Until Proven Innocent
Much as I dislike Keillor, the accusations are still "alleged." The real story is actually NOT whether Garrison Keillor engaged in a fireable offense, but that the entire government and university industries will fire you/disavow you if you're merely accused.
Oh well, enjoy the decline.
Oh well, enjoy the decline.
The Father Could Not Be Reached for Comment
But the mom's boyfriend who raped and impregnated all of her daughters was.
But don't worry. Government checks are a perfect substitute for fathers. And she totally loves her babies so it's all good. You just go about your business and enjoy the decline.
But don't worry. Government checks are a perfect substitute for fathers. And she totally loves her babies so it's all good. You just go about your business and enjoy the decline.
Monday, February 12, 2018
Feminism is Ruining Women's Finances
Strippers and Security Guards
Allow the Captain to tell you the tale of two people. The first one being the loveable Captain himself and the other a stripper he had come across in conversation.
From 1993 to 1997 there was a good chance you could find the Captain in uniform, at night, patrolling the U of MN campus into the wee hours of the early morning. He was doing this to scratch out what little living he could in order to pay for food, clothing, shelter, insurance, gas, tuition and ALL other living expenses, all of which on a starting wage of $6.90 per hour ($11.70 in today's money). If he was lucky he would be able to time it where he could get 40 hours in before a holiday like Thanksgiving or Christmas would start, which would allow him to compound overtime work on top of holiday pay, earning him 2.25 times his normal wage. This would allow him to earn at most during his security career $20.95 per hour (a very handsome wage indeed for the time) and was instrumental in him graduating from college without a penny in college debt.
Of course, there were some drawbacks to this.
First, the Ole Captain had to work LOOONG hours, often packing in 40 hours in two days, so he (and other security guards) could avail themselves of holidays that would start just two mere days into the work week. There were uncountable number of dog/graveyard shifts which wreaked havoc on his (and others) health, both physical and mental. And the cold. I cannot even begin to explain the pain of the cold. Minnesota winters were long, brutal, and lacking sun, with night time temperatures regularly dropping below -10 and windchills over the Mississippi river bridge dropping below -40. Oh, and by the way whinny Millennials, this was all while attending school full time. The experience was so brutal, miserable, and galvanizing, the Captain has no pity for any non-handicapped poor person and to this day refuses to donate to any charity.
The second story is one of a stripper-come-lawyer. Cappy ran into this girl at a party during his twenties. He was not so much impressed with her pretty physique as he was the story as to how she paid for 7 years of post-high school education. In short, it was simple. The girl would go to college during the day time, study in the afternoon, and head to the strip club at night where she would proceed to make about $50 per hour shaking her booty in front of horny, desperate men. This translates into $85.00 per hour in 2018 money, roughly $160,000 in an annual salary if you were to work full time. Of course, with school the young lady wasn't able to work full time, but in the three hours she'd strip each night, she made more than what Cappy did, also graduating from GRAD SCHOOL debt free.
Of course, there are also some drawbacks to this route of financing college.
The girl had to endure 7 years of lewd, hollering men. Showing your privates daily while prostrating yourself to the public, must take a mental toll. I'm sure many men made passes at her. And if you are unaware of stripper culture, she had to constantly avoid offers for drugs, prostitution, booze, and partying. But all these things considered, it was only 3 hours a day, it was in a climate controlled room, and she was not sleep deprived in the end. And all these drawbacks considered, she made over 7 times what Cappy did per hour for roughly equally skilled work. I never knew what happened to her after that, but I do know I would have gladly traded places.
The Horrible, Mean, Evil, Reality of Economics
Lamenting the past aside, there is an important and vital economics lesson here for everyone to learn. And while the lesson may be politically incorrect and not what the vast majority of women, leftists, and politically correct people want to hear, it doesn't make it any less true. This is a fact and the sooner people realize it and base their actions in it, the more effective our life decisions will be and the more success we will have in life.
The number one commodity in the world is not:
It is female beauty.
And the reason it is the most valuable commodity in the world is because:
1. HALF the population wants it
2. To such a fervent extent they will do practically anything for it, including, but not limited to:
Building civilization
Declaring war
Going to war
Committing crime
Creating and innovating...well...everything
Mastering science
Enslaving themselves to a corporate career
Endebting themselves to go to college
Buying McMansions they don't need
Borrowing money to afford you a Range Rover
Throwing money at this commodity just to look at it
Even trying to play god to synthesize this commodity
Never has one half of the population held such sway and power over the other half, nor had such an advantage.
You would think with such an edge, such an advantage, women would avail themselves of this power and use it to enrich and advance themselves...and for the most part they have historically. Women would use their beauty to attract the most powerful and richest mate, ensuring their off spring would not only be protected, but cared for. The stripper-turned-lawyer I knew certainly wielded this advantage to extract $50 an hour worth of wealth out of men (while the Ole Captain pulled-teeth to negotiate a $6.90/hour out of the U of MN Police Department). And for the most part after a man died, the women would inherent what remainder of wealth he had to see her through old age. The system worked, it was perfected and honed over 2 million years of human evolution, the way, the entirety of civilization and all the wonders of modern day technology was created in the process.
This didn't mean women could just show up and lollygag through life if they were pretty (although, that does happen too). There was child-birthing, child rearing, home keeping, and not being allowed to participate in the management, construction, and advancement of society/the economy. But when it came to physical exertion, toil, not to mention early death women, to this day, come nowhere near to the calories of energy men have expended. They still do have the easier "physical" life, even though historically this meant giving up suffrage and playing a first officer to a spousal captain.
