Now I'm no big fan of children, but if you really want a child and REALLY want to LOVE a child, instead of having an accessory to go with the SUV and the drapes, maybe make sure s/he has BOTH a father and a mother. Heck, I've even go so far as to say having two parents, gay or straight, would be better than one.
I will not tolerate any criticism on this issue. Unlike most people on the left, I actually do give a damn about the children and don't just use them as a hostage to negotiate more money;

Source: OECD
Right on, Captain. I'm willing to go even further on behalf of the kids. Divorce is child abuse. Daycare is child abuse. Nothing a little ritalin can't clear up though,
Teenagers in Mexico are nailing anyone in sight like an out of control nailgun, apparently.
I'd say that having kids and then getting divorced is about as bad as having kids out of wedlock. There are a ton of social issues that are aggravated by this.
Humanity is always and everywhere exactly one generation away from absolute barbarism. Only the civilizing influence of adults keeps children from growing up into absolute savages. Having only one parent to do the job makes the process a whole hell of a lot harder.
Sorry for the double post, but don't you think that this might be part of why Christians aren't supposed to have sex before they're married? Just something to consider.
Normally, I am pretty liberal when it comes to human behavior. Gay marriage, why not? If I can get to enjoy a divorce, why shouldn't gays? Abortion, death penalty, piercings, foul language, whatever. The human race has never failed to disappoint me, and I am not expecting that to change any time soon.
But, I am in full agreement with you on this one. If you "love" someone enough to produce another human being, why is committing to that person, on paper with witnesses so difficult?
My sister had a baby with her "committed" boyfriend. Within a year, they were in court arguing about custody, and child care. Then this little girl got used as a weapon against each other.
Here is the process that should be followed before you have any kind of sex without double or triple protection.
Find out whether you are financially compatible.
Find out whether you agree with how a child should be raised. (big stuff, religion, education, etc... not toys and fashion)
Find out what would happen to the child in the event your relationship fails. (And, the answer of it will never fail is not good enough)
Octo mom and her ilk are a drain on society.
What are the units on this table? I'm left wondering if this is births per 1000 people, or percentage of all births?
And what says that a piece of paper will make any couple last longer than without? Nowadays people marry and split up dayily, as do couples. At the same time there exist a lot of cuples who aren't married that stick together as long as any married couple.
"And what says that a piece of paper will make any couple last longer than without?"
It's not the piece of paper, it's the greater commitment that typically comes with it. It's also worth noting that those religious groups that emphasize getting married before sex also emphasize that marriage is a somewhat bigger commitment than just picking up a room-mate.
I couldn't agree more.
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