Let's Ruin a Good Thing
Whether you agreed with how society evolved and the traditional role that resulted for women, you would think that going forward you would like to keep the advantages of the past, and combine them with new advantages in the future. And, to be perfectly honest, women will never "get rid" of the advantage they have over men in terms of them owning and controlling the world's most sought after commodity because it's inherently programmed into our genetics.
But if there's way to ruin a good time.
If there's a way to piss in the punch bowl.
If there's a way to give up an incomparable, nearly unlimited-power-advantage
feminists will find a way to do it.
This at first may seem ironic and contradictory. Feminists and "feminism," presumably, even with its Latin base wording, would imply it is for the benefit of women. And perhaps at some point in time it was. But if you look at its historical track record, especially the past 50 years, and you look at its consequences, feminism has ironically hurt women much more than helped.
First, there is the ultimate thing that matters - happiness. Women are not getting happier, no matter what advances and successes feminism has claimed. They make more money, they have more education, they have careers, they're having it all, but ironically once they got what feminism promised, they're not happier. I would claim it's because you're going against 2 million years of human evolution and programming and maybe your kids would like to see you (instead of the day care/nanny you outsourced them to). I would also make the PAINFULLY obvious claim that working and commuting sucks. But this simple logic is not enough to dislodge the thoroughly entrenched brainwashing women have received since they were 5 about the importance of a career and feminism.
Second, feminists offer HORRIBLE financial advice. The wage gap could be closed tomorrow if women simply majored in STEM and not the worthless liberal arts they are conditioned to. Instead, if you look at ardent and professional feminists, the vast majority of them themselves major in subjects that can only be considered fake (Women's Studies, Gender Studies, Sociology, etc.), while standard ranked and file women who claim to be feminists major in fields that just don't pay. At best women enter "HR"or some kind of business discipline where they have a 1/1,000,000 to become a Cheryl Sandberg, while at worst (and more likely) you're working as a barista or adjunct professor with your "Masters in Art History," forever impoverished by the student loans professional feminists told you you should incur. And so instead of becoming engineers, doctors, programmers, and mechanics, most feminist women today ironically make peanuts compared to men and non-feminist counterparts (some, sadly and ironically resorting to prostitution).
Third, wasted lives. If you combine misery with poverty and add time, you get wasted lives. And this is perhaps the worst way feminism hasserved failed women. It may feel good at 20 to believe you're oppressed and there's this sisterhood or philosophy that approaches a religion that gives you immediately agency, purpose, and even a feel of supremacy, but if that philosophy is a religion and NOT based in reality, it dooms its adherents to waste their lives. Thus the unlimited number of 50, 60, even 70 something feminists facing their horrific mortality today. They're alone, they have cats and pets as a surrogate family, no children, no real career, and unlike their traditional and oft-mocked 1950's housewife who received her passed-away husband's pension, they have $120,000 in student loans for their "Masters in Health Administration" degree and it is all because they swallowed whole what feminism told them. The rest of their (very short) lives will be alone, poor, and miserable, largely thanks to feminism.
I could go on, but the point is feminism has a horrible track record when it comes to benefiting women and making them happy. Worse, if you truly follow it and look at 60's feminists as the empirical consequences of it, this is a not a path you want to go down.
But why does "feminism"- something presumably intended and designed to help women - fail so miserably? Why do feminists, who no doubt ARE for women, end up worse off on average than non-feminists?
And the answer to that lies in the Grid-Girl news story.
Crabs in a Bucket
If you didn't know, the Grid Girls news story is simply that they're all getting fired. Historically "grid girls" were the cheerleaders of the Formula One racing circuit and have been there since wheels have been on cars. But the powers that be decided this was degrading to women and got rid of this long standing tradition, firing them all in the process.
There were howls and hoots coming from fans, normal people, and men who just like female beauty, but perhaps the loudest howls were coming from the grid girls themselves who not only found themselves out of a job, but (rightly) wondered how feminism getting a whole profession of women fired was "benefiting women." And while these poor girls (not to mention some intellectually honest feminists) were dazed how feminism could deliver such a traitorous blow, those of us who are wiser, smarter, and more cynical roll our eyes as it highlights, exposes, and belies arguably the darkest truth about feminism we've all know for quite some time.
Feminism is not for all women.
It's for lazy, envious, jealous and petty women.
And this is where we must revisit female beauty.
Beauty Takes Work. HARD WORK
To be beautiful takes work. To be handsome takes work. Matter of fact anything of value, worth, or excellence takes work. But the problem is work sucks. Toil sucks. It's painful to work out, it's painful to focus and exert yourself. And if you look at the vast majority of feminists (and certainly women's studies professors) they are ugly. This does not mean they are genetically ugly, born with ugly features and an ugly face. The truth is very few people are genuinely "ugly," it's just they don't put forth the work effort required to make themselves beautiful/handsome. Ergo, being ugly is not so much a function of bad genetics or bad luck, but laziness and choice. And if you look at feminism it is chock full of laziness and lazy choices.
First, there is obesity and the painfully obvious fact feminists don't hit the gym. It's so bad they even created the mental acrobatics of "body shaming" and "fat pride" to convince themselves that "big is beautiful." All so they can avoid the pain of dieting and the gym.
Second, their choice of majors and careers. Yes, there are some honest feminists who are doctors, surgeons, cops, programmers, CEO's, and mechanics. They work hard and put forth the effort. But for every one of them, there is at least a score of women's studies majors, English majors, Sociology majors, and whatever potpourri of worthless, math-and-rigor-avoidance degrees out there. These girls (and some boys) do not choose these careers or professions for anything as noble as the equality of women, but because they are first and foremost easy degrees with easy (though low paying) make work government jobs attached to them. Again, they are lazy, not noble.
This then leads into the third bit of proof that it is laziness, not nobleness that drives feminists - constant and never-ending victimhood. Instead of working harder or choosing more-in-demand professions, feminists expend more energy whining and complaining about sexism and misogyny than they would three life times at a gym. They demand quotas, preferential treatment by government and employers, more money for education, and more government checks and programs to make up for the "sexism" that will seemingly never go away. They could at anytime move out to the Bakken oil field and work an oil rig. They could at anytime join the military, enter ROTC and becoming officers in the military. They could at anytime major in computer engineering and start making $65,000 a year, but they don't. And the reason they don't is it's easier to sit in an air-conditioned office in academia, bitch about non-existent sexism, and demand taxpayer funded government grants to explain why bitcoin is sexist. Again, it is laziness that defines feminism today, not an egalitarian pursuit of the equal treatment of women.
But for this cushy (though mentally delusion and damaging) lazy life, there is a price to pay. And it is the ULTIMATE price. Yes, you may get the taxpayer or students to create you an entirely worthless, pointless make work governmentjob career. Yes, you won't have to do a day's honest work of real toil or labor, stuffing your face with carbs and you get some token amount of placating by Target the "big is beautiful." And yes, you can tell yourself the most fantastic of lies that "you're proud to be a slut" and you are somehow a real, responsible, grown up adult. But because all of this delusion was derived from laziness, you will be condemned to be...
overweight, and
and therefore you will give up your single largest advantage you have over men, not to mention your single largest economic and financial advantage - female beauty.
The Choice is NOT Yours
If feminism was relegated to this - a group of lazy women who just plain didn't want to work hard - the largest price to society would be some increased taxation, some annoyance listening to their constant complaining, some fake-rape accusations on college campuses, and the ruination of the nuclear family. However, what the elimination of the grid girls' career shows us is that some feminists are not simply happy commiserating amongst themselves. For not only are they lazy, deep down inside their ideology is so sad and pathetic, they are also jealous. It's not enough that they don't make as much money as other people, a lot of feminists can't stand people being better than them in ANY regard or capacity. Beauty, physique, talent, artistic ability, creativity, intelligence, work ethic, morality, or any other skill, talent, or quality that brings beauty and all that is good the world. And whereas you'd like to think that something on the face of it that is noble as feminism, backed up with decades worth of research and presumably terabytes of academic and philosophical work, in the end it's just rank laziness combined with jealousy.
Unfortunately, this is antithetical to women's best interests because it directly threatens their single biggest financial advantage - their physical beauty. You may not like this fact, you may not like that men will forever be more impressed with your breasts than your brains, but if you didn't notice by now this post and this site does not care about what you'd "like" as much as "what is." And if women truly wanted what was best for them, and if feminists truly wanted what was best for women, everybody would be intellectually honest and courageous enough to admit this fact - most women will make the most money and accumulate the most wealth via their physical beauty than most any other means.
This doesn't mean you shouldn't major in engineering. This doesn't mean you shouldn't have a career. By all means I champion and encourage women to go into STEM, develop their brains, and make the most money as possible. But this does mean to realize and acknowledge this great power and advantage you have and to simply use it to your advantage. It is also to highlight and expose a huge threat that faces women, one the demise of the grid girls shows you. Most feminists today do not have women's best interests at heart. And this is proven by how they jealously begrudge and often times aim to eliminate the financial advantage beauty confers upon beautiful women.
It's very simple. Stay beautiful and stay smart. But stay wary of the promises feminism.
Aaron Clarey is a mean guy who says hurtful mean things, even if it improves your life dramatically. Check out his other mean sites below!
Asshole Consulting
YouTube Channel
Books by Aaron
Amazon Affiliate
Allow the Captain to tell you the tale of two people. The first one being the loveable Captain himself and the other a stripper he had come across in conversation.
From 1993 to 1997 there was a good chance you could find the Captain in uniform, at night, patrolling the U of MN campus into the wee hours of the early morning. He was doing this to scratch out what little living he could in order to pay for food, clothing, shelter, insurance, gas, tuition and ALL other living expenses, all of which on a starting wage of $6.90 per hour ($11.70 in today's money). If he was lucky he would be able to time it where he could get 40 hours in before a holiday like Thanksgiving or Christmas would start, which would allow him to compound overtime work on top of holiday pay, earning him 2.25 times his normal wage. This would allow him to earn at most during his security career $20.95 per hour (a very handsome wage indeed for the time) and was instrumental in him graduating from college without a penny in college debt.
Of course, there were some drawbacks to this.
First, the Ole Captain had to work LOOONG hours, often packing in 40 hours in two days, so he (and other security guards) could avail themselves of holidays that would start just two mere days into the work week. There were uncountable number of dog/graveyard shifts which wreaked havoc on his (and others) health, both physical and mental. And the cold. I cannot even begin to explain the pain of the cold. Minnesota winters were long, brutal, and lacking sun, with night time temperatures regularly dropping below -10 and windchills over the Mississippi river bridge dropping below -40. Oh, and by the way whinny Millennials, this was all while attending school full time. The experience was so brutal, miserable, and galvanizing, the Captain has no pity for any non-handicapped poor person and to this day refuses to donate to any charity.
The second story is one of a stripper-come-lawyer. Cappy ran into this girl at a party during his twenties. He was not so much impressed with her pretty physique as he was the story as to how she paid for 7 years of post-high school education. In short, it was simple. The girl would go to college during the day time, study in the afternoon, and head to the strip club at night where she would proceed to make about $50 per hour shaking her booty in front of horny, desperate men. This translates into $85.00 per hour in 2018 money, roughly $160,000 in an annual salary if you were to work full time. Of course, with school the young lady wasn't able to work full time, but in the three hours she'd strip each night, she made more than what Cappy did, also graduating from GRAD SCHOOL debt free.
Of course, there are also some drawbacks to this route of financing college.
The girl had to endure 7 years of lewd, hollering men. Showing your privates daily while prostrating yourself to the public, must take a mental toll. I'm sure many men made passes at her. And if you are unaware of stripper culture, she had to constantly avoid offers for drugs, prostitution, booze, and partying. But all these things considered, it was only 3 hours a day, it was in a climate controlled room, and she was not sleep deprived in the end. And all these drawbacks considered, she made over 7 times what Cappy did per hour for roughly equally skilled work. I never knew what happened to her after that, but I do know I would have gladly traded places.
The Horrible, Mean, Evil, Reality of Economics
Lamenting the past aside, there is an important and vital economics lesson here for everyone to learn. And while the lesson may be politically incorrect and not what the vast majority of women, leftists, and politically correct people want to hear, it doesn't make it any less true. This is a fact and the sooner people realize it and base their actions in it, the more effective our life decisions will be and the more success we will have in life.
The number one commodity in the world is not:
It is female beauty.
And the reason it is the most valuable commodity in the world is because:
1. HALF the population wants it
2. To such a fervent extent they will do practically anything for it, including, but not limited to:
Building civilization
Declaring war
Going to war
Committing crime
Creating and innovating...well...everything
Mastering science
Enslaving themselves to a corporate career
Endebting themselves to go to college
Buying McMansions they don't need
Borrowing money to afford you a Range Rover
Throwing money at this commodity just to look at it
Even trying to play god to synthesize this commodity
Never has one half of the population held such sway and power over the other half, nor had such an advantage.
You would think with such an edge, such an advantage, women would avail themselves of this power and use it to enrich and advance themselves...and for the most part they have historically. Women would use their beauty to attract the most powerful and richest mate, ensuring their off spring would not only be protected, but cared for. The stripper-turned-lawyer I knew certainly wielded this advantage to extract $50 an hour worth of wealth out of men (while the Ole Captain pulled-teeth to negotiate a $6.90/hour out of the U of MN Police Department). And for the most part after a man died, the women would inherent what remainder of wealth he had to see her through old age. The system worked, it was perfected and honed over 2 million years of human evolution, the way, the entirety of civilization and all the wonders of modern day technology was created in the process.
This didn't mean women could just show up and lollygag through life if they were pretty (although, that does happen too). There was child-birthing, child rearing, home keeping, and not being allowed to participate in the management, construction, and advancement of society/the economy. But when it came to physical exertion, toil, not to mention early death women, to this day, come nowhere near to the calories of energy men have expended. They still do have the easier "physical" life, even though historically this meant giving up suffrage and playing a first officer to a spousal captain.
Let's Ruin a Good Thing
Whether you agreed with how society evolved and the traditional role that resulted for women, you would think that going forward you would like to keep the advantages of the past, and combine them with new advantages in the future. And, to be perfectly honest, women will never "get rid" of the advantage they have over men in terms of them owning and controlling the world's most sought after commodity because it's inherently programmed into our genetics.
But if there's way to ruin a good time.
If there's a way to piss in the punch bowl.
If there's a way to give up an incomparable, nearly unlimited-power-advantage
feminists will find a way to do it.
This at first may seem ironic and contradictory. Feminists and "feminism," presumably, even with its Latin base wording, would imply it is for the benefit of women. And perhaps at some point in time it was. But if you look at its historical track record, especially the past 50 years, and you look at its consequences, feminism has ironically hurt women much more than helped.
First, there is the ultimate thing that matters - happiness. Women are not getting happier, no matter what advances and successes feminism has claimed. They make more money, they have more education, they have careers, they're having it all, but ironically once they got what feminism promised, they're not happier. I would claim it's because you're going against 2 million years of human evolution and programming and maybe your kids would like to see you (instead of the day care/nanny you outsourced them to). I would also make the PAINFULLY obvious claim that working and commuting sucks. But this simple logic is not enough to dislodge the thoroughly entrenched brainwashing women have received since they were 5 about the importance of a career and feminism.
Second, feminists offer HORRIBLE financial advice. The wage gap could be closed tomorrow if women simply majored in STEM and not the worthless liberal arts they are conditioned to. Instead, if you look at ardent and professional feminists, the vast majority of them themselves major in subjects that can only be considered fake (Women's Studies, Gender Studies, Sociology, etc.), while standard ranked and file women who claim to be feminists major in fields that just don't pay. At best women enter "HR"or some kind of business discipline where they have a 1/1,000,000 to become a Cheryl Sandberg, while at worst (and more likely) you're working as a barista or adjunct professor with your "Masters in Art History," forever impoverished by the student loans professional feminists told you you should incur. And so instead of becoming engineers, doctors, programmers, and mechanics, most feminist women today ironically make peanuts compared to men and non-feminist counterparts (some, sadly and ironically resorting to prostitution).
Third, wasted lives. If you combine misery with poverty and add time, you get wasted lives. And this is perhaps the worst way feminism has
I could go on, but the point is feminism has a horrible track record when it comes to benefiting women and making them happy. Worse, if you truly follow it and look at 60's feminists as the empirical consequences of it, this is a not a path you want to go down.
But why does "feminism"- something presumably intended and designed to help women - fail so miserably? Why do feminists, who no doubt ARE for women, end up worse off on average than non-feminists?
And the answer to that lies in the Grid-Girl news story.
Crabs in a Bucket
If you didn't know, the Grid Girls news story is simply that they're all getting fired. Historically "grid girls" were the cheerleaders of the Formula One racing circuit and have been there since wheels have been on cars. But the powers that be decided this was degrading to women and got rid of this long standing tradition, firing them all in the process.
There were howls and hoots coming from fans, normal people, and men who just like female beauty, but perhaps the loudest howls were coming from the grid girls themselves who not only found themselves out of a job, but (rightly) wondered how feminism getting a whole profession of women fired was "benefiting women." And while these poor girls (not to mention some intellectually honest feminists) were dazed how feminism could deliver such a traitorous blow, those of us who are wiser, smarter, and more cynical roll our eyes as it highlights, exposes, and belies arguably the darkest truth about feminism we've all know for quite some time.
Feminism is not for all women.
It's for lazy, envious, jealous and petty women.
And this is where we must revisit female beauty.
Beauty Takes Work. HARD WORK
To be beautiful takes work. To be handsome takes work. Matter of fact anything of value, worth, or excellence takes work. But the problem is work sucks. Toil sucks. It's painful to work out, it's painful to focus and exert yourself. And if you look at the vast majority of feminists (and certainly women's studies professors) they are ugly. This does not mean they are genetically ugly, born with ugly features and an ugly face. The truth is very few people are genuinely "ugly," it's just they don't put forth the work effort required to make themselves beautiful/handsome. Ergo, being ugly is not so much a function of bad genetics or bad luck, but laziness and choice. And if you look at feminism it is chock full of laziness and lazy choices.
First, there is obesity and the painfully obvious fact feminists don't hit the gym. It's so bad they even created the mental acrobatics of "body shaming" and "fat pride" to convince themselves that "big is beautiful." All so they can avoid the pain of dieting and the gym.
Second, their choice of majors and careers. Yes, there are some honest feminists who are doctors, surgeons, cops, programmers, CEO's, and mechanics. They work hard and put forth the effort. But for every one of them, there is at least a score of women's studies majors, English majors, Sociology majors, and whatever potpourri of worthless, math-and-rigor-avoidance degrees out there. These girls (and some boys) do not choose these careers or professions for anything as noble as the equality of women, but because they are first and foremost easy degrees with easy (though low paying) make work government jobs attached to them. Again, they are lazy, not noble.
This then leads into the third bit of proof that it is laziness, not nobleness that drives feminists - constant and never-ending victimhood. Instead of working harder or choosing more-in-demand professions, feminists expend more energy whining and complaining about sexism and misogyny than they would three life times at a gym. They demand quotas, preferential treatment by government and employers, more money for education, and more government checks and programs to make up for the "sexism" that will seemingly never go away. They could at anytime move out to the Bakken oil field and work an oil rig. They could at anytime join the military, enter ROTC and becoming officers in the military. They could at anytime major in computer engineering and start making $65,000 a year, but they don't. And the reason they don't is it's easier to sit in an air-conditioned office in academia, bitch about non-existent sexism, and demand taxpayer funded government grants to explain why bitcoin is sexist. Again, it is laziness that defines feminism today, not an egalitarian pursuit of the equal treatment of women.
But for this cushy (though mentally delusion and damaging) lazy life, there is a price to pay. And it is the ULTIMATE price. Yes, you may get the taxpayer or students to create you an entirely worthless, pointless make work government
overweight, and
and therefore you will give up your single largest advantage you have over men, not to mention your single largest economic and financial advantage - female beauty.
The Choice is NOT Yours
If feminism was relegated to this - a group of lazy women who just plain didn't want to work hard - the largest price to society would be some increased taxation, some annoyance listening to their constant complaining, some fake-rape accusations on college campuses, and the ruination of the nuclear family. However, what the elimination of the grid girls' career shows us is that some feminists are not simply happy commiserating amongst themselves. For not only are they lazy, deep down inside their ideology is so sad and pathetic, they are also jealous. It's not enough that they don't make as much money as other people, a lot of feminists can't stand people being better than them in ANY regard or capacity. Beauty, physique, talent, artistic ability, creativity, intelligence, work ethic, morality, or any other skill, talent, or quality that brings beauty and all that is good the world. And whereas you'd like to think that something on the face of it that is noble as feminism, backed up with decades worth of research and presumably terabytes of academic and philosophical work, in the end it's just rank laziness combined with jealousy.
Unfortunately, this is antithetical to women's best interests because it directly threatens their single biggest financial advantage - their physical beauty. You may not like this fact, you may not like that men will forever be more impressed with your breasts than your brains, but if you didn't notice by now this post and this site does not care about what you'd "like" as much as "what is." And if women truly wanted what was best for them, and if feminists truly wanted what was best for women, everybody would be intellectually honest and courageous enough to admit this fact - most women will make the most money and accumulate the most wealth via their physical beauty than most any other means.
This doesn't mean you shouldn't major in engineering. This doesn't mean you shouldn't have a career. By all means I champion and encourage women to go into STEM, develop their brains, and make the most money as possible. But this does mean to realize and acknowledge this great power and advantage you have and to simply use it to your advantage. It is also to highlight and expose a huge threat that faces women, one the demise of the grid girls shows you. Most feminists today do not have women's best interests at heart. And this is proven by how they jealously begrudge and often times aim to eliminate the financial advantage beauty confers upon beautiful women.
It's very simple. Stay beautiful and stay smart. But stay wary of the promises feminism.
Aaron Clarey is a mean guy who says hurtful mean things, even if it improves your life dramatically. Check out his other mean sites below!
Asshole Consulting
YouTube Channel
Books by Aaron
Amazon Affiliate
There is No Journalism Anymore
Just lazy, spoiled American kids (and adults) from the suburbs who couldn't resist their K-College brainwashing, and thought they knew how the world should work at the age of 17 and by god, they're going to tell you how to lead your lives until you're all dead.
Sunday, February 11, 2018
Friday, February 09, 2018
Podcast Episode #239 of the Clarey Podcast - Mayer Ted Wheeler Special!
Future SJW minority nurses killing white people in the nursing home.
LGBT....LISDFUSOIFUSDOFIDSFS insanity and it's time to laugh at them.
Portland's Mayor may have climbed Mt. Everest but he don't economics.
In THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!
LGBT....LISDFUSOIFUSDOFIDSFS insanity and it's time to laugh at them.
Portland's Mayor may have climbed Mt. Everest but he don't economics.
In THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!
Artificial Alphas
A good interview with Oshay Jackson about the posers on the internet who claim to know more than you:
Thursday, February 08, 2018
For the D&D/Geek Agents in the Field
This won't be for everybody, but for those of you who played D&D back in the day (or even today) you may like the podcast I sat in on a podcast called "Legends of Table Top" where we discussed all things geekery about RPG's, Battletech, Shadow Run, Atari video games, and general tom foolery. It was actually a very interesting conversation especially if you happen to be 30+ and played back in the day.
Book Reports on "Worthless"
I'm offering free copies of Worthless to any high school students who have to do a book report AND HAVE TO PRESENT IT TO THE CLASS as part of their book report assignment. All I ask in return (in addition to the young reader not majoring in a stupid subject) is that they have a friend of theirs film the presentation and allow me to put it up on YouTube.
E-mail the ole Captain at CAPTcapitalism ***at*** the yahoos if you want a copy and send me proof you actually have a kid or you yourself are a student who has a book report due. Of if you're feeling particularly charitable you can buy a copy here.
E-mail the ole Captain at CAPTcapitalism ***at*** the yahoos if you want a copy and send me proof you actually have a kid or you yourself are a student who has a book report due. Of if you're feeling particularly charitable you can buy a copy here.
Wednesday, February 07, 2018
The Father Could Not Be Reached for Comment
But remember, a life time supply of government checks is a perfect, if not superior, substitute to having a father around.
Tuesday, February 06, 2018
Curse Free Episode #31 of The Clarey Podcast - Justin Trudeau is a Pussy Special
Maintaining your Pride.
Spinsters' failures in frozen eggs.
Californian professors are poor and deserve to be.
Justin Trudeau is the world's biggest pussy. Seriously.
in THIS EPISODE of The Clarey Podcast!
Direct MP3 link here.
RSS feed here.
Monday, February 05, 2018
You WANT the Stock Market to Crash!!!
I've been yelling this from the mountain tops for years. Maybe, just maybe the American Sheeple will listen this time....ehhh...probably not.
Why Does the Stock Market Always Magically Go Up?
An interesting observation.
If stocks were priced correctly from the get go during their IPO, there should be no profit left over for secondary investors - i.e. - sheeple throwing their money into 401k's and IRA's.
But when you factor in exterior forces such as tripling the money supply, artificially low interest rates, an entire industry contingent on churning investments, and sheep flooding the market because "I sure hope dem der stocks go up in value," you get an anomaly of a forever increasing stock market.
But don't let me be the party pooper to you guys forever making magical money by not working or expending labor.
If stocks were priced correctly from the get go during their IPO, there should be no profit left over for secondary investors - i.e. - sheeple throwing their money into 401k's and IRA's.
But when you factor in exterior forces such as tripling the money supply, artificially low interest rates, an entire industry contingent on churning investments, and sheep flooding the market because "I sure hope dem der stocks go up in value," you get an anomaly of a forever increasing stock market.
But don't let me be the party pooper to you guys forever making magical money by not working or expending labor.
Sunday, February 04, 2018
Why are Sports Fans Such Idiots?
I've explained it before, but it bares worth repeating again. For even though the Philadelphia Eagles have won the Super Cup, their fans have still decided to riot in the streets of Philadelphia. So pour yourself a drink, light up a cigar, and get in a comfy chair as the Ole Captain explains to you the phenomena (and idiocy) of sports fans.
First, realize that if you are reading this blog you are smarter than the average bear. This is not an opinion. This is not speculation. And this is not me trying to butter you up. If you're reading a blog about economics, finance, philosophy, cryptocurrency, and western civilization on purpose, then you are not a dummy. You are not stupid. You very likely have an IQ above 115. In short you are smarter than 80% of the population, the dumber half of which is so dumb and so far removed from you intellectually you simply cannot relate to them or understand them.
Second, most of my readers here have lives. You have a STEM degree. A profession. Perhaps you have a family that is still nuclear and intact. You do not have half-siblings or step-parents. And when you have free time you spend it with family and friends, or perhaps on hobbies that are of intellectual interest. You might play in a band. You might like to read. Some of you hunt, fish or hike. Others rebuild classic cars or restore houses. The point is if you have some down time, you typically dedicate that time towards some kind of constructive and rewarding activity that either improves you as an individual or brings you closer to family, friends, and loved ones.
Third, you have hustle. You don't sit on your ass all day. You probably have some kind of regimen or work out schedule. You watch what you eat and at least make attempts to eat healthy. And that says nothing about the efforts you put towards your education, career, entrepreneurial endeavors, or hobbies. Yes, you might take a rest. Yes, you might get hammered over a weekend. But the lions share of your time is not idle be you at work or at play, as you are always aiming to improve your life.
Finally, you think. You have independent thought. You probably are suspicious of religion. You don't believe what your teachers, professors, and now media personalities tell you about politics and the world. You know enough not to watch filth like "The View" or reality TV or day time TV. And you know a fancy sports car, a McMansion, or brand name clothes will NOT bring you success or happiness. You get sick watching daytime TV and don't bother watching the "Grammys" or the "Oscars" because your life is just too short to be wasted on such pointless, meaningless things.
Now take those four things;
Purpose/a life
Work ethic
Independent thought
and take their COMPLETE OPPOSITE
and that my friends is your average sports fan.
A person who is;
Stupid (or horrifically conformistly average)
Has no point or purpose in life
Is lazy
And is easily susceptible, if not perfectly susceptible to indoctrination, brainwashing, and conditioning.
Now, even though it's impossible for people with an IQ of 115 or above to understand what it's like to be one of these people, just try. Put yourself in their shoes.
You're not smart enough to have a profession or a career that is going to amount to much. Worse, you're not smart enough to avoid life-crippling mistakes that will essentially enslave you to people smarter than you. So as you flail about in community college, culinary school, or cosmetology class, you make sure to get pregnant or your girlfriend pregnant, while incurring $50,000 in student loans. Of course, you're not independent minded enough to resist the marketing and brainwashing thrown at you by corporations and marketeers. So you borrow even more money to buy cars, trucks, clothes, and trips you can't afford. Making this situation not worse, but now IMPOSSIBLE, you're lazy. You don't want to work hard to pay off those debts. You don't want to work hard to become an accountant, a carpenter or an engineer. And you certainly don't want to hit the gym and the treadmill that might actually make you an athlete or physically appealing.
And so what's the ultimate end result?
You are forever stuck in life being a loser with no point or purpose in life and nothing to look forward to. You are forever financially crippled because you didn't use a condom or get an abortion. And you are forever in debt because you're too damn lazy to work a second job or get an education that would make the first one suffice. Oh, and by the way, you're overweight and ugly, which doesn't prevent you from achieving excellence in life, but it just adds insult to an already injured life.
There's just one problem - you're not going to die tomorrow.
If you were to die tomorrow, this misery would end. The bill collectors calling. Explaining to employers why there's three bankruptcies on your credit report. Getting pissed off because your co-worker got a $1.25 per hour raise and you only got a $1.00 raise. Not having enough to retire before you're 70. Choosing between food or a Ram truck payment. Oh and those student loans you got for that strip mall cosmetology school. ALL of it would "poof" just go away. But unfortunately you're going to live to at least 60 and you need to have something to give your otherwise meaningless life some meaning.
But what can lazy, dumb, conformist people do to give themselves a point and purpose in life?
Well the key problem is with the word "do." That requires hard work, toil, thought, of which the majority of American sports fans are either incapable of doing or consciously choose not to do. So what we need is an effortless way to give these otherwise worthless people some kind of worth in their lives. Something that they can take pride in, even though they themselves would not expend a single calorie of energy achieving some sort of accomplishment. And whereas religion used to fit this role nicely, going to church requires you wake up early on Sunday and go someplace you really don't want to go.
So, the solution?
Whether it's football, baseball, basketball, or hockey, "sportsball" is incredibly attractive to the millions of lazy, unintelligent, conformist, pointless people that account for at least half of Americans today. Their lives are helplessly destroyed beyond repair. They either lack the intelligence or work ethic or both to get out of it. But if you can get them to live vicariously through the achievements and accomplishments of others, they will gladly fork over a significant portion of their garnished paycheck for tickets, jerseys, training camps, cable packages, light beers and wings! You can even get the taxpayers to WILLINGLY subsidize these various sportsball franchises to the tune of billions of dollars a year. All a sportsball franchise has to do is set up shop in a large town, speak about hometown pride and how much they like "City X," sponsor some kiddie programs, get the local news to run some horrific "sports news shows," give away some shirts and some banners, and the agencyless sheep will line up from a 300 mile radius to give you their time, money, and tears.
But to truly understand why sports fans are such idiots, particularly when they are violent or ecstatic when "their" team wins or loses, it's key to realize what is truly driving their irrational emotion, be it anger or happiness. It's because they have absolutely nothing else going on in their lives. They have NOTHING of value in their lives. Their lives are so void of meaning and purpose they fill this hole with the athletic performance of other people who have nothing to do with them and don't even know these people exist. You may not comprehend why a guy cries when the Chicago Cubs win a world series, but that is his second coming of Jesus. You may not understand why a guy screams at a television (often times destroying it) because his team didn't toss the sphere into the ring, but that is his entire life. You cannot view sports fans from the perspective of reason and rationality. You must view them from the perspective of the absolute lack of anything of value going on in their lives. And if you do you see why their otherwise sad, pathetic, and irrational behavior makes sense.
I'd like to say the day is coming that these people will slowly wake up and realize that every sports game ever played has had absolutely no effect on the real world, let alone their lives. That it doesn't matter if the Bulls beat the Golden Knights in extra innings or not, because your life does not change come the morn. That sports is supposed to be for fun and entertainment, as well as the admiration of athleticism. Unfortunately, there are so many sad, pathetic losers out there that sports is all they have. And if they didn't have that, their minds would not be distracted and they would have to fully face the utter nothingness that is their lives.
So let them have their games. Let them have their ESPN. And let them have their Sports Center. And if you ever find yourself annoyed with sports fans, just be thankful you actually have a life that is so good you couldn't care less about sports.
Check out Aaron's other hate-filled sites below including his PODCAST, BOOKS, and Patreon account.
Asshole Consulting
YouTube Channel
Books by Aaron
Amazon Affiliate
If Ayn Rand Enjoyed the Decline
A very kind and humbling review of "Enjoy the Decline" at XYZed.
David delves into the world of whether or not democracy is worth saving if it leads to socialism and tyranny. He argues that it vindicates violence if necessary because socialism inevitably leads to tyranny, if not, slavery of the producers by the parasites.
I, thankfully and cowardly, don't concern myself with the future of society or civilization and take a much darker approach of just not caring what happens to humanity after I die. Matter of fact, the more I run into people (of all political stripes) the more disdain and disrespect I have for them, to the point I'm almost happy they're rushing forward off the cliff like the lemmings they are. If I had kids, this would be different, but society scorched it very clearly and very early in my mind that this was no place for children, especially ones you love. It's not worth trying to save and it's certainly not worth your finite time and life on this planet trying to stop people who hate you and are trying to live off of you.
I encourage young women and girls to pursue feminism.
I encourage soy boys to major in the liberal arts and be "sensitive."
I encourage smarter-than-thou teenagers and 20 somethings to believe they're one of the 38 flavors of gender.
I encourage welfare recipients to have as many kids as they can't afford.
I encourage minorities and women to get enraged and obsessed about division politics.
I encourage career obsessed women to get masters degrees and outsource their kids to daycare.
There is no worse punishment in life than being a leftist and worshiping it as a religion.
All I ask of the dwindling few of you who actually are self-supporting, independent, freedom loving NON-leftist Americans is to enjoy the decline.
David delves into the world of whether or not democracy is worth saving if it leads to socialism and tyranny. He argues that it vindicates violence if necessary because socialism inevitably leads to tyranny, if not, slavery of the producers by the parasites.
I, thankfully and cowardly, don't concern myself with the future of society or civilization and take a much darker approach of just not caring what happens to humanity after I die. Matter of fact, the more I run into people (of all political stripes) the more disdain and disrespect I have for them, to the point I'm almost happy they're rushing forward off the cliff like the lemmings they are. If I had kids, this would be different, but society scorched it very clearly and very early in my mind that this was no place for children, especially ones you love. It's not worth trying to save and it's certainly not worth your finite time and life on this planet trying to stop people who hate you and are trying to live off of you.
I encourage young women and girls to pursue feminism.
I encourage soy boys to major in the liberal arts and be "sensitive."
I encourage smarter-than-thou teenagers and 20 somethings to believe they're one of the 38 flavors of gender.
I encourage welfare recipients to have as many kids as they can't afford.
I encourage minorities and women to get enraged and obsessed about division politics.
I encourage career obsessed women to get masters degrees and outsource their kids to daycare.
There is no worse punishment in life than being a leftist and worshiping it as a religion.
All I ask of the dwindling few of you who actually are self-supporting, independent, freedom loving NON-leftist Americans is to enjoy the decline.
A King's Castle
New sponsor of the Clarey Online Media Empire. "A King's Castle."
From the owner:
From the owner:
"A King's Castle is a place for men who
want to leave a legacy and advance Western civilization.With
daily articles by various authors, lively commentors who have both
serious discussion and fun loving jokes, a forum for more serious
discussions, and even the occasional lulzy troll, you will want to make A King's Castle a daily visit or add it to your RSS feed.
you are a father, someone who wants to become one, or just a masculine
man looking for more than just banging women, A King's Castle is the
next step in manosphere sites that will encourage you to become a man
with a long-term purpose.
Stop by today!"
Friday, February 02, 2018
Never Send Your Kids to Edina Public Schools
Looks like white guilt has taken over, and by "taken over" I mean, substituted learning valuable skills with how to hate whitey.
The Amazon Economics of the Brave Browser
Originally this video was a request from Asshole Consulting, but the more I researched Brave and it's underlying crypto-currency, "BAT's," it actually is an incredibly interesting feat of technology and economics. And given Brendan Eich's (the founder) firing from Mozilla for daring to make a political donation to a non-leftist cause, you may want to consider using the Brave browser henceforth.
Thursday, February 01, 2018
Episode #238 of The Clarey Podcast!
Cappy luxuriates in Arizona's wonderful weather and hiking.
Fan mail.
Disney cheats on Marvel.
Historical Black Colleges...not really helping blacks.
More hating on teachers.
and MORE in this episode of The Clarey Podcast!
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Cappy's Phoenix Adventure
Some pics from my hikes and gallavanting around Phoenix. Back at the southern command and posts will be "sorta" back to normal.
You are Responsible for Your Father's Sins and Debts
Well, at least according to marxists and SJW's anyway.
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